Treating Caroline to a Meal

Robert was packing his things. He knew he couldn't stay in this company any longer. He had been fired.

Thomson and Caroline also left the company.

Caroline asked, "Are you free, Thomson? It's almost noon, why don't we go for lunch?"

Thomson knew his chance had come. She was taking the initiative to ask him out. "Sure," he replied. "Let's go, Caroline."

Caroline walked beside Thomson. The two of them chatted as they walked. They hit it off very well and had a lot of topics to talk about.

She liked to talk about literature, various works, and interesting things about celebrities.

Thomson happened to know a little about these things, so he kept conversing with Caroline.

The two of them walked to a pedestrian street. There were many restaurants here, and they didn't know what to eat for a while.

Caroline asked, "Thomson, do you have anything you like to eat? It's my treat today. This is the first time I'm seeing you outside of the livestream, I'm especially happy."

Thomson looked around. This was considered a middle to high-end pedestrian street. In the past, he would have been reluctant to eat here.

But things were different now. He had made quite a lot of money on his livestream, and this was his first time out with Caroline. It was a rare opportunity.

He had to build a good impression of himself in front of her. When the time was right, he would be conquering this woman.

Thomson looked around and saw a good steak place.

He said, "Caroline, let's have steak for lunch. Thank you for always supporting me in my livestream, it's my treat today."

"No, Tom, we agreed I'd treat you. How can I let you treat me? You even lost your job today."

"Caroline, don't say that. You just helped me get my revenge. Do you know how much I detest Robert? To show my gratitude, I have to treat you to this meal."

"All right, Tom. I won't stand on ceremony then."

The two of them walked into the western restaurant and found a seat by the window.

Thomson pulled out a chair for Caroline and motioned for her to sit down first.

Caroline pulled on her dress and took her seat first.

After Thomson arranged for her to sit down, he sat down opposite her.

The waiter brought the menu over and asked them for their order.

Thomson took a look at the menu, he did not expect the food here to be so expensive. An ordinary set meal cost US$50, while a better set meal cost US$80.

This meal would cost him a lot of money. However, since he said that it was his treat, he had to do so.

Thomson ordered an US$80 set meal and asked Caroline what she wanted.

Caroline ordered the same set meal as Thomson.

She wanted to know more about this man. Not just his interests, she also wanted to know about his diet, lifestyle, and other aspects of his life.

The design of the male lead in her next book had to be done according to Thomson's appearance and personality. Hence, she had to know everything about him.

The waiter took their orders on a device and asked,

"Sir and Miss, how would you like your steak to be done?"

Thomson said nothing. He looked towards Caroline. His meaning was clear, ladies first.

Caroline didn't say anything either, she asked, "How well do you like your steak, Thomson?"

"Hmm, medium well."<

"All right, I'll have it medium well too."

After noting down their requests, the waiter went to send in their order.

The two of them started eating the steak set meal.

For Caroline, today was a really great day . Thomson was like her idol. It was wonderful to be able to eat with her idol.

The two of them finished their meal. It was still early, so they decided to go shopping.

As Thomson chatted with Caroline, he reached out and grabbed her hand.

She did not object. They naturally held hands and walked side by side.

Thomson saw a claw machine shop and asked, "Caroline, have you ever tried a claw machine before?"

Caroline loved dolls, but she'd never caught one in a place like this, because no one had accompanied her out here.

She spent most of her time reading, studying, and writing at home.

When she was free, she would watch livestream. It was also by chance that she happened to see Thomson on one occasion.

He saw that such a handsome face like his was actually punching sandbags on a livestream. In her impression, boxing was something that muscular men did.

However, Thomson wasn't such a muscular man. She was very curious and stayed in the livestream. She didn't expect to be attracted by Thomson's good looks.

Caroline looked at the claw machine. In her heart, anything was fun as long as she could be with Thomson.

"Tom, I've never done this before. Why don't we try it? I think this one is pretty fun."

Caroline held Thomson's hand and led the way. She saw a variety of toys in the claw machine, and she liked them all.

She saw that there was an automatic token-selling spot nearby. She took out her phone, scanned, bought 20 tokens, and put them in a small bag. Then, she started choosing the claw machine.

She saw many toys that she wanted so she started to put in the tokens to claw them.

Each time, she failed right when she was about to grab the toy. She had spent 17 tokens but didn't even get one toy.

Caroline pouted angrily and said, "Gosh, it looks so simple. Why is it so hard to claw one?"

"This machine must be a scam. There's no way to get the toy."

Thomson knew that clawing a doll wasn't that simple. Otherwise, all the toys would have been taken long ago.

He said, "Clawing toys requires skill. It's easy if you learn it and difficult if you don't."

"Then I want this rabbit. Will you help me get it?" Caroline said as she handed the last three tokens to Thomson.

Thomson took the tokens and asked Caroline which color she liked.

Caroline pointed to a purple rabbit.

Thomson dropped the token in and began moving the rod to choose the toy.

When he was close to the toy, he shook the control stick from left to right and the hook started swinging from side to side as well. He waited for an opportunity and then pressed down on the grab button.

The claw accurately grasped the toy's stress point and slowly lifted it. Then, the rod returned to its original position, and the toy slowly approached the hole. Finally, the toy dropped into the hole and fell out.

Caroline looked on in surprise. She hadn't expected there to be so many little tricks to clawing toys.

She squatted down, took out the toy, and held it happily in her hands.

"You're the best, Thomson. You know everything. I also want one of those! The two of them make a pair," Caroline said happily.

Thomson gave Caroline the remaining two tokens and told her the method.

Caroline followed Thomson's instructions and began to work. She almost managed to catch it the first time, but it unfortunately dropped at a spot not far from the opening.

For the second time Caroline threw in another token and went on. She soon caught the toy. With this method, it would be much easier to claw toys in the future.