Thomson Catches the Attention of the Livestream Officials

Caroline didn't expect the claw machine to be so fun. It could also be said that everything is fun when you are with the person you like.

Holding the two rabbits, she walked down the street with Thomson. No matter how far they walked, she did not feel tired. She felt that everything in the world was so wonderful.

Caroline suddenly received a phone call. It was from her best friend who had to speak to her. Although she felt really reluctant, she knew she had to leave.

She looked at Thomson and said, "Tom, I'm really happy today, but I'm leaving soon. Let's hang out again next time. I like the time spent with you."

With a smile on his face, Thomson looked at Caroline and said, "Who would refuse such a beautiful girl?"

"Tom, you're so sweet. You must have had many girlfriends before. This is the first time I'm out with a guy."

"I've met a lot of people, but some people are only born to be passersby in your world. It wasn't until I met you that I realized what a refuge is."

"Tom, you're so mushy. A little girl wouldn't be able to stand your words. You're too good at talking."

"Do you know you're beautiful, Caroline? Ever since I saw you, there was no longer room in my eyes for anyone else."

"Alright, stop praising me."

Caroline had never been praised like that by a man before. She admitted she had developed feelings, but she would never be taken down so easily by Thomson.

She knew that men often abandoned things that were easily obtainable very quickly. She had to observe Thomson more closely. If this man was good enough, she would fall madly in love with him until she lost her mind.

In her book, there were many passionate love stories, but she had never experienced them before. She wanted to experience them, and only after experiencing them would she know.

Thomson walked with Caroline all the way and dropped her off near her house.

Caroline said goodbye to Thomson and turned to head back to her neighborhood.

At that moment, Thomson called out to Caroline.

Caroline turned back. She could feel his face coming closer, as he leaned in and bent down. His breath was warm against her face.

She closed her eyes unconsciously and felt two thin lips pressing on her forehead. Then, the pair of lips slowly moved down and touched her own lips.

At that moment, Caroline was a little flustered. She closed her eyes tightly, not daring to open them at all as she felt the exquisite touch on her lips.

Thomson knew that if Caroline didn't resist, then he could move deeper. His tongue was already moving into Caroline's mouth.

Her cheeks were already flushed. It was also her first time kissing someone. She was a little stunned and hugged Thomson tightly.

Thomson's arms tightened around Caroline too, holding her really tight as his tongue ravaged her mouth.

She didn't resist. Instead, she matched Thomson's rhythm. Two tongues constantly slid against one another, savoring this wonderful moment.

The sudden kiss caught her off guard like a thunderstorm. A richness rose between the strokes of the tangled tongues. Her mind went blank, and she simply closed her eyes in obedience, as if everything was right.

She forgot to think, nor did she want to think. She just instinctively wanted to wrap her arms around him, tighter and tighter. Their bodies pressed together, unwilling to part.

Ten minutes later, Thomson let go of Caroline.

He saw that her face had turned red. From her reaction, he knew that this was definitely her first time.

Caroline loosened her arms too. Her eyes were a little glazed, from the initial discomfort to the later enjoyment.

She knew that her heart was slowly being stolen by Thomson, and that earlier feeling kept replaying in her mind.

She said, "Thomson, you're so annoying. It's only our first time meeting and you've already…"

"Caroline, do you know that you can't help being overcome by your feelings for some things? You're so beautiful, so beautiful that I can't control myself."

"Tom… I'll go back first."

Caroline didn't dare look Thomson in the eye again. She knew something was going to happen if she kept looking. This man was so good-looking that she'd be charmed if she looked at him more.

Thomson watched Caroline leave. He was in a very good mood. He knew this woman would never be able to escape.

He returned home alone.

At night, Thomson adjusted his equipment.

His livestream went on as usual. The moment the livestream was turned on, a large number of fans flooded into the livestream.

1,000 people.

3,000 people.

8,000 people.

20,000 people.

In less than ten minutes, the number of viewers had already reached 20,000. It had only been a short while since the livestream started, but so many people had already surged in.

His livestream became more and more popular. The number of favorites for his livestream had reached 100,000.

What was 100,000 favorites like? He was already considered a pretty good small streamer. Thomson's contract with the platform was merely the most basic one for newbies.

This kind of contract didn't include any page recommendations or platform operations. Most of the time, they relied on themselves.

Thomson didn't expect himself to be so famous. He had reached 100,000 favorites and 40,000 fans in his livestream.

As usual, he set up the camera and prepared to do his daily boxing routine.

He definitely could not let this matter of boxing go to waste. He felt that his fists were getting stronger and stronger, and the delivery of his punches was also getting increasingly better.

At the same time, he knew that his strength was extremely great. It was no longer as simple as being able to break through the sandbag. If he continues training for a few more days, he would definitely have unexpected gains.

Thomson was boxing seriously, one punch after another, he continuously swung his fists towards the sandbag.

The female fans in the livestream room treated Thomson livestream as a chat room.

Everyone was discussing how handsome Thomson was and how charming he looked when he was boxing.

"It's something I have to do every day. Eat, sleep, and watch Thomson's livestream. Such a lifestyle is great."

"Look, my husband's boxing posture is so handsome. It's so mesmerizing."

"Why is he your husband? He's clearly my husband. Thomson is mine. None of you are allowed to snatch him away."

"Sisters, get the rewards going!"

"Dickens Althea tipped US$5."

"Juliet Vivien tipped US$5."

"Croft Maud tipped US$10."

"Maxwell Ella tipped US$20."

Giving tips in the livestream also became something the female fans had to do daily.

Thomson, whose livestream had been gaining popularity, caught the attention of the platform officials.

Nehemiah Douglas, a manager of the platform, was also watching Thomson's livestream. He saw that Thomson's livestream was especially lively.

They found that Thomson was especially popular with female fans. Female fans were a good population, they did not care about their spending.