Thomson Catches the Attention of the Livestream Platform's Nehemiah Douglas

Thomson completed his daily punching routine for an hour. He did not use the power of his Combat Energy and only swung his fists normally.

Using Combat Energy consumed too much physical strength. The most important thing now was to train his physical capacity. Besides, using Combat Energy meant that he had to keep replacing the sandbags. 300KG sandbags were not cheap. If he broke them every day, his wallet would not be able to take it.

Therefore, in future livestreams, he would just train normally to increase his physical strength and combat aura proficiency. He would slowly improve himself and let himself grow.

Thomson fell in love with livestreaming. Not only could livestreams give him an income, he could also earn a lot of tips every day. It was definitely enough to support him. Thinking about how he didn't have to wake up early every day to go to work, he felt extremely happy.

At the same time, training everyday would enhance his strength and Combat Energy. This way, he could improve himself and at the same time, feed himself through livestreaming. Why not continue?

He knew that if this power continued to grow, it would definitely be very strong. He could already break through a sandbag with just his Combat Aura. If he were to advance to Combatant, his strength would definitely be incomparable.

At that time, as I constantly grow, I really don't know what changes will be brought to this world. I will definitely become a Superhero, like Iron Man, Captain America, and Spiderman.

I rely on Combat Energy. I wonder if others will call me a Combat Energy Man. This name sounds weird, but it was not bad.

After boxing, it was time for Thomson to chat with his fans.

He would have a casual chat with everyone and pass the remaining hour he had left. He would then have completed today's livestream task.

Thomson turned on the voice queues and chatted with the fans and all viewers.

The comments in the livestream were rolling crazily, and more and more new fans joined in.

There were two types of comments on the screen. One kind was praises from female fans. They were full of admiration and were already praising him non-stop.

However, it was different for the new men. They felt that Thomson's boxing style was very ordinary. This fellow didn't know how to box at all.

The new men kept questioning Thomson and mocking him in the livestream.

When the female fans saw so many people ridiculing him, another quarrel ensued once again.

Thomson wasn't bothered at all when he saw the comments in the livestream. He was wondering why these guys didn't dare to come forward and challenge him like Christopher had.

He wished that there were a bunch of people who would come forth to challenge him and prove themselves. That way, he would have more income if they made bets.

Nehemiah Douglas, a manager of the livestream platform, had been watching Thomson's livestream the whole time. He had been in since Thomson was boxing.

Whether he was boxing or interacting with his fans, his popularity was increasing, climbing higher and higher.

What made the livestream manager the most curious was that while he did notice Thomson at the very beginning, his daily livestreams contained some intentions of passing time.

An hour of live boxing and an hour of interaction with fans. Such perfunctory routines to pass the time were really too obvious.

However, he did not expect his livestream results to be so great. Was it because his livestream method was novel? A combination of boxing and fan interaction?

But he didn't look like he knew how to fight. Why do so many people like to watch his livestream?

Could it be because Thomson was handsome? That was perhaps a possibility.

Nehemiah Douglas didn't care why Thomson was so popular. He just knew he had to keep Thomson on the Quick Information Platform.

He was definitely a streamer with great potential. Even if the men on the platform were dissatisfied with him, so what? It was fine as long as the female fans loved him.

After completing his daily mission, Thomson turned off the livestream. The tips for today had already reached US$300.

US$300 didn't seem too bad, but he would only get US$150 after splitting it evenly with the platform. It was still too little, if only he got a higher share in the split with the platform

The pure white moon slowly turned into a fiery red sun.

It was a new day.

Nehemiah Douglas had arrived at the company for a meeting in the morning.

In the conference office of the Quick Information Platform, Nehemiah Douglas began to tell the general manager about this streamer, Thomson.

He told everyone in the meeting room that Thomson was definitely someone with potential. Although he didn't have much talent or skill and boxing seemed more like a way to get by for him, his popularity simply continued to rise, and he was greatly sought after by female fans, causing his livestream's popularity to climb.

The general manager became a little curious about Thomson after hearing Nehemiah Douglas' description.

He could actually rely on his looks to reach 100,000 favorites, and 60,000 online viewers at the same time. This was not a small scale. Perhaps he really had potential.

Meanwhile, others raised objections. If the streamer only relied on his looks and did not have any talent, such as singing or dancing, he definitely wouldn't go far.

However, there would be a serious problem if that happened. Thomson was currently on a newbie support contract and could terminate the contract at any time. If he really became famous and was poached by other websites, it would certainly be big news.

The general manager took this into consideration and asked Nehemiah Douglas to contact Thomson. He was told to first offer Thomson some benefits first and continue to observe him. If Thomson could continue to be so popular, then they must keep him.

He was a streamer fostered by their platform, they couldn't let him escape.

Others felt that the general manager was overestimating Thomson. A person with only good looks certainly won't be able to go far. However, no one dared to say anything. After all, nobody dared to question the general manager.

The meeting ended and everyone dispersed.

Nehemiah Douglas went to contact Thomson after the meeting.

At this moment, Thomson was still in dreamland. He loved his current life. He didn't need to think about the time when he would wake up. He could sleep in every day.

His livestream career was also getting better and better, and he would earn more money.

At the same time, his Combat Energy strength was constantly rising. He was definitely the chosen one.

Thomson was still asleep when his mobile phone rang. He looked at his phone, it was an unknown number.

He took his phone and picked up the call.