The Contract of a Quasi-A-lister

Nehemiah Douglas was in a difficult position at the moment, for the others were not optimistic about Thomson.

However, he really believed in Thomson's potential. In the future, he would definitely become a superstar in the live-stream. He would definitely be able to attract countless fans and become the idol of millions.

He had to prove it to the other managers who didn't believe in Thomson, so he even prepared an excellent contract for him.

The call was connected, and Nehemiah Douglas spoke first.

"Dear Mr. Thomson, I'm a manager of the livestream platform. I'm very happy to make this call."

"May I know why you're contacting me?"

"I've been watching you for a long time. Do you know, Tom, I think you have great potential, and your career will definitely develop well. I wish to speak to you again about signing a contract. You must know that if you sign a formal contract with our platform, you'll be able to get more benefits."

"I want to know what benefits I can get. Can you share about that?"

"Mr. Thomson, it's 12 noon right now. How about we meet at two in the afternoon to discuss further? I will give you the most satisfactory contract."

"Sure, see you this afternoon."

"Okay, Mr. Thomson. I'll be waiting for you at the Venus Cafe. I'm looking forward to your arrival."

The two ended the call.

Nehemiah Douglas was delighted. He has agreed to meet me, I must quickly prepare the contract and sign Thomson as soon as possible.

Thomson sat up in bed. He didn't expect to be so lucky. He'd just resigned from his former company yesterday and was preparing to be a full-time streamer.

He had 100,000 favorites and it was considered quite a good achievement. He wanted to take the initiative to discuss the contract with the platform officials.

However, he did not expect that the platform officials would actually contact him. The platform approaching him and himself approaching them were two different things.

If he actively contacted the platform, the initiative would be in the hands of others. They would exploit him terribly, just like how Robert had done so in the company.

Being contacted by someone on the livestreaming platform meant that the other party thought highly of him. Since the initiative was completely in front of him, he could make more requests.

This concept of him pleading others and others pleading with him was completely different

Who wouldn't want money? The livestreaming industry was like a pyramid. As a newbie streamer, he was at the very bottom of the pyramid. His income was very average.

The streamers at the top of the pyramid would earn a lot of money. Their income for a day would be higher than the average person's income for a year. Who wouldn't be envious?

Thomson knew that he now needed to make use of the livestream platform to bring exposure to himself and let more people know about him.

He took a look at the time. It was 12 noon. There were less than two hours left before the meeting.

Since the other party was so eager to meet him, it meant that the website thought highly of him. He had to give more opinions.

After washing up, he got dressed and walked towards Venus Cafe.

Venus Cafe was decorated very luxuriously. It was the classiest cafe in the area.

When he walked into the cafe, there were already quite a number of people seated. He had no idea where the other party was.

Thomson made a call to find Nehemiah Douglas' location.

Nehemiah Douglas saw his phone ring. It was Thomson calling, and he knew he had arrived.

He immediately stood up and looked towards the entrance. He saw a casually dressed Thomson searching for him.

He extended his right hand and waved it, indicating to Thomson where he was.

Thomson saw Nehemiah Douglas waving at him and walking toward him.

Nehemiah Douglas was wearing a suit and a tie. He looked very formal. It was obvious that he was very serious about the signing of the contract and had come forth with great sincerity.

This gave Thomson a good impression, it meant that the website really wanted to sign a contract with him.

Nehemiah Douglas extended his right hand and shook hands with Thomson to express his respect.

Then, the two of them ordered two cups of coffee and started their negotiation.

Thomson did not eat, having just gotten out of bed. He ordered a sandwich and some dessert.

It was mainly because he wasn't the one picking up the bill, so he didn't have to consider the price. He could buy whatever was expensive.

Nehemiah Douglas took out the contract and started explaining to Thomson.

The first part of the contract was normal. The most important part was the latter.

There were three biggest problems, including minimum payment and splitting of profits.

Nehemiah Douglas said, "Mr. Thomson, the most important part of the contract consists of three points. First, the contract length is one year, and the minimum payment is one million USD.

"Secondly, you will take 60% of the profits, and the platform will take 40%.

"Thirdly, we will do five recommendations for you per month, three small ones and two big ones.

"During the recommendation period, there will be big data being measured following that period. According to the rate of increase in fans, and amount of tips, you will continue to be recommended to those that present positive data."

"You usually only need to complete 120 hours of livestream per month. The minimum number of streaming days per month is 20 days."

"However, this contract has a restriction. The platform has the right to let you endorse some brand products and do live commerce. You don't get any income from this."

"Do you have any objections to this? Feel free to raise anything with me."

This was the best contract that Nehemiah Douglas had managed to fight for. It was because a lot of people didn't think highly of Thomson, especially the heads of other departments.

For a newbie, a minimum payment of one million USD was definitely a huge sum. The platform also had to take on a lot of risks because he could get this one million USD after working on the platform for just a year.

For the rookies on the platform, their first annual minimum payment ranged between US$200,000. to US$500,000. One million USD was already the price for an A-list streamer.

Nehmea Douglas was very sincere. He had given Thomson all the best resources, he believed Thomson could definitely make it big.

Thomson listened to Nehemiah Douglas's sharing. The contract was quite good. Five million USD was not a small sum, and his share of profits had reached as high as 60%. This was very suitable for him.

However, Thomson knew that once he signed this contract, the advantage would be that he would be able to get 1 million USD after streaming for a year. The disadvantage would be that if his net worth were to skyrocket within the year, he would not be able to generate any profits from all the selling of goods and endorsement of brands that the platform requests of him .

Thomson asked, "Are there any other contracts? I'd like to hear them."

Nehemiah Douglas did indeed have a novel contract. It was a developmental one.

And it could be said that It was beneficial for both parties.

Nehmea Douglas thought about it. In fact, this contract was the one that suited Thomson very well.

He handed the contract to Thomson and began explaining.