Any Problem That Can Be Resolved With Money Is Not a Problem

Thomson was still boxing. Every time he punched, he felt his strength increase, but only a little. The progress was slow.

Punching sandbags was not as interesting as having a real fight. He really hoped to have someone challenging him in the livestream, even better if it would be an expert.

Only by constantly fighting against experts would things truly be fun.

Time ticked by, and his hair was already drenched. His own sweat kept dripping down, soaking his clothes.

Thomson looked at the time. It was almost an hour. After finishing the last few punches, he went to take a shower, as usual. After that, he returned to the livestream to chat with his fans.

Mond Clifford waited helplessly for Thomson for an hour and watched his livestream for an hour.

He didn't expect there to be such a streamer. He was merely streaming himself boxing a sandbag and he was even quite mediocre at that, yet there were actually so many female fans going crazy over him.

He looked at the comments rolling non-stop in the livestream. They all consisted of the female fans' adoration for him, and the comments were very mushy.

He finally understood why Henry's friend hated Thomson so much. It was all out of jealousy that he was so popular with women.

Monde Clifford was a little frustrated. His time was very precious and he wanted to quickly arrange the fight with Thomson and get back to his business.

In the end, it had been an hour and five minutes since the livestream started but he had just been staring at the computer, watching him land punch after punch on the sandbag.

He felt somewhat helpless.

He had never wasted so much time on a person before. Thomson was definitely the first.

At 1 hour and 10 minutes, Thomson came out wrapped in a towel.

He sat in front of the computer and used the microphone to greet his fans. Then, he turned on the voice queue.

Mond Clifford knew that Thomson was back and started typing his intentions in a comment.

"Thomson, I want to challenge you."

When his text was sent out, it was immediately buried in the female fans' comments. He felt very powerless.

He had been waiting for so long. If he couldn't get to arrange a fight with Thomson, he would definitely fly into a rage.

He started repeating his comment again and again, but it was completely useless.

The number of viewers in Thomson's livestream was increasing, as was the number of female fans. The comments were about to explode yet no one noticed what Mond Clifford had posted.

Thomson turned his voice queue and chatted with his fans. Every fan would chat for 1 minute because Thomson wanted to give more people a chance to do so.

Mond Clifford didn't know how to get close to Thomson. He wanted to join the voice queue, but it was already full.

However, he discovered one thing. Whenever there was a tip from a fan, Thomson would pay attention to the comments in the livestream and thank the fans who gave him rewards.

He knew that if he wanted to attract Thomson's attention, he would have to use the method of tipping him. He didn't care about money. As long as he could arrange a fight, spending some money was nothing.

He opened the tip page and chose US$500. This amount would trigger the treasure chest and he knew that this would definitely attract Thomson's attention.

When the US$500 reward floated into Thomson's livestream, a treasure chest fell from above, causing many people to go crazy vying for it.

At this moment, Thomson also saw the notification. Someone had given him a tip in his livestream. It was a very strange ID called Clifford. He had never seen this ID before.

This ID did not look like a woman's ID no matter how he looked at it. It seemed more like a man's. According to his previous deduction, this person's reward would certainly catch his attention.

He chose this ID and connected with Clifford.

Mond Clifford was right. Thomson was a money-loving man.

If he had known this was the case, he would directly give a US4500 and he wouldn't have had to spend so much time. It really affected him a good amount of his work.

Monde Clifford said: "Thomson, I want to challenge you."

Meng De didn't like to beat around the bush and directly said that he stated his intention, that was to challenge Thomson.

Thomson finally got what he wanted. He wanted to fight against the strong. What was the point of always hitting sandbags?

This person had directly tipped him US$500. Of course, he couldn't agree so quickly. He had to squeeze more money out of him.

Another foolish and rich man had arrived. He had also thought of a plan in his heart. He had to cheat him and get him good.

Thomson said into the microphone, "Not just anyone can challenge me. I'm a very busy man, Clifford."

Instantly, the livestream was filled with comments.

When the female fans heard that someone was challenging Thomson, they felt that this person was overestimating himself.

"Clifford, do you know that the person who challenged our husband the last time had spent several days in the hospital? Do you think you're worthy of fighting my husband?"

"Exactly. Our husband is very busy and doesn't have that much time for you. If he has the time, he might as well spend more of it chatting with us. Take your stinking money and get lost."

"Clifford, get out of the livestream. We don't want to see you. Don't waste our husband's time meant for chatting with us."

"Sisters, let's curse Clifford together and get him out of the livestream."

Very soon, the screen of Mond Clifford's computer was filled with comments. All of them were scoldings directed at him.

He couldn't imagine how crazy these female fans were. He had only challenged Thomson to a duel, yet he was already being abused so badly.

He, who was originally a very tolerant man, couldn't stand it anymore. He smashed the thermos cup on his desk onto the floor, causing the glass shards to scatter all over.

The water in the thermos flowed on the floor.

When the housekeeper heard this sound, she quickly knocked on the door, wanting to see what was going on.

Mond Clifford turned off the sound from the mic and told his nanny not to come in and to clean up later. He had only one purpose now, and that was to set a date with Thomson for a fight.

He could not stomach this insult. He had never been chided like this before. The last person who dared to scold him had been thrown into the sea.

Mond Clifford continued to speak into the mike. "State your terms, Thomson. I can agree to anything."

Thomson knew the fish had taken the bait. Now the initiative was in his hands. No matter how much he asked for, the other party would certainly agree.

He saw that this person was very steady when he spoke and his aura was very strong. He was definitely not an ordinary person and must not care about money.

Thomson said into the microphone, "Since you want to challenge me, let's make a bet. How about US$5,000?"

"No problem, Thomson. US$5,000 it is." Mond Clifford agreed very quickly. Any problem that could be solved with money was not a problem.

He did not care about this bit of money. To him, this money was just a small sum.

Without any hesitation, he opened the tip page and entered US$5,000 into it.

The tip amount of US $5,000 floated on the screen of the livestream.

When Thomson saw the tip, he was stunned. This guy really didn't care about money. If only he had set the stakes even higher just now.