Thomson's Livestream Gets More Popular

The US$5,000 tip floated on the screen. This was the biggest single tip to be given on the livestream platform. No one had ever tipped more than US$5,000 in one go.

It was first a US$500 tip to attract Thomson's attention, and then another US$5,000 tip to challenge Thomson.

The fans in the livestream started to get excited again. This was US$5,000. Were there so many rich people nowadays? They could easily give US$5,000 as a tip just to arrange a fight.

The female fans looked at their phone screens in shock.

Their husband, Thomson, was so handsome that he made people jealous. However, they also commented happily in the livestream.

"Clifford, do you know it's stupid of you to do this? You're just giving my Thomson money. There's no way you're going to win. Give up."

"Hahaha, there have been so many rich idiots. The last time, Christopher sent money to our husband. And here's another one. You guys really have too much money to spend."

"Honey, you can do it. If you want a live cheerleader, you can tell me. I'll go to the venue to cheer you on."

"Bring me along. I also want to go watch my husband box!"

"Sisters, we can't lose morale either. Let the tips come in."

Instantly, another round of tips appeared on Thomson's livestream.

US$0.05 tip.

US$1 tip.

US$5 tip.

US$8 tip.

US$10 tip.

It went from a few cents to more than ten US dollars. Although the amounts weren't large, there were a lot of people giving rewards. The number of fans in the livestream kept increasing and at the same time, the amount of people giving tips was also a growing number.

Thomson gained more and more fans, and thanks to the numerous tips, he received about US$500 in tips this time. He was very satisfied.

The men in the livestream couldn't help themselves, they were very jealous seeing that so many people were rewarding Thomson.

They were jealous of Thomson's good luck. They were indignant.

When the last challenger, Christopher, failed, they chose to quieten down and wait for the next brave warrior to challenge them.

Finally, he had come. This person looked even more reliable than the previous one.

Just from his voice alone, one could tell how confident he was. They decided to step forward and cheer him on.

"Clifford, you must be a brave man. We believe you can defeat Thomson. You must teach him a lesson."

"Good luck, Clifford. We'll be shouting and cheering you on in the livestream tomorrow."

"You must not disappoint us. You are the hope of us men."

The men in the livestream had been lying low for so long. Did they like Thomson? No, they were just waiting for a warrior to come forth and defeat him.

They didn't know how to fight, but they liked to watch the fun, they would love to watch the arrogant Thomson being defeated.

They even wanted to see Thomson embarrass himself in front of the women in the livestream.

When the female fans saw that this group of men had jumped out once more, they were already used to it. They were used to this group of people standing out whenever someone dared to challenge Thomson.

When Thomson defeated the challenger, they would choose to remain silent. They were waiting for the day Thomson would be defeated.

However, this day would never come. This was because Thomson was a divine being, he cannot be defeated.

The female fans started to argue with this group of men. Both sides started to tap non-stop on their mobile phone screens, and countless comments started rolling.

Monde Clifford found the comments interesting. He was seeing so many female fans cheering for Thomson.

He could only imagine how surprised these female fans would be during the instant his bodyguard, Clarence, knocked Thomson down. To be able to defeat Thomson in front of so many people would instantly restore the reputation of the Flying Cars Gang.

After this incident, nobody would dare to go against the Flying Cars Gang again.

The US$5000 tip triggered the largest treasure chest on the platform. The super ultra treasure chest landed in the middle of Thomson's livestream.

Countless fans entered Thomson's livestream and clicked on the treasure chest.

The popularity of the livestream was also climbing. Innumerable people flocked in, increasing the popularity of Thomson's live-stream.

In an instant, the icon of a flame in Thomson's livestream burst into blazing flames.

There were 150,000 viewers online at the same time.

The new arrivals had no idea what was going on. All they could see was the $5,000 tip floating in the center. They wanted to know more about what was going on here.

The people who entered the livestream all chose to stay and see what was happening.

After Mond Clifford tipped him, he said into the microphone, "Thomson, I've given you US$5,000. Shouldn't we discuss the fight?"

Thomson looked at the US$5,000 tip with satisfaction. This wasn't a small amount. It seemed like this person was very confident. Otherwise, he wouldn't have offered so much money.

"Of course you. Clifford, state a venue. I'll go to you."

"1 PM tomorrow then, I'll be waiting for you at the Philly Fist Club. How's that?"

"No problem at all. See you tomorrow at 1 PM."

Mond Clifford managed to get the job done. This took him an hour and fifteen minutes. To him, time was his money.

At this moment, he also felt a wave of disgust towards Thomson. He couldn't tolerate that he had wasted so much of his time.

He called her bodyguard, Clarence, and notified him of the venue for tomorrow. He told him to get ready and not stay up too late tonight.

Only then did the newcomers in the livestream know that the streamer was a boxer. The US $5,000 was actually the bet for their duel.

They didn't expect that someone would actually spend US$5,000 to compete with the streamer. This livestream room was too special.

It was much more fun than those livestreams of streamers singing and dancing.

They had seen too many of those talent streamers. Now, watching this unconventional streamer was quite interesting.

One after another, they all clicked on Thomson's livestream room to favorite it.

The number of viewers in the livestream reached as high as 120,000. There was a considerable increase in the number of fans in a short period.

When the new female fans saw Thomson's looks, they were delighted and instantly became a fan of his.

Thomson was still doing his livestream following the same schedule of two hours a day. He had yet to decide how long his livestream duration in the future would be.

There were only 10 minutes left until the two-hour mark. Thomson was still chatting with his fans in the livestream.

The female fans in the voice queue were concerned about whether Thomson was confident about this battle.

After all, the person who dared to fork out US$5,000 for the challenge must have come prepared.

Thomson's Combat Energy was getting stronger and stronger. No one amongst the humans was his match. As long as the opponent didn't use firearms, there was no way he could lose.

He told his fans to wait for a good show tomorrow. No matter how strong the opponent was, it would not be a problem.

The female fans were all looking forward to tomorrow's match at 1 PM.

The men in the livestream were also waiting for 1 PM tomorrow. They wanted to see Thomson make a fool of himself.

The livestream ended. Thomson bade his fans farewell and turned off the live-stream.