You're Dead Meat, Thomson!

The next day.

When Henry learned that his big brother was going to stand up for him, and had already made an arrangement with Thomson, he was delighted. He was finally going to get his revenge.

He was so excited that he got out of the hospital bed. Even on crutches, he had to go to the scene today to watch the fight. He wasn't going to be content until he saw Thomson being knocked down.

At 12 o' clock, Henry arrived at the Philly Fist Club from the hospital.

This place was under the territory of the Flying Cars Gang. Many of the people in the gang liked to train here.

When the crowd saw a person wrapped in bandages enter, they were very curious about who this person was.

Someone asked, "Hey, who are you? Don't you know this is the Flying Cars Gang's territory?"

"Exactly. Who gave permission for this handicapped person to come in?"

"I'm talking to you. Didn't you hear us? Get out now."

Henry felt helpless. He was wrapped up more or less like a mummy, leaving only his nose and mouth exposed. Even his own brothers couldn't recognize him.

He said to everyone, "I'm Henry, don't you have any eyes?"

Only then did everyone realize that this person was actually Brother Henry. Their mouths dropped wide open and they stared at him in disbelief.

If not for his voice, they wouldn't have known that it was Henry at all.

"Brother Henry, we heard that you were injured. Why is it so serious?"

"Who was it who dared to hurt my Brother Henry so badly? We will definitely avenge you."

"Brothers, grab the tools, we're going to avenge Brother Henry today."

In an instant, everyone in the Philly Fist Club was shouting. They absolutely could not tolerate Henry being bullied by outsiders.

Henry was extremely touched. His brothers were standing up for him like this upon learning that he had been beaten up .

He said, "Brothers, thank you for your kind intentions. The faction head has already made arrangements. Clarence will avenge me today."

Everyone stopped talking when they heard the name Clarence.

They knew that Clarence had never lost a one-on-one fight. He was a Shodan black belt in karate, his combat ability was extremely strong.

He was ranked among the top in the Flying Cars Gang. With him going forth, there would definitely be no problem.

30 minutes later.

Monde Clifford led Clarence into the Philly Fist Club.

The moment the faction head appeared, everyone in the club stopped what they were doing and looked at him.

They all greeted the faction head.

Mond Clifford walked to the center of the boxing club and spoke coldly.

"Today is a special day. Henry was bullied. I've already arranged for the person responsible to come over at 1 PM.

"This is going to be a fair fight. I don't want a situation where we bully the other party with our numbers. I've arranged for Clarence to fight. Nobody lifts a hand, no matter what the outcome.

"Do you understand?"

The members of the Flying Cars Gang shouted loudly, that they would be no use for them with Clarence around.

Henry walked to his boss and said emotionally, "Thank you, faction head."

At this moment, Thomson was still sleeping on his bed. Ever since he quit his job, he had been sleeping until he woke up naturally everyday.

He opened his hazy eyes and looked at his phone. It was already 12: 40 PM. He knew that he would definitely be late for the fight.

However, he did not care. He stretched lazily and got up from the bed to wash up.

Then, he strolled leisurely towards the Philly Fist Club. The club was not far from him, it was within 15-minutes walking distance.

However, he definitely wouldn't go with an empty stomach. After not eating for so many hours, he would definitely be hungry. He decided to have lunch before heading there.

Mond Clifford sat in a chair in the club waiting for Thomson to arrive. He looked at the time. One minute until 1 PM.

It was also the time they had agreed to meet. He looked towards the entrance of the club. He couldn't wait to see the scene of Thomson being beaten to the ground.

The countdown started, from 1 minute to 50 seconds, 40 seconds, 30 seconds, 15 seconds…1 second.

All the members of Flying Cars Gang looked towards the faction head. They were eager to see who had injured Henry.

Everyone's eyes were on the door. One minute, two minutes, three minutes… all the way until 1:10 PM, Thomson still hadn't appeared.

Mond Clifford's eyebrows shot up. His anger was all written on his face.

He did not expect that Thomson had yet to arrive. He was a very punctual person himself and would never be late to the agreed time, but Thomson actually dared do so. How dare he!

Monde Clifford didn't know Thomson's contact number and still couldn't reach him.

He was furious. He wanted Thomson dead!

The members of the Flying Cars Gang did not expect Thomson to still be nowhere to be seen even after their boss had waited for so long. They started discussing.

"Henry, what's going on? Wasn't the agreed time 1 PM? Why isn't that person here yet?"

"Exactly. Don't tell me that guy is a no-show because he learned that he was going to fight Clarence. What a cunning fellow."

"He actually dared to stand our boss up. He simply doesn't want to live anymore. Brothers, we cannot let him off."

Henry was also waiting for Thomson to appear. He didn't know what was going on with Thomson either. At this moment, he was thinking, this fellow must have chickened out, he is really too crafty.

Presently, Thomson had just finished a burger, a chicken drumstick, and a cup of coke at the burger place.

He checked the time, it was 1: 10 PM. It was time to go for the competition.

He walked slowly and was not in a hurry at all. In any case, the money for the tip was already in his hands and he was only a few minutes late.

At 1: 20 PM, Thomson arrived at the Philly Fist Club. When he walked through the front door, he then realized that there were many people inside. At a glance, they all looked like unemployed youths.

Everyone looked at him with murderous eyes.

However, Thomson didn't seem to mind at all. He walked into the club very leisurely and calmly.

Henry spoke first. "You're finally here, Thomson. Do you know how long we've been waiting for you?"

Thomson walked to Henry. Looking at this man who was wrapped in bandages like a mummy, he asked, "You are? Do I know you?"

Henry was furious. He was the one who had wounded me, how could he forget me? It was too much.

He said angrily, "Thomson, you actually forgot about me. All my injuries were thanks to you."

At that moment, Thomson then realized that he had injured this fellow. However, how could he remember the name of a loser?

Ignoring Henry, he stood in the middle of the club and asked, "Why? There are so many of you. Are you going to beat me up as a whole group?"

Thomson spoke in an imposing manner. He was not bothered by the 80 odd people in the club. He turned around and saw a symbol of the Flying Cars Gang in a corner of the club.

Only then did he realize that he was in the Flying Cars Gang's territory. But so what?

Monde Clifford was also furious right now, this man was actually 20 minutes late.

Moreover, he acted as if nothing had happened. It was fine as long as the man was here. He was very angry today.

Mond Clifford looked at Thomson and said, "Thomson, right? I'm the one who challenged you in the livestream. It's only 1v1 today. There won't be a situation where there are many people bullying one person."

Thomson sized up the man in front of him. He looked to be in his thirties and was dressed in a suit. He spoke calmly and unlike the others, he gave off a strong aura.

This person was definitely not simple. He should be the chief of this Flying Cars Gang.

He asked, "Are you the one who's going to fight me? Come on then."

Mond Clifford said nothing and gave Clarence a look.

Clarence stepped out from behind his boss and approached Thomson.

Their eyes met.