Thomson vs. Clarence, a Shodan Black Belt in Karate

Mond Clifford rose from his chair. He did not expect this young man before him to be only in his twenties. He had a refined appearance, but he was charming.

In front of so many people from the Flying Cars Gang, he was not timid at all. He was full of confidence and was very gutsy.

If it was an ordinary person who was surrounded by so many people, they would have been scared out of their wits long before. Or perhaps, they would not have dared to enter after seeing so many people.

He would never be so calm.

Clifford became more and more curious about Thomson. Just how much power was contained within this weak and thin body of his?

Mond Clifford opened his mouth and said, "Thomson, do you want to consider joining our Flying Cars Gang? I admire you."

Thomson said, "Thank you for your kind offer, but I'm not interested in the Flying Cars Gang at all."

"I shan't force you then. Perhaps you don't know who you're going to face. His name is Clarence. I hope you can survive three punches from him. Good luck, rascal."

Thomson studied Clarence. His body radiated a terrifying murderous aura. Henry was nothing compared to this man.

One look and you could tell that he was a ruthless person. However, it was exactly what he wanted. Only when he faced a powerhouse would he be able to improve even faster, and he could also test the level of his own skills.

Thomson took out the livestream equipment from his backpack and began fiddling with them.

After setting up the livestream equipment, he entered the livestream platform and turned on the livestream on his mobile phone.

The moment he opened the livestream app, countless fans received the notification and surged into the livestream.

The number of viewers in the livestream kept soaring.





In less than two minutes after the livestream started, it was overflowing with people.

This was because many fans knew that today was Thomson's live fight and they had also been waiting since 1 PM.

They wanted to see who it was who dared to challenge Thomson. They were all very curious about this challenge.

The men in the broadcast room were furious. It was agreed that the fight would begin at 1 PM, but it was 1:30 PM. This streamer didn't keep his word.

They denounced the streamer in the livestream as if by prior agreement to let these brainless female fans know that this man was not punctual.

"Thomson said that the livestream would start at 1PM, but he's already half an hour late. Look, this is the streamer all of you like."

"That's right. This streamer doesn't have any credibility. I had thought that Thomson dare not take up the challenge and had stood the challenger up."

The men in the livestream started to mock and ridicule Thomson. They wouldn't let go of any dirt on Thomson.

They attempted to attack Thomson with this issue to make him lose fans.

Wave after wave of comments came from these men.

When the female fans saw this bunch of stinky men scolding their husbands, they could not tolerate it at all.

Wasn't it just being late for half an hour? What's the big deal?

Their fingers tapping non-stop on their screens.

"Don't you people have a girlfriend? You've never waited for someone before? Half an hour is nothing. If I have to wait for my husband, I'm willing to do so for a day."

"Exactly. You guys really know how to find trouble with Tom. You make a mountain out of a molehill. I think you guys really have nothing better to do."

"You stinkers deserve to be single. You deserve to be single forever."

As long as there was a voice in the livestream criticizing Thomson, the female fans would not condone it.

Thomson had no flaws. He was the most outstanding man in the world.

The men in the livestream realized that they really shouldn't argue with the girls. They wouldn't speak reason at all. In the end, they shut their mouths from the endless curses.

The female fans were curious about where Thomson was doing the livestream and asked him to show them the place on his phone.

Thomson held up his phone and showed everyone the scene at the Philly Fist Club.

Everyone in the Philly Fist Club and the Flying Cars Gang were broadcasted live on the phone.

Right now, the number of viewers had reached 100,000. They were all watching.

The female fans saw that there were so many people standing around Thomson. All of them looked fierce and evil. It was obvious that they were not good people.

They began to worry if Thomson would be ganged up on. This wasn't a duel, this was a gang fight!

They were all frantically sending comments, feeling worried about Thomson.

They wished they could rush over immediately to cheer for Thomson. If this was a competition of numbers, the female fans would not lose.

When Thomson saw how worried his female fans were about, he told them that this match was fair and that he would be facing this person, Clarence.

The female fans did not know who this person was. They only knew that he was a black man with disgusting muscles. He did not look like a good person.

But the men in the livestream had seen this group of people before. They were all members of the Flying Cars Gang!

They hadn't expected Thomson to have provoked someone from the Flying Cars Gang. Someone had even recognized the two men next to Thomson. One was Mond Clifford, and the other, Clarence.

Mond Clifford was the big brother of this area, and he was also the faction head of the Flying Car gang. He had both money and manpower, and was doing well in both the lawful world and the underground.

Clarence was his personal bodyguard. He was very famous in this city. He was a Shodan black belt in karate and was very strong.

"My God, Thomson's done for this time. He's pissed off Mond Clifford of the Flying Cars Gang. The guy's not to be messed with."

"Look! Isn't this Clarence? He's a Shodan black belt in karate. I've heard his story before. He can hold his own while fighting 50 people at one time . He's definitely a powerhouse."

"I'm sure Thomson is done for this time. There's no way he's going to beat Clarence. You stupid women can just wait to get him buried."

The men in the livestream all wore smiles on their faces. They knew that Tomson was definitely doomed.

Why did he have to provoke someone from the Flying Cars Gang, of all people?

The female fans in the live-stream started to worry when they saw comments in the livestream.

The Flying Cars Gang didn't have a good reputation. Even though they didn't know who Clarence was, being a gang's fighter, he was definitely not a simple person.

"Sisters, does anyone know who Clarence is?"

"Although I don't know who he is, a black belt in karate is no joke. Only very formidable people would be able to get that."

"Then what should we do! Our husband won't be in danger, would he? He's facing so many people from the Flying Cars Gang alone, and now he has to fight a Shodan black belt!"

"If those people from the Flying Cars Gang dare to hurt my husband, I will fight them to the death!"

The female fans in the livestream could no longer control themselves. They were very worried about Thomson's safety.

He had entered the base of the Flying Cars Gang. Could he be in danger? Worried!

Thomson looked at the comments rolling in the livestream. He calmly told his female fans not to worry.

So what if he had a karate black belt? He was still going to be defeated.

Despite what Thomson said, the female fans in the livestream were still very worried. They were afraid!