Genetic Technology Warrior vs American Military!

Steve was done annihilating the monster, but he was not in a hurry to leave.

In order to complete his mission from the Master God of Space-time even better and to help the Mother Planet be in a better position to fight against the Void monsters, Steve felt that he needed to touch base with the National Government.

He needed to tell them the truth about this world so that they could make the necessary preparations in time.

So that they would not be caught off guard when the Void monsters invaded.

Much as the government's military power was just considered fresh food for the Void monsters. The reason being that the military's weapons could barely cause any damage to the monsters, apart from nuclear bombs. However, nuclear bombs were also very harmful to humans, and were equivalent to self-destruction.

Moreover, the transmigrators from the parallel worlds would not be able to take on everything themselves. They would still need some people to carry out the logistics work.

Without a doubt, the soldiers on the Mother Planet were the best choice.

However, the body constitution of these soldiers were still too weak compared to the warriors in his parallel world. Hence, Steve planned to stay and help them, so that they could play a greater role in the fight against the Void monsters in the future.

"Hello, Comrade. We need you to prove your identity!"

The general had already clipped a miniature camera to his chest, with the signal directly transmitting to the White House, so that the President and senior Generals in the White House could have a better live view of the situation.

Standing in front of Steve, the General couldn't help but gulp. Even though the General was a veteran of countless battles, he was still a little nervous when he faced Steve due to Steve's formidable aura that hit him in the face.

After all, he was not facing a Senator or a General of the country.

It was an existence that surpassed all of them. Based on the strength Steve had displayed, it would not be difficult for Steve to kill him even if Steve was surrounded by many troops.

As for the soldiers around him, as they did not know if Steve was a friend or a foe, they dared not let their guard down when facing him. They pointed their guns at Steve with their finger on the trigger at all times, as if they were going to pull it at any moment.

When Steve saw this, his eyes narrowed as he said with a smile, "Don't worry, I'm American. It's just that I came from a parallel universe. I'm responding to the summon of the Master God of Space-time and came to the Mother Planet to help all of you!"

For a moment, the Generals and the President were stunned when they heard Steve's words through the live broadcast.

The reason being that there were too many keywords in Steve's speech.

Parallel universe… and a Master God of Space-time… What's a Mother Planet?

These were words they often only heard in movies or read in science fiction novels. Yet now, they were uttered by such a formidable man.

If not for this man's terrifying strength, everyone would have already treated him as a lunatic.

When the middle-aged General heard Steve's words, he was also extremely shocked.

Never had he expected such words to come out of this man's mouth.

At that moment, he felt his head swimming.

"Sorry, Comrade, but we're going to ask you to come with us now. We can only believe what you're saying when we've understood everything!"

Steve was about to agree when the words of the Master God of Space-time suddenly rang out in his mind, "Steve, come to where I am. I have something to tell you!"

Steve never once expected that the Master God of Space-time would send him a message. This delighted him greatly.

Swiftly, he knelt on one knee and shouted respectfully in Paul's direction, "My God, your loyal servant awaits your summon!"

Steve's sudden salute in a certain direction shocked the Generals who were there. They couldn't help but look in the direction of Steve's salute. However, they saw nothing.

This sent chills down the spines of the Generals and soldiers present, as an unknown fear was spreading in their hearts.

Just then, Steve stood up and said to the General, "The Master God of Space-time has summoned me. I can't go back with you guys right now!"

Upon hearing this, the General's expression changed slightly. This man in front of him was simply too dangerous. No one knew how much damage he would cause to the country if he were to escape their control.

At this moment, the President's voice suddenly rang out from the microphone on the shoulder of the middle-aged General, "General, we cannot let him out of our sight. He is too dangerous. For the sake of safety, fire if necessary!"

The General's expression hardened at the President's words, and he nodded gravely.

He also did not think that it would not be a good idea to leave this man to his own devices.

Hence, he said to Steve in a deep voice, "I'm sorry, Sir. We have to get you to come with us no matter what. We can only allow you to leave after we make sure that you don't pose any danger!"

With that, the General raised his hand. In a split second, all the weapons were aimed at Steve. They were trained soldiers and it was definite that if Steve made any move, they would fire without hesitation.

At the sight of this situation, Steve shook his head with a wry smile.

"General, to be honest, your weapons are of no threat to me. I do not wish to harm you! Please let me leave!"

As soon as he said that, the armed soldiers were taken aback by the man's courage. Almost nobody could utter such words so calmly when there were many guns pointed at them.

However, for some reason, the General felt that the man in front of him wasn't lying. From Steve's expression, he could tell that Steve really didn't care about the guns in front of him.

After a moment of hesitation, the General said, "Sorry, but I'm afraid that's not up to you now!"

In any case, as a government security agency, they could not allow such a formidable threat to remain within its borders whether it was because of security or politics.

Steve shrugged and resignedly said, "In that case, I can only say that I'm sorry! It might hurt a little, but don't worry, it won't cause any harm!"

The general was stunned when he heard this. He was about to order the soldiers to open fire but before he could say anything…

Suddenly, Steve's palm appeared in front of him and a pulse wave exploded from his palm. In the blink of an eye, a transparent ripple spread out with Steve at the center, and instantly sent the General and the surrounding soldiers flying.

As the pulse wave unfurled, the equipment in the tanks and helicopters instantly malfunctioned.

Smoke and dust rose up in the surroundings.

After a long time, the smoke cleared up, and the General coughed as he scrambled to his feet.

The place where Steve had been standing was now empty.

The General walked over to where Steve had been and picked up a flash drive from the floor.

He looked up at the surroundings and the sky. He was lost in thought for a very long time.

The strength of this superpower completely destroyed the worldview that he had for the longest time.