Void Crystal! Enhanced Genetic Warriors!

At this moment….

In a rural house near New York City.

Paul met the transmigrator, Steve Rogers, in the hall of the house.

Paul had bought this house in the countryside in order to remain hidden. After all, if he was on the streets of New York all the time, there was a high chance that the transmigrators would be noticed by others as more of them came back.

Paul felt that his current self was still too weak. Whether it was in terms of remaining hidden or for development, it was better not to be exposed in the public's line of sight for now.

He would maintain his mysteriousness as the Master God of Space-time and make use of the transmigrators, who had returned from the parallel universe, to stay in contact with the government.

In this way, he would be safe yet still be able to get in touch with the government, so that they could prepare for defense ahead of time.

However, there was something else. Paul wanted to test whether the transmigrators would defy his orders.

This was because Paul couldn't be sure if they were more loyal to the Mother Planet or to him.

In order to put this to the test, Paul immediately issued an order for Steve to meet him right after Steve agreed to go back with the General.

However, Paul was satisfied with the outcome. At that time, Steve did not hesitate at all with respect to Paul's order. He even resorted to violence to force his way out when faced with the General's obstruction.

It was all because of the effect of Paul's orders.

The main authority of the Magic Crystal Cube had absolute control over these transmigrators. As far as the transmigrators were concerned, Paul's orders were definitely the topmost priority.

Moreover, Paul's control over them originated from their souls. They would try their best to complete everything Paul said. It was to the extent that each and every time Paul controlled them, they would think that it was their own idea.

Paul could imagine the scene when all the transmigrators returned. He could imagine the scene of the Archangel, Supreme Mage, and Immortal God King all kneeling at his feet.

Just then, Steve Rogers, the warrior from the future parallel world, knelt at his feet and humbly lowered his head.

At this moment, he did not have any of the arrogance that he had displayed earlier. He did not even have the indifference that he had when facing the encirclement of numerous troops. Right now, he seemed to only be left with fear and a tremble.

"You may rise!" Paul said flatly.

When Steve heard Paul's words, he immediately carried out his orders meticulously, just like a machine that strictly followed orders.

However, he kept his head down, not daring to look directly at Paul.

Paul nodded. Previously when he used the crystal with the master authority, he could clearly sense that as long as the transmigrators arrived on Earth, he could control their life and death at will.

It could even wipe out their consciousness whilst preserving their abilities, turning them into machines that simply carried out orders.

Therefore, when they faced Paul, they felt a tremble that originated from their souls.

Of course, their consciousness would only sense it as pressure from the Master God of Space-time and would not have any other thoughts about it.

In Paul's current human form, they would just think that the soul of the Master God of Space-time had descended into a physical body so that the Master God of Space-time could better communicate with them.

Therefore, when Paul appeared next to them, they would only feel boundless esteem for him.

Furthermore, they felt that this was the Master God of Space-time acknowledging them and that it was a glorious symbol for them.

Paul looked at Steve and said calmly,

"Now that you've fought with the Void monster, what are your thoughts?"

Steve stood up and said respectfully, "The strength of these Void monsters is equivalent to the level of the grade-two warriors in the place I came from. As they only have a single mode of attack, if I go all out, I can probably deal with five of them at the same time!"

Paul nodded. Having synchronized Steve's physical stats with his body, Paul himself could roughly gauge the status of his strength.

However, the Skull Eaters were only the vanguard of the Void creatures. Towards the end, there would be even more powerful Void creatures descending on Earth.

Therefore, as the time passed, they had to increase their strength as soon as possible!

Of course, he didn't call Steve here just to test his loyalty.

The other thing was that after Steve annihilated the Skull Eater, he discovered that there was an additional substance, known as the Void Crystal, that had appeared in the crystal.

There seemed to be some kind of energy in it. Based on his intuition, Paul felt that this thing could be applied on a transmigrator.

As such, he called Steve here to test whether his conjecture was correct.

Thus, Paul said to Steve, "In the future, the Void creatures will become stronger and stronger. Your strength is still at the initial stage. Later on, it might be difficult for you to unleash your strength. Therefore, I called you over because I want to strengthen your abilities."

Upon hearing Paul's words, Steve dropped to his knees in ecstasy.

How could he not know the meaning behind these words?

In fact, Steve himself knew that he was nothing compared to those who had transmigrated to powerful worlds.

However, he would still work hard to battle the Void creatures because this was an order from the Master God of Space-time.

The Master God of Space-time had given him a new life, allowing him to live again for another lifetime. The only thought he had now was that he would do his best to repay the Master God of Space-time.

He would persist in battling the Void monsters up to the very last moment, so as to protect his Mother Planet.

However, his heart couldn't help but shake when he heard that the Master God of Space-time could help him improve his abilities.

Paul looked at Steve. Then, he extended his finger. A small purple crystal rapidly amassed on his finger.

This was the Void Crystal. It was the essence that had amassed and formed after the Void creature died.

After the death of the Void creature, this crystal had suddenly appeared in the crystal.

Paul didn't know the theory behind it, but he felt that was something good if he could make use of it.

After that, Paul waved his fingertips at Steve's body. Immediately, the crystal blended into Steve's body like a drop of water.

At that moment, Steve's body was suddenly surrounded by a purple glow.

After a while, the light dissipated.

It felt like the current Steve had changed from before.

There seemed to be grooves on both sides of his eyes, where energy that was like purple crystals slowly flowed within.

His aura seemed to have risen to another level.

The aura all over his body had become even stronger!