Banner Arrives at the Critical Juncture!

At that moment….

On the streets of Los Angeles, a spatial rift slowly opened.

Then, a person walked out from there. His brown skin had turned dark red like a volcano.

However, he looked like a normal human being.

"Banner Walker: American. He was an attending physician before he transmigrated. Later on, he died of a terminal illness."

"After transmigrating to a parallel world, he managed to develop a medicine known as the Red-ant Serum due to the highly-developed medical industry!

"Red-ant serum: Causes a powerful energy to flow into all the cells of the body in an instant, and the energy will become stronger and stronger inside an enraged body."

Paul nodded. Sure enough, as time passed, the transmigrators that came along next would be stronger.

As Paul could see the energy inside the transmigrator through the Magic Crystal Cube, Paul could clearly sense the terrifying explosive power inside Banner.

Of course, not all transmigrators were very powerful. There were also some weaker ones who would come along later.

However, Paul could feel that Banner was much stronger than Steve.

The moment Banner arrived, Paul's voice rang out in his head, "Banner, the Earth Mother Planet is being invaded by Void monsters now. You need to rush to the target location immediately! Eliminate the monster!"

"Yes, as you command, Master God of Space-time!"

As soon as Banner appeared from the spatial rift, the officials noticed him.

"Is that a transmigrator?!"

"He probably is. He doesn't have the evil aura of that Void monster!"

As the Void creature invaded, everyone could feel the discomfort and disgust brought by the Void creatures.

It was the feeling that it was incompatible with the world.

Actually, no one knew that these Void invaders were just some small fries in the void.

That's right, the void was also an extremely vast world. Compared to the Void, Earth was merely like a stronghold.

The real purpose of the Void was to occupy the entire universe of the real world. Earth was insignificant to them.

For example, the Skull Eater and the current Devourer were merely pets created by the powerful being in the void, to do the cleaning up.

Even Paul had no idea how powerful the Void was.

However, in the final moments of the future, Paul had once used the power of the Magic Crystal Cube to pry into the spatial rifts.

The hellish scene was still fresh in Paul's mind. Inside the rift, these kinds of low-level Devourer monsters were like ants, overlapping one another in an endless stream.

In the deepest part of the Void, Paul could sense a greatness that was God-like.

Therefore, the current strength on Earth was still too weak. Such trash-like Devourers could easily annihilate seventy percent of the world's population in the future.

Not to mention, when a truly powerful monster descended from the Void, Earth might not even be able to withstand a single blow.

After Banner received the order from the Space-Time Ancestor God, he sensed around for a moment before immediately speeding off towards a particular direction at a frightening speed.

His figure turned into a blur as he rushed towards the Void monster.

"Oh my God, he's so fast! Even the radar can't keep up!"

When Banner arrived, the government had already noticed him and immediately mobilized a helicopter to where he was.

However, from the looks of it, there was no need for the helicopter as a mode of transportation.

Banner had already utilised his own speed which even exceeded the speed of radar detection in the helicopter.

This burst of power also made the American military that was watching, gobsmacked.

At the same time on the other side…

The bloody monster pursued the humans like a hunting dog.

Along the way, he stuffed everything that he ran into, into his body.

Its body was like a bottomless pit desperately trying to fit stuff into its stomach.

It certainly lived up to its name of the "Devourer".

Through the satellite detector, the military could clearly see that the monster was rushing towards the place where humans were gathered.

Seeing this scene, the senior General frantically shouted into the walkie-talkie, "Hurry up, we can't let it advance any further!"

Through the satellite channel, the General could see that the Void creature was only three kilometers away from the evacuating civilians.

If such a monster was to charge into the crowd… The Commander dared not think about that horrifying outcome.

However, the fighter planes were completely unable to catch up to the Void monster that was traveling at the speed of a speeding train.

Right now, the hearts of all the commanders were shrouded in haze.

They could already foresee that with the current speed of the army, they would not be able to catch up to the monster that was currently sprinting at high speed.

"It's over!" This was the only thought that surfaced in everyone's minds.

At this moment, the evacuating civilians were still advancing towards the bomb shelter in an orderly manner.

Just then, they suddenly felt the ground trembling slightly.

Initially, these people thought that it was an earthquake, but the scene before their eyes made their hearts sink into hell.

At the end of the street, an enormous figure that should only appear in hell was charging towards them like its life depended on it.

Along the way, it even let out a terrifying shriek that resounded in the air. In that instant, everyone felt an indescribable fear in their hearts.

Immediately, all the citizens began to panic like ants.

They had not expected the monster to charge straight at them.

One had to know that even the country's military could not do anything about that terrifying monster.

Needless to say, they were powerless to fight against such a monster.

Thus, the citizens were like cats on a hot tin roof as they let out cries of despair.

At once, chaos ensued.

As the Void monster got closer, all of them could even smell the stench on its body.

However, just as the monster was about to reach the crowd of them and begin its mass slaughter, a figure that was even faster than the monster arrived at the scene in a flash. Then, just when the monster was about to collide with the humans, that figure knocked it back with a punch!