Red Ant Serum, Powerful Doctor Banner!

"That! That is!"

"Can it be an esteemed transmigrator?!"

If it was a Void monster, everyone had seen what the monsters looked like. Hence, when they saw Banner, their first thought was that he was a transmigrator.

"Hmm? I didn't expect everyone on the Earth Mother Planet to already recognize me!"

Banner was stunned. In order to save the Mother Planet, he had accepted the Master God of Space-time's summon, leaving the world he was in and choosing to return to Earth.

But from the looks of it, the people on Earth seemed to know him. They even called him a transmigrator.

Due to Banner's getting in the way, the Void monster also came to a halt, allowing the military's combat helicopters to arrive at the scene.

"Look, the esteemed transmigrator is here to save us!"

"It's true, he's like Sir Steve. I wonder what world he came from!"

Banner was enlightened when he heard the discussion of the people behind him. It seemed that a transmigrator had already arrived on Earth before him.

That was why everyone knew of their existence.

However, now was not the time to think too much. The first thing he had to do was eliminate this terrifying monster.

Just then, the pilot in the helicopter shouted to Banner through the loudspeaker in the fuselage, "Esteemed transmigrator, we'll cover for you!"

"There's no need for that. Brother Soldiers, please continue evacuating the crowd. I will not let this monster take a step forward!" Banner said, thinking very little of the monster.

However, when everyone heard him utter these words, they were all dumbfounded.

In their eyes, this transmigrator did not look particularly powerful.

After all, just based on appearance, this monster was already as tall as a three or four story building.

Furthermore, it had a frightening appearance and looked like a creature from hell.

As for the transmigrator, apart from his slightly reddish skin, there was nothing special about him.

His height was more or less the same as a normal person, and he did not have an imposing aura like Sir Steve.

Therefore, when they heard what the transmigrator said, all of them found it a little funny.

"Looks like they don't believe in my ability!"

Banner smiled and shook his head. Then, his demeanor abruptly changed, and his muscles suddenly became incredibly strong.

His body instantly changed from being skinny to muscular.

Even his clothes had split open due to his bulging muscles.

At that moment, Banner looked like an orc. His terrifying and exaggerated appearance made people's blood run cold.

"Hurry up and go!" Banner roared, his voice turning rough along with the change in his size.

Everyone snapped out of their daze when they heard this.

The military continued to evacuate the civilians.

Dadad Banner looked at the Devourer in front of him. Is this the monster that's trying to invade my Mother Planet?

As Banner's rage rose, his body also expanded rapidly. The terrifying aura around his body also soared in a split second.

This scene was transmitted to the White House office in Washington as well as the various countries around the world via satellites.

Steve was relieved to see a transmigrator arrive at the critical juncture.

Previously, he was very worried that if no transmigrators arrived, the people in the live broadcast would undoubtedly suffer heavy casualties.

The President of the United States was still a little worried. Even though the new transmigrator had transformed into a monster, he didn't know if he would be effective against a real monster.

So he asked Steve, "Esteemed Mr. Steve, I wonder if this gentleman can stop this terrifying monster! After all, this monster is much bigger compared to the one from before!"

When Steve heard the President's words, he smiled and said, "It's not a problem. Since the Master God of Space-time arranged for this transmigrator to arrive at the scene, he will definitely be able to resolve this crisis perfectly!"

"I'm also certain that this person is much stronger than me!"

The current Steve had already accepted the enhancement Paul applied on him. Yet, he could sense Banner's astonishing destructive power through seeing the shocking explosive power that Banner displayed in the broadcast.

This was an intuition he had attained after becoming a genetic warrior.

It had helped him survive many dangerous situations, so he trusted his intuition.

The President gradually felt more relieved after hearing what Steve said.

At this moment, many countries were watching this battle between the monsters through the broadcasted image.


The ground exploded, and Banner broke through the sound barrier. He slammed towards the creature like a cannonball.

Banner instantly covered a distance of nearly six hundred meters.

Then, he punched the Devourer. In the blink of an eye, the Devourer, which was as large as a creature from hell, was blasted nearly 300 meters away by this powerful force.

The ground cracked from the force of the punch and a wide hole was formed where the monster landed.

Everyone who saw this scene was stunned.

This was because the power that Banner had displayed was like that of a God or demon. It was impossible to use science to explain how the power that he had unleashed had come about

"Is this the power of the esteemed transmigrator?!"

Whether it was the evacuating crowd or the pilots in the fighter jets that were preparing to support Banner, everyone was shocked by Banner's terrifying strength.

They could not imagine what kind of powerful and terrifying energy was hidden under that body.

This was something that even the top physicists and biologists could not explain.

Furthermore, they clearly saw that the figure was suppressing the hellish monster and the monster was unable to retaliate.

Just like a toy, it was viciously beaten down everytime it tried to get up.

As Banner's punches landed one after another a sonic boom erupted in the air.

Right now, the only thing that could be heard was the shrilly, miserable cries of the monster.

In that instant, the figure that was like a Demonic God, was etched deeply into everyone's minds.

The numerous fighter planes hovered in the sky, completely unable to intervene.

They could sense that even without them, Banner could defeat the monster on his own.

Just as everyone heaved a sigh of relief, above Houston and Detroit…

A huge rift appeared above each of the two cities simultaneously!