The Mightiness of the Master God of Space-time! Construct a Space-time Shrine!

"Ah! What's that?"

On the other side of the spatial rift, the Void creature that was still acting arrogant before this, cried out in horror after its finger was forcefully ripped off, as if it had come across an extremely terrifying existence.

In fact, even the spatial rift collapsed just like that. It was so petrified that it did not even have time to care about his finger as he fled in fright.

Thor was stunned at first. Then the reverence in his heart surged as he realised who was the one who had attacked in the end.

"Your loyal servant, Thor, requests an audience with the Master God of Space-time!"

Thor knelt down respectfully in the sky.

The golden hand that was holding a huge finger, floated in the sky.

Countless Earthlings who looked up, could see this golden palm. It looked like it was very close, but the divinity gushing out made everyone kneel down involuntarily.

It was as if the owner of this palm could crush the entire Earth if he wanted to.

"I-is this the power of the Master God of Space-time?"

In that instant, the President of the United States and all the high ranking military personnel were all shocked.

Actually, Paul had not expected this either. However, the moment he saw the Void monster trying to enter Earth, a message had suddenly popped up from the Magic Crystal to inform him that he could use the authority of the Magic Crystal to punish the Void creature that had suddenly appeared.

Paul could temporarily use the power of space and time to eliminate the Void creature.

The moment he saw the message, Paul used this authority without the slightest hesitation.

The reason for that was because he was able to clearly sense that the aura was coming from an existence that they were currently unable to defeat.

If it really appeared on Earth, no one would be able to stop it.

Fortunately, the Magic Crystal awarded him this authority in the end. Otherwise, he could only reveal himself and fight alongside Thor.

"Yes!" Paul used the Magic Crystal to transmit his voice across the sky, "You have done well in protecting Earth. I will reward you!"

Thor was delighted to hear this.

In the past, he was the proud God of Thunder. However, in front of the Master God of Space-time, he felt like he was as insignificant as an ant. The powerful divinity made him, a God King, have the urge to kneel down.

Many American citizens had knelt on the ground after seeing the divinity of the Master God of Space-time appear in the sky.

They lowered their heads and prostrated themselves on the ground. At that moment, they only dared to kneel down and sincerely worship the Master God of Space-time!

After saying that, Paul controlled the golden palm to clench the finger.

The Void creature's finger was instantly crushed into dust by the golden palm.

Then, it turned into strands of energy that gathered on Thor's body.

Thor instantly groaned. As time passed, the energy on his body broke through level by level!

Violent energy rampaged within his body, and hideous veins bulging on his body could be seen with the naked eye.

Cold sweat trickled down his forehead, and his expression revealed that he was experiencing extreme pain.

After a few breaths, Thor's power erupted and swept away everything in the sky in an instant.

Thor gasped for breath. He could clearly feel that the power in his body had increased even more than before his arrival.

Thor was certain that if he were to fight against the two Void creatures again, he would not need to fight a second round.

He could instantly kill those two Void monsters in one blow.

At that moment, Paul was very excited to feel the power in Thor's body getting stronger.

Because this was not just Thor's strength getting stronger, but given that he could synchronize with the abilities of the transmigrators under him at any time, Thor becoming stronger also meant an increase in Paul's own strength.

All of this was as good as improving his own abilities.

Then, Paul dismissed the huge golden palm in the sky, and the entire world instantly calmed down.

"It's finally over."

The President of the United States took a deep breath. Fortunately, this disaster did not cause much harm.

Although Los Angeles, Detroit, Houston, and Washington had suffered varying degrees of damage, this was nothing compared to the threat of Earth's complete annihilation.

After all, this wasn't a complete loss. Moreover, they had obtained the corpses of these Void creatures.

These were all good stuff.

According to Steve, each of these Void creatures had powerful energy. If they were utilised properly, they could spur the evolution of humans on Earth.

For example, Steve could use the corpses of these Void creatures to create a gene serum. After all, he was an elite warrior in a parallel world.

He knew many of the secrets behind genetic warriors, so he could use this knowledge to strengthen his compatriots on the Earth Mother Planet.

Right now, the President of the United States was about to hold a press conference in the courtyard. He wanted to sum it up in a speech about the courage of the entire country in the fight against the Void.

As well as to mourn the loss of warriors and civilians.

Before that, a bolt of lightning descended from the sky and landed directly on the lawn of the White House.

Before the bodyguards could react, the lightning dissipated and a burly man walked out.

The many generals and bodyguards in the White House halted in their tracks when they saw Thor.

They had personally witnessed this burly man's battle in the sky. The power that seemed to be able to destroy the world shocked them.

Now that they were looking at the hero who saved the world, they were naturally less guarded.

Steve walked out from the White House. When he saw the God of Thunder, he immediately said with a smile, "You're here!"

Thor nodded solemnly. He had always been this indifferent.

Just like a high and mighty God.

He would only lower his proud head when facing the Master God of Space-time.

He went straight to meet the President of the United States and said, "I have an order to pass down!"

When the President of the United States saw this legendary God, he suppressed his nervousness and nodded as he said, "Please go ahead. As long as our government can get it done we will do our best!"

"After I came to the Earth Mother Planet, I actually didn't find a shrine of the Master God of Space-time!"

"This is undoubtedly disrespectful to the Master God. I demand shrines of the Master God of Space-time be built all around the world for the people to worship!" Thor issued his order in all seriousness.