The Era of Transmigrators on Earth Is Coming!

The President of the United States had not expected Thor to come down for this.

Build Space-time Shrines!

"Alright! No problem. I'll get someone to build the Space-time Shrines in the center of all the districts in the United States. At the same time, I'll bring this up at the press conference! I'll get our allies from other countries to build them too!"

The President of the United States agreed without thinking. He was also proud and happy to have this mission.

After all, this was the time to establish a good relationship with the Master God of Space-time. After all, he had personally witnessed the power of the Master God of Space-time.

At that time, in the face of a power that humans could not understand, everyone felt like death had descended upon them.

Yet, the Master God of Space-time did not even reveal himself. He simply transmogrified into a huge golden palm and frightened off the powerful existence on the other side of the spatial rift.

Moreover, the President of the United States could see that this world would definitely be the transmigrators' era in the future. In the face of this magical power, there would undoubtedly be a huge reform.

Therefore, when faced with such a situation, there was no doubt as to what choice to make. America would definitely cling on to the Master God of Space-time.

Steve nodded. He also felt that Thor's proposal was excellent.

The Master God of Space-time had given them a new life and had even given them power and status that they could never have had in their previous lives.

Needless to say, the transmigrators had to repay the Master God of Space-time.

Hence, the building of the Space-time shrines demanded immediate action.

Steve said, "Next up, I will do my best to develop the gene serum to help strengthen all the humans on Earth!"

The President of the United States was overjoyed.

As a matter of fact, their current selves were completely no match for the Void creatures. Even helping was out of the question, let alone battling them.

Through this battle, everyone could tell that the technological weapons that humans were the most proud of were but a joke.

Not to mention that those were only the weakest Void creatures. With the real Void invaders like the one the God of Thunder dealt with, they probably wouldn't even be able to get close to them. Just the aftermath alone could wipe out the entire Earth army.

If they deployed a large number of nuclear weapons, it would be akin to suicide. Before they could even destroy half of the Void creatures, humans would have been wiped out by the radiation.

Therefore, if they could obtain the gene serum, humans would undoubtedly have better self-preservation abilities.

However, the President of the United States also knew that all the future battles would rely mainly on transmigrators. The troops on Earth would definitely be there as assistants to the transmigrators.

After all, it was impossible for humans to fight against an existence that could sink the entire continent with one strike.

Pleased with the reaction of the President of the United States, Thor nodded.

Steve and the other transmigrators might still have some scruples about the emotions of the people on Earth, but powerful existences like the God of Thunder would not care too much about humans on Earth.

This was because as their souls matured, the Magic Crystal's control over them would become even more thorough.

Right now, the Master God of Space-time, aka Paul's order was of utmost importance to Thor.

Even if Paul ordered him to destroy Earth and mankind, he would not hesitate to do so.

His life seemed to exist simply to obey the orders of the Master God of Space-time.

Thor then said, "By constructing the Space-time shrines, the Master God of Space-time will then be able to use the power of spacetime to allow transmigrators to travel freely. In that case, transmigrators will be able to arrive at the first instance if any Void creature invades!"

"It would be best if such Space-time shrines could be popularized throughout the world!"

The President of the United States nodded heavily after hearing what Thor said. He understood the importance of this.

In actuality, the idea of building a Space-time shrine was transmitted to Thor through the Magic Crystal.

However, because of Paul's absolute control over Thor, Thor would only believe that it was his own idea.

He would not question his own thoughts, so the God of Thunder simply executed Paul's orders.

Paul's idea of constructing Space-time shrines was very simple. In all honesty, this was because the ancestral planet, Earth, was a little special.

In the Milky Way, this was the only planet that had been found to have lifeforms on it.

It was like an isolated island in the universe.

However, Paul knew that Earth was not the only planet in the universe due to the Magic Crystal Cube.

After all, if a magical place like Infinite World existed, there would definitely be other life forms that humans had yet to detect.

Therefore, Paul wanted to create the Space-time Shrine. When he had a powerful transmigrator in the future and had upgraded Earth's technology, he would then travel through the galaxy, and leave traces of the Space-time Shrine wherever there were lifeforms.

After the President acceded to his request, the God of Thunder raised his hammer up and soared into the sky.

In the blink of an eye, he was nowhere to be seen.

The President was stunned when he saw the God of Thunder's swift actions.

Steve, who was beside him, said, "Send the Void creatures to my laboratory later. I will extract useful parts from them and develop the gene serum!"

"Got it, Mr. Steve!"

The President of the United States nodded and instructed his secretary to make the necessary arrangements.

After a while, the White House press conference began.

The President of the United States then mourned the civilians and soldiers who had suffered this time.

Then, he announced to the entire country that he wanted to construct Space-time shrines and the importance of the Space-time shrines.

After that, the President of the United States announced that he was going to establish an Earth Federation to deal with information related to the Void as well as to set up an Earth Federation Warrior Battalion.

It was a team set up specially to assist transmigrators and would also be used as the initial war preparation camp for developing the first batch of genetic warriors.

After the President of the United States announced all these, all the leaders of the world gathered in America.

This was because almost everyone knew that the era of transmigrators had arrived.

The humans on Earth were about to experience rapid development. With the help of the transmigrators, they would be able to fight against the Void creatures and grow their technology and strength.

At present, humans had to be united in order to survive this cataclysm. They could not afford to have any selfish behavior.