The Centre of the World, the Space-time Shrine!

As the last earth-shattering battle ended, the first thing the United States did was to repair the entire city, and make contact with the returning transmigrators.

In Paul's hands right now were God of Thunder Thor, the Red-ant Giant Banner, as well as the two transmigrators from Detroit and Houston, the Vampire and the Werewolf.

For now, there were a total of five transmigrators on Earth. As for the Space-time Shrine, the American government was doing its best to construct them.

Steve's research on gene serum was also coming to an end.

The gene serum was presently being used in the Earth Federation's Genetic Warrior Camp.

This warrior camp was filled with elites selected from various countries.

Furthermore, everyone's nationality was removed the moment they joined the Earth Federation.

For them, there was no concept of countries.

They were fighting for Earth and for the Master God of Space-time.

The concept of countries no longer existed for them.

These warriors were also proud to enter the Genetic Warrior Battalion.

It could be said that Earth was currently undergoing rapid development.

Paul, who was in charge of everything behind the scenes and guarding the safety of Earth, was the first to walk on the streets and observe the passers-by walking past.

At that moment, there were many people on the streets who were still shocked by the Epic battle they had seen previously!

"I didn't expect it to be real!"

"It's horrible. That kind of battle is like the destruction of the world. It's even scarier than those Hollywood movies."

"Hah, this world is no longer peaceful. If we encounter the invasion of those monsters again, what else can we do apart from waiting for death?"

Many American citizens on the streets were discussing what had happened recently.

"It's alright. Aren't there transmigrators? Didn't the country say that the transmigrators have returned? When they arrive on Earth, they can protect it."

someone interrupted them just then. Upon hearing that person's words, everyone nodded and the topic turned to the transmigrators.

Paul smiled at the sight and continued walking down the street.

The world was no longer peaceful.

Scenes of the previous battles had been spread throughout the entire world by the Magic Crystal Cube and people all around the world watched the scenes.

Yet, there were still some silly people who suspected that America was behind all of this.

However, anyone with a brain would know that that was pure defamation.

If America had this kind of technology, they would have been invincible a long time ago. There was no need for them to play such tricks.

After this battle, although the names of the various transmigrators had yet to be announced to the public, they had already garnered huge popularity around the world.

Thor, in particular, as he had single-handedly fought against two Void invaders and had even destroyed half of Washington. This made the entire human race acknowledge his strength.

He was also the world's strongest transmigrator.

Although they did not know how long Thor's title of being the best would last if other transmigrators descended in the future, at least for now, Thor had the ceiling for combat power on Earth, and countless people around the world worshipped him.

Thor himself did not know all these. Right now, he was shrouded in a black robe and trailing behind Paul like a loyal servant.

The governments of the various countries were strangely silent. They did not say anything or react to the sensational global news.

The reason for that was that they were currently trying their best to curry favor with the transmigrators. They had no time to care about the rumors outside.

If what America said was true, then three years later, the spatial rift would officially open up. Ten years later, the Void would completely invade, and they would really die.

Therefore, they had to develop their own country's strength with the help of the transmigrators.

They had to improve, be it in terms of the level of technology or production.

However, all countries had a common goal, which was to venerate transmigrators as the rulers of the world.

This was because they knew that without the help of the transmigrators, they would not be able to withstand the invasion of the void. Other than being food for the Void, they had no other options.

If they wanted to develop their technology, they would require the help of the transmigrators.

Otherwise, with their level of technology, it would be impossible for them to make more progress within three years.

A few days later, while the entire world was still in discussion, the American government released a piece of news.

"The construction of the Space-time Shrine will begin. With the help of the entire country, it will be completed within a month."

"The Space-time Shrine will be overseen by five transmigrators. When the time comes, as long as one becomes a retainer for the Master God of Space-time, one will be able to obtain a dose of gene serum and undergo a thorough change!"

This piece of news shook the entire world!

Although they didn't dare to desire that God-like power, just the idea of surpassing their current body constitution was enough to make them go crazy.

However, many people around the world felt dismayed when they saw America's official announcement.

"The first batch of retainers for the Space-time Shrine only recruits Americans!"

This was a decision jointly made by the five transmigrators because they knew that there were many people in the world at the moment, but the amount of gene serum was limited.

Therefore, they could only allow Americans to activate their genes first.

Of course, there was also a little biasness from Paul involved, because he was also American.

Many countries were disappointed, but none were disgruntled.

The reason was simple - Earth was saved only because of these transmigrators.

The reason why they were still alive was because they had transmigrators and the Master God of Space-time.

Therefore, they wouldn't feel disgruntled or resentful at all. All those feelings didn't exist. Although there were idiots in the world, there was no one foolish enough to have the audacity to jump out and question the transmigrators' decision.

Putting all else aside, any random transmigrator would have the ability to destroy a country. Although they would not do that, they were still a deterrent force.

"Space-time Shrine!"

Paul stood in New York Times Square, the busiest street in the world.

Every shop here was worth a fortune.

However, at the center of Times Square, construction was underway.

One could clearly see a magnificent palace gradually being constructed from the foundation.

This palace would be Paul's shrine from now on.

At the same time, it was also where he and his transmigrators would stay.

Now, everyone in the world would be devout when they heard his name.

Simply because the powerful Master God of Space-time was protecting them!