Combat Team

After explaining everything, Jack called the butler and Alice.

To maximize the popularity of the conscription, Jack decided to improve the treatment of the soldiers.

The first problem was food. All the soldiers would be provided meat during the trial period and ensured that there was sufficient food for them.

Secondly, the tax amount would be halved for the family of the new recruit.

Thirdly, there was the issue of remuneration. The soldiers in training would be paid a silver coin per month.

Afterwards, he would receive the same treatment as the official soldiers when he passed the training.

For the official soldiers, everyone would obtain a battle aura seed.

In addition, there was the issue of food. Everyone could obtain rare treasure level resources that could increase the strength of their battle aura. The supply of meat would also be changed from ordinary White Horse Treasure Chicken to high-quality White Horse Treasure Chicken (limited amount).

Lastly, there was the remuneration. All soldiers who passed the training period would receive a monthly allowance of 10 silver coins. If they died in battle, their families would receive a compensation of 1 gold coin. Furthermore, the families of official soldiers would be exempted from all taxes. They could also receive a certain amount of election preferential treatment, policy preferential treatment, and so on.


Jack told Steward Steve about his thoughts and ideas.

Steve could not help but be tempted when he heard the president's treatment of the soldiers.

If not for his age, he would want to apply for it himself.

Then, Steward Steve went down to make the announcement.

Jack looked at Alice beside him and said, "You are now in charge of planning the food supply for all the trial soldiers and official soldiers, including highland barley and White Horse Treasure Chicken. You have to ensure that everything is used wisely. We don't have much time left. We have to be prepared before the merman's attack."

Alice had a rare serious look on her face. She knew how terrifying it would be once the mermen started invading, so she did not dare to act slowly.

"If you need anything else, you can ask Steward Steve. He'll help you," Jack said again.

Alice nodded.


Soon, Jack's recruitment treatment was issued by Steve.

It instantly caused a huge commotion among the slaves.

"Gasp, this treatment is amazing. I want the battle aura seed, not to mention anything else!"

"Meat? God, how long has it been since I've eaten meat?"

"No one can fight with me for it. This time, I'm definitely joining the army."


After the news was announced, the people who had been watching could no longer hold themselves back.

All of them rushed to the various recruitment points set up by the higher-ups.

In just one day, the recruitment showed great effectiveness.

At night, Regiment Commander Enger brought the information to the castle where Jack was and reported the situation.

"Mr. President, thanks to your recruitment policy, everyone is eager to register, and the selection process is going very smoothly. It's just that there are too many people." Enger clenched his fists apologetically.

"Well, tell me the details?" Jack asked.

"Ah, it's like this. There were more than 800 people tested this time, and 150 of them had very good conditions. I couldn't bear to disqualify them, so I wanted to ask if you have any better ideas." Enger asked.

"150 people?" Jack nodded.

This number far exceeded his expectations.

Under the threat of the Mermen, the more the better.

However, the problem now was that after harvesting the wheat, it would be time to farm soon.

Once these 150 people were transferred away, would it affect the farming efficiency?

The thought of it gave Jack a headache.

Without high-quality wheat seeds, the output would not increase at all.

In addition, without the assistance of mechanization, the efficiency of sowing and harvesting was too low!

It was to the extent that they had to devote a considerable number of people to the problem of wheat now.

Then, Jack asked, "How's the harvesting situation now? Will the transfer of 100 people affect the harvest?"

Although Jack had never done anything related to agriculture before, after being influenced by the recent period of time, he knew that it would cause a problem if the wheat ripened and was not harvested in time. Once heavy rain falls, the hard work of more than a hundred days would be wasted.

The following harvest was the most important resource for Jack to develop external trade, so he could not afford to make a mistake now!

"Mr. President, as of now, the harvest has been going very smoothly. We have successfully harvested more than half of the wheat. The rest will be harvested within ten days." Enger shook his hand and hurriedly said, "Don't worry, the reallocation of these people will not affect the harvest."

Jack nodded, "Then let's do it. We'll take them to the castle gates tomorrow and hand them over to the Silver Swordsmen for training."

After his request was fulfilled, Regiment Commander Enger quickly stood up and punched his left palm with his right fist, thanking Jack excitedly.

However, Steward Steve frowned.

Finding an opportunity to interrupt, he said, "Mr. President, there's no problem with the people. The most important thing now is that we don't have enough ironware. Other than the necessary tools for farming, the remaining ironware left for the soldiers will probably only be able to equip half of the recruited soldiers this time."

Hearing Steve's words, Jack nodded.

The problem of insufficient ironware had always been there.

As a result, other than the current Silver Swordsmen, no one else on the island had an iron weapon.

Even he could only borrow Eugene's sword sometimes!

This was a big problem. No one knew when the mermen would attack.

Once they attacked, he could not possibly let the soldiers fight barehanded!

At that thought, Jack had an idea, but he still did not speak.

He did not want to solve everything himself.

This way, Steve and Enger's existence would have no meaning.

Hence, Jack asked, "What do you two think?"

Upon hearing the president's words, the two of them were stunned for a moment before their faces lit up.

In most cases, they were very reserved.

On one hand, they did not know much.

On the other hand, they could not interfere in most of the current developments.

This made them feel extremely useless.

Furthermore, this was the beginning of the development of the island. If they could not provide enough help to the president, they might be pushed down by others very soon!

Thinking up to this point, the regiment commander stood out and said, "Mr. President, my suggestion is to let the Hunting Squad speed up the exploration of the island while gradually reducing the production of food. Once the mine is discovered, the freed up people can join the mining team immediately."

At Enger's words, Jack nodded. It was a good idea.

However, he suddenly realized something, was his island really that big?

Why was the exploration not completed yet?

Thinking of this, Jack asked, "How's the situation of the Hunting Squad? Why hasn't the exploration been completed after three months?"

Regiment Commander Enger quickly replied, "Sir President, they met with some trouble. At a canyon in the southwest direction, there are some huge magical beasts and some unknown poisonous creatures. Many of the explorers in the Hunting Squad have suffered casualties."
