Urgent Matter, Drawing a Complete Map

Hearing this, Jack could not help but slam the table, "Why didn't you inform us immediately regarding such a big matter?"

The population on the island was Jack's most important resource.

One death meant one less useful member.

How could Jack not feel heartache in this situation when there was no way to replenish them?

The plan to create nuclear families was also Jack's backup plan because he was worried that he would not be able to raise the population in a short period of time.

But this method was extremely slow!

There were more than a thousand people. Even if he had bought enough women back then, it would take him a few years to increase the population in a short period of time.

Jack could not afford to wait too long!

So when he heard that there were casualties, Jack was furious!

Jake's fury made Enger shudder.

He hurriedly knelt on the ground and said, "Mr. President, this is my fault. I thought that I could resolve it as soon as possible. I didn't expect such a huge problem to occur."

Looking at Enger below, Jack resisted the urge to beat him to death. He suppressed his anger and said to Eugene beside him, "Eugene, get a few Gold Swordsmen to support him. I want to settle the matter there as soon as possible and make the Hunting Squad more efficient. I want to get a map of the entire island."

"Yes Sir." Eugene took the order and left to make arrangements.

"Alright, Eugene will deal with this. Now let's continue with the earlier topic." Jack calmed down and said, "Enger, your idea is pretty good. I agree."

"Yes, Mr. President." Enger wiped away the cold sweat on his forehead and hurriedly said.

Steve shook his head slightly when he saw Enger's reaction.

In his heart, he thought to himself that Enger did not see through the President's plans!

What was the most important thing now?

Was it resources?



No, none of them!

It was the population. In this island, the population could not be replenished in a short time.

Every person was a resource that could not be replenished. Every death meant one less person to use!

It was obvious that Enger had deliberately not reported it to the higher-ups in order to claim credit himself.

He did not expect such a huge incident to happen. He was really unlucky!

"What do you think?" Jack asked, unaware that Steve had thought so much in a short time.

Steve stroked his beard and said slowly: "President, my idea is similar to Enger's, but my suggestion is to develop the seafaring industry. The island's resources are limited after all, especially the population, seeds, meat, and so on. We urgently need to supplement these."

After listening to Steve, Jack nodded.

This was basically what he thought.

So Jack asked again, "What resources do you think we have that can be traded?"

Hearing the president's question, Steve stroked his beard and slowly said, "Mr. President, I think we can use a portion of the food, as well as ordinary White Horse Treasure Chickens, some fresh vegetables, and so on."

"Of course, this is still not enough. I suggest that we mainly trade with gold coins."

Hearing this, Jack nodded.

Steve was right.

Of course he could not sell the highland barley.

On one hand, they had to supply it to the selected soldiers.

On the other hand, this was a rare treasure after all. Once the trade was made, if they met a bad person, the island would face an even more difficult war ahead of time!

"We'll do as you say. You'll be mainly responsible for the construction of the ships and the nurturing of the crew. Remember, the sooner the better," Jack instructed.

Steve nodded in acknowledgment.


On the other side, Eugene led a few Gold Swordsmen towards the Hunter Squad.

At this moment, the last canyon of the island was already surrounded by the hunters.

As for the leader of the Hunter Squad, Jack, who personally took charge of the department, was extremely frustrated and kept walking around.

It had taken too long.

There were already casualties now!

Snike knew that this matter had become very serious.

But his superior was Enger, after all. There was no way he could pass on the message to the higher-ups.

However, after a few tests and casualties, they knew that this was not something they could resolve!

Just as he was wondering what to do, Eugene arrived with his men.

The people who came all erupted with golden battle aura.

Like a blazing sun, it instantly dispersed most of the haze in the canyon.

Countless animals felt threatened and knelt on the ground, trembling.

Some of the magical beasts were not afraid at all. Instead, they roared at Eugene, grabbed the rocks around them, and threw them into the sky.

Under the terrifying strength, the rock carried an unparalleled force as it smashed towards Eugene and the rest.

"You want death!" Eugene shouted from the sky.

Then, he pulled out his long sword and activated his golden battle aura, smashing the flying boulder into pieces.

Then, he exerted strength with both of his hands, and the red sword skill left his hands and directly split the magical beast below into two.

The other Gold Swordsmen were not to be outdone. They raised their swords and attacked.

In just a few minutes, the problem that had given the Snike a headache was solved by several Gold Swordsmen.

By the time Snike came out, all the magical beasts in the valley had been killed.

Snike wanted to get closer to him.

But Eugene had no such intention.

Standing in the sky, his golden battle aura surged up and down. He looked at Snike and said, "Under the orders of the President, we have dealt with all the magical beasts in the canyon. I will now pass down the orders from the President, Snike will speed up the exploration of the canyon and draw out the map of the entire island as soon as possible."

Snike hurriedly patted his chest and said, "Please rest assured, President and Sir Eugene. I will complete the mission as soon as possible."

"I will bring your words to the President." With that, Eugene left quickly with his men.

After seeing Eugene leave, Snike heaved a huge sigh of relief.

The president's first guard captain had terrifying strength.

In addition to his cold personality, just listening to his voice alone made people feel his cold killing intent.

It was as if he would draw his sword to kill at any moment!

Snike paused for a while. He did not dare to delay any longer and started to gather the Hunter Squad to assign missions.


It was a peaceful night, on the next day.

The 150 soldiers who had been summoned arrived outside the huge castle.

When they saw such a majestic castle for the first time, they could not help but exclaim.

This was especially the case when they saw the buildings within the gigantic castle. They were so shocked that they could not close their mouths.

"Is this the giant castle? It's really huge. Will we have a chance to live in it?"

"It's so beautiful. It's so beautiful. I've never seen anything like it in my life."

"I must live in it and become a soldier that the President is proud of."

"Ha, come on, that's what I wanted to say. As for you, work harder!"

"That's right, I will definitely succeed in this trial. I want to become a great swordsman, and become someone that the President can rely on!"


The Silver Swordsmen standing in front of everyone looked at the ambitious young people below and could not help but shake their heads.

If they knew how terrifying the trial was, would they still be so confident?