The Truth [ Part 2 ]

'This life…' Emre hesitated but forced himself to steel his nerves. 'This is my second life.'

Idris's expression wavered but he nodded, being patient as Emre continued to explain. Emre left nothing out and had become increasingly more tense as Idris stayed quiet during the entire story. He dared not look at Idris for fear of seeing an unsavory expression.

The story lasted to the late hours of the night, and while it was all silent inside for the guards stationed outside, there was actually an unbelievable story being told. When he finished Emre felt so tense that his muscles were beginning to ache.

'These last two months have been very hard for you…' Idris commented lightly.

Emre felt surprise run through his body and he couldn't help but look over to see Idris's look of sympathy. He wasn't sure of what Idris had been thinking the whole time but he wasn't really expecting this. Did he not want to flood Emre with questions right off the bat?

Had he been so worried for nothing? Idris had told him that the truth wouldn't change his view, but he really didn't expect that to actually be the case.

'I couldn't ever imagine going from one world to a completely different one. I wouldn't have been able to handle it as well as you have, especially in these circumstances.' Idris added.

Emre felt himself deflate as he flopped back into the couch. He let out a breath and shook his head. He really had been so worried and tense for nothing. Idris was being nothing but understanding. Emre couldn't lie to him so he had no choice but to believe him but even so...

Idris then let out a small chuckle. 'If I were you I wouldn't be risking my new life just to save a world that I'm not even familiar with.'

'You say that like I have a choice.' Emre grumbled.

'Did Tirian tell you that you had to do this?' Idris raised a brow.

'No…' Emre then pondered for a moment. 'But why would she give me the ability to use radiant magic if not to do this?'

'Maybe that is why she chose you.'


'You told me before when we first met that you weren't protecting the village because Tirian told you to. You were doing it because you wanted to do it.' Idris explained. 'So even if you knew nothing of the Gods, you would still fight, wouldn't you?'

Emre listened carefully and eventually nodded. 'Yeah… I suppose you're right.'

Idris nodded, confident that he was as well. 'That is probably why she chose you. You'll fight even without her needing to ask you to.'

'That doesn't excuse not explaining anything to me when she first put me in this world.'

'But she still gave you a second chance. And you're not a human, but one of the strongest creatures in the world now thanks to her. Besides, you said she wasn't able to say much before she put you in the world.'

Emre was quiet for a second.

'Stop being so reasonable.' He then complained.

Idris let out a small chuckle as Emre closed his golden eyes. 'You'll likely get the chance to talk to Tirian tomorrow… You might be able to get answers then. That is probably why she told you to go to the Capital Temple at that time.' Idris said.

'She better explain or else I might go crazy.'

Idris only gave a small nod as a small bout of silence overtook them. Neither minded it after such a long and complex story and then Idris spoke up.

'This world is your world now.' Idris started. 'Even if you were a human in the past, you are a dragon now. You're also the son of a ruling God and a user of radiant magic.'

Emre gave him an inquiring look, wondering what he was getting at.

'You'll now have a lot of responsibilities that you didn't ask for. What we're going to be doing the day after tomorrow is just going to be a step closer to being put under pressure by those who will inevitably look to us for answers.' He continued. 'We can't hide if we want to protect this world.'

He then stood up and turned to Emre with a serious look on his face.

'Are you ready to face the possibility of becoming the key figures in saving the world?'

Emre looked dazed for a moment at Idris's revelation but then he stood up as well with a strained smile.

'Probably not.' He ended up answering.

'Me neither…' Idris's confident voice faltered.

Emre looked at him in even more disbelief before being unable to hold back a fit of laughter. When he was able to catch his breath he wiped a small tear from the corner of his eye as Idris looked at him with his own look of disbelief at his reaction.

'Seems like we're in for a bumpy road then.' Emre said.

'That's an understatement.'

'Well, we should get some rest before we have to start becoming saviors of the world.'

Idris let out a sigh. 'I guess.'

They both switched back into their disguised human forms and Emre followed him to the balcony. Idris easily jumped back over to his own and opened the glass door, giving Emre one last glance. Emre waved and spoke.


'Goodnight.' He was about to walk in but stopped and looked back again. 'Next time we get the chance to sit and talk again, I'll tell you about me.'

He then watched Idris enter his room before going back into his own. Locking the door behind him, he gave the extravagant room another scan. He felt exhausted. Spilling out his life story was nerve-wracking. And he knew Idris probably had questions but refrained from asking.

Idris turned out to be far more understanding than he first thought. He was always silent and brooding and seemed absolutely unapproachable, but it turned out he just hadn't opened up. He seemed to like conversation, he was reasonable, and he was even worried when Emre was messing around.

He was closed off in front of everyone else, but it looked like he was starting to open up to Emre now. He laughed more and even intended to tell Emre about himself when they had the chance. His intention to be friends with Emre wasn't just empty words.

Without dwelling on it, he headed toward the comfy bed and promptly shoved himself under the overly soft blankets. Telling someone about everything lifted a small weight off his shoulders. He managed to get a relatively decent sleep after having slept in the cold for the last few days.


Knock, knock.

Emre's eyes flickered open at the sound. Drowsy, he rolled over to face the door.

"Who is it?" He asked with a sleepy voice.

"Winston, sir. Your personal servant for your stay here." His voice was muffled by the door.

Emre's mind filtered through what he had read about noble lives in some of the light novels he'd read. Would everything work in the same way here?

"Come in." He eventually answered as he groggily sat up and swung his legs over the edge of the bed.

The servant entered calmly, pushing a cart into the room which held a large wooden bowl and a towel. He pushed it near the bed and gave Emre a respectful bow of greeting. Still drowsy from sleep, Emre merely dipped his head back.

Winston was an older man with a very distinguished demeanor. He seemed to be older than Ragan, his hair was mostly grey and his face was defined with more wrinkles. He was wearing the basic black butler tuxedo that most of the other servants also wore.

"This is for you to wash up this morning." Winston gestured to the cart. "Lord Maller also requested that I inform you that all of the clothes in the wardrobe are at your disposal and asks that you pick something from there to wear today."

Emre glanced at the bowl first, seeing it contained steaming water for him to clean himself up with. It wasn't a shower or bath, but it was something for now. Before, he would bathe in the cold river with everyone else.

As for the clothes, he recalled glancing inside the wardrobe to see all the fancy outfits. He figured Breton wanted him to wear something nice for when they went to meet the High Priest.

"Breakfast is currently being prepared and will be brought to your room soon. Is there anything, in particular, you enjoy eating or drinking, sir?"

"Yes, some bacon would be great. As well as something sweet to drink." Emre answered without hesitation.

"Very well, sir."

To have someone at his beck and call was quite nice. He would not hesitate to use this opportunity while it lasted. Standing up, he rolled up his shirt sleeves and began to wash himself up. Winston waited to continue until he was done.

"Once you have finished breakfast, Lord Maller also wishes to summon you all to the foyer before you all move to do your respective activities today."

"All of us? What for?"

"He did not say. Apologies, sir."

Emre shook his head. "It's fine."

He began to walk around the bed toward the wardrobe, intent on checking out the wardrobe once more to see what he should wear. Before he was about to open the door, he turned to Winston who was still standing straight and dignified where he was before.

"If there is nothing else, you may leave."

Winston's eyes flickered in surprise for a moment before he bowed and grabbed the cart.

"I will return when your breakfast is ready." He quickly stated.


Winston quickly left and Emre was glad that he had learned noble etiquette from Ragan. Although he was meant to be the lesser in most cases, it turned out he was the higher right now.

Dismissing the thoughts, he entered the wardrobe with starry eyes. He began to happily sift through the outfits that were inside until he found one that suit his fancy. He would've never been able to wear anything like this in the past.

He was enjoying the white theme very much but believed it to be too attention-attracting to go out in public with. As such, he chose a darker-colored noble outfit. It was easy to change into as well.

Looking into the body mirror next to the bed, he could see that he looked like a young noble that was about to go on a casual outing. The undershirt was white with a chest ruffle that overlaid the outer layer which was a high collared grey and gold overshirt. There was a small diamond-shaped opening at the chest that allowed the ruffles through.

His collar was buckled together above the ruffle with a small dark blue gem marking the center of his neck while the rest of the overshirt buckled at his abdomen with small golden chains decorating them. The overshirt was mostly grey aside from golden trimming that gently graced the edges of the shirt, including his sleeves.

A golden fabric belt overlaid the overshirt, the two golden tassels that hung off it were just barely longer than the bottom part of the shirt, stopping at mid-thigh in length. His pants were darker than his shirt and they even had a set of dark boots to complement.

He looked quite dashing and much less equipped for battle like he usually was. He decided to leave his sword here since his magic was more than enough to defend himself should he need it.

Shortly after he dressed himself another knock came at the door. Winston brought in his breakfast. It was a beautiful meal, including his requested bacon and a rather sweet tea. Emre felt that he could definitely get used to this but didn't let it linger on his mind as he finished.

Ready to leave, he heard another knock on the door. Since Winston was still in the room with him, he was curious. Opening the door, he looked to see a surprised guard and Idris waiting there with his own personal servant.

Emre felt his own shock as he looked upon a noble Idris. He seemed to have chosen a mostly black outfit. His undershirt was high collared and grey and he wore a black vest over it that was covered in brocade-like designs. The only color other than grey and black in his outfit were the light golden trims at his sleeves.

He didn't let his shock show aside from a small glint in his eyes as he stepped out with Winston behind him. Idris's brows raised for a moment but nothing more changed his usual stoic expression while in front of all these strangers.

'You look mighty dapper.' Emre commented mentally as they began to walk down the hall.

'Dapper?' Idris inquired.

'It means like… fancy or neat.'

'You do as well, then.'

Emre had to hold back a chuckle. It would be odd if he laughed out of nowhere when to everyone else they had started walking in silence without even a greeting. Winston ended up leading the way to the foyer since the two weren't familiar with the mansion yet and they arrived in no time.

It seemed they were the last to arrive like usual. Walking down the stairs, Emre noted that everyone aside from Ragan was wearing their usual clothing. They all looked clean and full though. Ragan was wearing his own noble-like outfit, probably for when he went to meet the Commander today.

Breton was not wearing his armor this time and was in a fancy white, gold, and blue outfit that bore a bit of resemblance to Emre's own. As usual, however, his face was full of smiles as they arrived with the rest.

"Good morning, Esteemed Emre, Esteemed Idris." He greeted them with a deep bow.

The present servants' expressions wavered at the greeting, but they all quickly recovered as he began again, not even giving Emre a chance to tell him to just use their names normally. The party couldn't help but smile or snicker at it, knowing well that neither of them liked it.

"I have these emblems for you all to use. Having these will merely grant you all access to leave and return since the road this house is on is not open to the public. It will only grant you that and nothing else." Breton stated as he motioned to the servants next to him who walked up to distribute the small tablets.

They were little badges of some sort with a sigil. Emre recognized this symbol to be the same one that was on the tapestry in Carlowe's tent in the village. He had figured out that this was the symbol of the Kingdom. Given the material, it was likely really only fit for what Breton had explained.

"I trust you all won't bother any of the other nobles on this road and only come and go from this house." Breton then added on.

"Of course, thank you for these." Killan said, putting it safely away.

Emre also slipped it away safely along with the rest of the party. This was likely the only reason that Breton had them all meet here before they all left. This also meant that Breton was somewhat informed that they were all going to be going something today. He couldn't help but recall Ragan mentioning how some servants could probably read lips.

"Alright! That is all I needed to give you. The servants will be able to get ready and bring your horses from the stables so you can go as you please."

"Thank you again, Lord Maller." Killan and the rest of the group gave a small bow.

They quickly said their goodbyes to Emre and Idris and left the manor to do what they all planned. Emre looked to Breton and had the urge to screw up the unwavering smile upon his face. At this point, it felt unnatural to see constantly and he wondered if Breton's face cramped from doing it too much.

"It seems we also have something to do today, shall we go pay a visit to the Capital Temple?" He asked happily.

Emre found himself adopting an aloof expression to compliment Idris's stoic one. Breton seemed completely unphased by this as Emre responded.

"Yes, I look forward to meeting the new High Priest."