The High Priest of Tirian

A single carriage was already ready to go when Emre and Idris followed Breton out of the manor. For a moment Emre looked for the horses that Ragan had bought him and Idris only to realize that they were not present. It seemed they would be riding in the carriage with Breton on this trip.

While Emre did not see Breton as a bad guy, his obvious attempts to curry favor of the two was unbearably noticeable. His servants were keeping a close eye on them and he couldn't help but walk more confidently under their judging stares. He did not want to seem meek just because of a couple of probing eyes.

Idris seemed completely unbothered as if he hadn't noticed at all. Emre couldn't help but be impressed by his persistent front. Emre knew he had to keep this up, especially in front of Breton. He didn't want to seem arrogant, nor too mild. He just wanted to seem like he knew what he was doing.

Like Idris had mentioned the night before, they weren't just some people trying to help in passing. No, they were the main force. If Emre appeared untrustworthy or nervous, their likelihood of gaining aid would be severely dimmed.

Entering the carriage, it smelled faintly of perfumes as if it had just been sprayed beforehand. The seats were comfortable and it wasn't too hot or too cold inside. He and Idris sat on one side and Breton on the other. Breton's personal servant took a seat up with the carriage driver and they quickly set off with several guards following after.

Emre moved aside the curtain covering the small carriage window and glanced around the surroundings as they began to move. He was barely able to appreciate the city when they arrived and he doubted he would be able to do it now or tomorrow. The thought brought a sigh to his lips but he held it back.

He let the curtain fall slack as he looked toward Breton who simply smiled in response. Emre didn't know why his smile was beginning to irritate him, but it was. Clearing his throat, he propped one leg up on the other.

"Did you know the High Priest before they became one?" He asked.

Breton gave a small nod. "Yes, I met them in passing some time ago."

"So you do not know them well?"

"Unfortunately, no."

"What is their name?"

Breton's smile turned apologetic. "They do not disclose their name to others unless they are close friends or family. Something about it being a tradition in their family."

"I see…"

With his questions coming to a dead end, he figured he'd just wait to see who this person was. Luckily, it didn't take that long to arrive. It wasn't far from the nobles' area. Emre could see people milling around, avoiding the moving carriage.

Glancing through the window, he could see people of all types as a plaza opened up the area. There were people who seemed poor as well as some who seemed wealthy. Although avoiding one another, it seemed anyone was welcome here.

Then as the carriage turned, he was finally able to see it from the tiny window. It was a massive building that looked no less than a castle elevated by dozens of steps. It was white with golden intricacies, each part of the building looked like it was carved by the Goddess herself. He could count about four spires from here and could see the giant door was wide open for people to come and go as they pleased.

People made way for the carriage, some immediately recognizing it as the Paladin's carriage. The guards made sure people weren't going to swarm the vehicle as it came to a stop at the front of the building. Breton's butler quickly got off and opened the door for them to exit.

The voices of hundreds of people flooded his ears and he silently wished his perception wasn't as good as it was. They were all talking about the Paladin of Tirian as if he were the Goddess herself. There were various words of praise and curiosity being thrown everywhere.

Breton exited first, his smile extra passionate as he stepped into the sunlight and waved at the people. The guards didn't hold people back because they all seemed to be respecting the bounds of the Paladin already.

Emre took in a nervous breath, knowing he was about to be in the attention of many people. Idris looked at him and hesitated to exit. Emre quickly shook his head, and taking the hint, Idris exited next.

Cursing his heart for his anxiety, he forced that aloof expression on his face and followed after. The sun beamed down upon them as they confidently walked toward the Capital Temple as the people made inquiries about the two people accompanying the Paladin.

After a moment, he got used to the prying gazes as they passed person after person. Only two guards followed after them, but again, the people dared not approach the Paladin without being approached first. And although being the center of attention, people were still going on with their lives without lingering too long.

Walking up the steps, they arrived easily at the towering doors that almost seemed as large as the gate they had entered the city through. The entrance led straight into the main part of the building. Emre was awed by the sheer size.

The middle of the room was empty so people could easily move around but on either side were seats set up much like a normal church. The thing that made Emre so shocked about was the tremendous marble statue that sat at the opposite end of them. The lights beaming into the building from the windows made it shine so brightly that it was almost blinding.

It depicted a woman with long flowing hair and long pointed ears. Four large wings graced her back and spread out without restraint. Both of her hands were outwardly displayed and her face seemed calm and graceful.

The thing that put him off the most about it was that he felt her face resembled too strongly to his own when he was in his true form. He could do little more than clench his jaw at the thought and look away from her facial features.

At the bottom of the statue was a thick and short pillar. Displayed upon it was a large opaque orb. Emre could only guess that this is what the Paladins and High Priests touched to prove they were who they said they were. He wondered what would happen if he touched it.

Walking farther in Breton was leading them closer to the statue in which most of the priests seemed to be around. They were all wearing white and gold robes and were working diligently with records and books. Breton seemed to be looking around, perhaps to see if the High Priest was present.

"Paladin Maller!" A voice spoke up and Emre turned his head to see a young woman with a high ponytail of brown hair approaching them. "Are you looking for the High Priest?"

"Priestess Yana." Breton gave a small bow before answering. "I am."

"Follow me, please." She smiled and began to walk closer toward the right of the statue.

Emre took his own look around, his blue eyes were casual until they abruptly stopped on a familiar form. His eyes widened at the view of the person and they seemed to be heading straight for them.

"Sil—" He quickly cut off his loud words of astonishment after recalling what Breton had told him.

Surprisingly the person noticed, and the long silver-haired elf turned their bright blue eyes toward them in interest. It was Silvis. And Emre could tell by their extra extravagant robes and the fact that Priestess Yana was beelining for them that they were the new High Priest.

Although their eyes lingered on Emre for a moment, they opted to greet Breton first. With a small nod and a soft smile, they spoke in that same soft and familiar voice.

"Paladin Breton."

"High Priest." He greeted back.

They then turned their attention to Emre. "Forgive me for being hasty, but have we met?" They asked.

Idris, Breton, and Yana hit him with inquiring looks as Emre felt anxiety prick as his heart. Without being able to find the right words he quickly lifted his right arm and pulled back his sleeve without thinking.

Upon his wrist was the Band of Protection, the rose gold bracelet with a blue embedded gem that he perpetually forgot about until just now. It took Silvis a second but then their eyes flashed in shock and recognition.

"Litt—" They also ended up cutting their words off.

Emre knew they were going to say 'little one'. That's what Silvis had called him when they interacted at the Black Swamp. Everyone was confused by this small interaction but Idris seemed to realize something as Silvis straightened up and turned to the Priests they had been talking to before.

"Please take care of the rest of these books." They instructed before turning back to the group. "Please follow me."

The group followed after aside from the woman named Yana who had brought them to Silvis. She stayed back to help the others in whatever they were doing. Silvis quickly led them all back through a door.

It opened into a large and long hall that branched off into many different halls as they walked past. They eventually found themselves at an upward spiral staircase. Silvis led them without any words to say until they all reached the top in which there was a short hall and a single door at the end.

Walking through, they entered into a large room which Emre could immediately tell was magical. Given the size and height of the spires he had seen, he figured the staircase they went up was one of them. The hall and room were probably magical rooms that were somehow created as an offshoot to the spire which made them not appear on the outside.

The room was spacious and was larger than Emre's bedroom in Breton's manor. It was a study with various bookshelves and papers everywhere. There was a low tea table that was large and square in the center with four couches facing each side. At the very end of the room was a desk.

It seemed to be lit up with natural light but when Emre glanced to see out of the windows it was just white. This further proved Emre's assumption that this was a magic room.

"I apologize for the mess, I wasn't expecting to bring guests to this room today." Silvis said as they messily gathered together papers from the main tea table and set them on their desk.

"That's quite alright, High Priest." Breton answered before his eyes flickered between them and Emre. "Although you've piqued my interest, have you two met?"

Silvis halted their hurried movements to clean up and bit and locked eyes with Emre. They weren't sure what they were supposed to say, seeing as how the only one who should have that bracelet was a tiny lizard. Not to mention that when they looked at Emre, they felt a heavy holy presence.

"Yes… we met briefly not too long ago." Emre decided to state first.

'What are you going to tell them?' Idris's voice entered his head.

'We'll be revealing ourselves as dragons tomorrow anyway, just a bit earlier won't do much harm. Since we're able to change our forms, it's an easy excuse as to why I was so small.' Emre answered.

'Sounds good.'

"And it seems I owe you an explanation, Si— High Priest." Emre added.

A small smile appeared on their face. "You can use my name, I believe everyone here is trustworthy… although I haven't met you." They looked at Idris.

Idris gave a small bow. "My name is Idris. I am Emre's companion."

"Idris, Emre. My name is Silvis." Silvis gave their own small bows as they greeted the two properly. "Ah, but please, sit and make yourselves comfortable. I'm presuming that you all came here for a reason."

They all moved to sit on the couches as Breton started to answer. "Yes, we came to meet you before the meeting tomorrow."

Silvis's brows raised as they looked to Emre and Idris. "Are you two Paladins or High Priests?"

They could see the holy aura around Emre and if they focused on Idris they could see a faint one around him as well. But their mind was still muddled by the idea that Emre had been the lizard they'd met at the Black Swamp.

"No, we're a bit different." Emre answered. "We've both been bestowed magic and a job by Tirian and Animor. I am able to use radiant magic and Idris is able to use shadow magic." He further explained.

A flash of realization appeared behind Silvis's eyes. "Emre, when we first met…" Their voice trailed off. "How was that possible?"

They were implying as to how Emre was able to take the form of a lizard. The fact that the lizard had used radiant magic and Emre here was saying he used radiant magic linked but obviously, Emre was no longer a lizard, but a human sitting before them.

Emre gave a small awkward smile. "Idris and I were going to reveal ourselves tomorrow before all the Paladins and High Priests, but it seems you two are going to be learning beforehand so that I can properly explain to Silvis."

Breton and Silvis were both confused but waited eagerly for what Emre was going to say.

"Idris and I are both dragons. This is how, Silvis, that when you first met me I was not in this form. As dragons, we're able to change into many forms."

Breton looked unnerved for a moment, his usual smile nowhere to be found for once. Silvis's brows raised but they seemed to nod in understanding.

"From what I know about dragons, they are rare solitary creatures that do not meddle in the affairs of humans. What have Tirian and Animor asked of you two that you're contacting us humanoids?" Silvis asked.

Breton knew most of this story aside from the fact that they were dragons. Even so, them being dragons had caught him off guard. While he had thought of that idea, he didn't expect it to actually be true. This would mean they were able to use all four natural elements and a holy magic each? The thought was scary.

Emre quickly recounted the information about the Goddess of Despair and the dark creatures and how Tirian and Animor wanted them to fight against them.

"Unfortunately, Idris and I are not strong enough on our own to take on the growing forces by ourselves. This is why we are seeking help."

"I understand… Tirian told me some of this stuff although more vague." Silvis muttered before a small smile appeared on their face. "She also told me why she chose me."

Emre's brows raised as Silvis looked at him. "Apparently, someone dear to her had recommended me. She stated that his recommendation was appropriate and decided to bestow me the honors of being her High Priest."

Ah, did Emre ever say anything like that? He tried to search his mind and vaguely remembered telling Tirian that Silvis should become the angel instead of him. Of course, it seemed she compromised. And apparently, Tirian considered him someone dear? They had barely spoken. Was it just because he was her son?

Emre gave the back of his head a scratch. "I suppose I've gotten you into a bit of a mess. I mentioned it in passing. I didn't expect her to give you such an important job because of it."

"It is an honor to be the High Priest of Tirian. In fact, I must thank you. Now I can help her better than ever before." Silvis said. "I am willing to help you and Idris to the best of my ability."

Emre felt glad that Silvis wasn't upset about it and let out a small breath of relief. Both the Paladin and High Priest of Tirian had agreed to help. Now he just had to convince all the others and he had to trust Ragan to successfully get aid from the Gaia Kingdom.

"Ah, I actually have a favor." Emre remembered something, pulling the topic away.


"If I may ask, how do you speak with Tirian?"

"I touch the orb in the main hall. Of course, I cannot talk to her at will when I touch the orb. I can ask questions and if she can answer, she will, if she cannot, she will not."

Emre gave a small nod. "Does the Temple close its door at night?"

"It does."

"Is it possible to clear the main hall of priests tonight? I wish to speak with her."

Silvis pondered for a moment. "I believe that is possible."

He hoped she would answer him. He'd been waiting this long to get here. If she couldn't answer him he might go crazy.