
Too impatient to just wait for night to fall, Emre and Idris ended up helping with work in the Temple. They sorted books, dusted off shelves, and helped Silvis with some organization. To be honest, it was hard work and Emre felt quite satisfied with the amount of stuff they managed to get done.

As the Temple doors closed for the night, the priests were surprised as Emre, Idris, and Breton remained. They were even more shocked as Silvis dismissed them early for the rest of the night. Barred from entering the main hall, Silvis made sure it was empty and that all the doors were securely shut.

The hall was dark save for a small area around the orb in which candles were lit. Idris, Silvis, and Breton all stood off to the side and Emre took up the spot in front of the orb.

He was nervous. What would happen? Well, there was no way to tell unless he just did it. Silvis told him that there was nothing special involved. He just had to touch the orb and ask his questions.

Reaching his hand forward, he stopped abruptly. It didn't feel quite right to do like this. Pulling his hand back, he began to back away from the altar and glance around to make sure he had room. Before anyone got the chance to ask what he was doing he shapeshifted.

It only took a moment as his true form filled in the space. The middle of the hall was wide and the ceiling was tall, he was able to transform into his dragon form with little worry.

Breton and Silvis stared at him in awe. His white and golden scales seemed to even glint in the dark. He truly felt more content now that he was in the form he was meant to be in. Without further ado, he reached forward once more with his much larger dragon hand.

Touching the now small orb, it slowly began to glow. The white opaque color became a vibrant golden as the orb thrummed with new energy.

"What is going on?" Silvis's shocked voice met his ears.

Was this not what it was meant to do? Before he was able to ask, the glowing orb flashed with bright light. They all had to shield their eyes from the sheer brightness and Emre subconsciously took a few steps back.

Blinking, he tried to clear his vision of the white shock. When it clarified he felt his heart stop beating for a moment. In front of him, pulling its head up was another dragon. It was massive, heads taller than Emre. Its body glowed with faint light, and yet Emre could vaguely see through it, indicating that this wasn't a physical body.

The big kicker was that it looked like him but it was also different. It was taller, longer, its mane far fuller, and its golden horns arched outward like thick antlers. With its scales being mostly white, there were similar golden markings, although in different patterns flowing about its body and face.

Opening its eyes to gaze upon him, they were pupilless and were shining in golden light. He felt like he should be scared but he only felt warmth from its presence. There was no doubt in his mind.

This was Tirian.

"My son." Her voice was soft and familiar.

It sounded ethereal as if there was an echo. Emre was at a loss for words. What he had expected was a simple talk in his head much like how he and Idris often communicated... Not this.

He had to shoot a glance to see if what he was seeing was what they were all-seeing. Due to the shock and gaping mouths, he could only assume that they could see her too.

"I apologize." The words that came after her greeting were a worse shock.

Emre's brows furrowed as he watched the spectre of Tirian lower her head in a bow. He felt bitterness at this display. He didn't know if he should feel grateful or upset or angry. Especially after she lifted her head and looked at him with those eyes that only showed him warmth.

Her soft and easy voice had wavered for but a moment and she was being wholly genuine. As much as he wanted to be angry, he could not bring himself to be so in the face of the comforting feeling that her presence brought. To bring out a spectre of herself to stand before himself only proved her conviction.

"Why are you apologizing?" Emre asked, forcing his voice to remain steady despite his swirling emotions.

He also knew why, but he wanted to hear it out loud. She smiled in knowing, unphased by his indifferent front.

"Because it is my fault that you are in this position now." She began calmly. "Your story was meant to end two months ago but I forced you to continue without asking you if it was what you wanted." She closed her eyes and inclined her head. "I put you into a dangerous situation… And now I'm asking you to help me fix it."

"So you've been and are being selfish." Emre's voice was unintentionally harsh this time.

Tirian opened her eyes but did not look back up at him. "Yes."

Emre felt astonished. For a Goddess, she had no issues showing humility. It was slightly unnerving. When one thought of a God, they thought of a great being with the power to change the balance of the world with a wave of their hand. And here Tirian was, lowering her head in the face of the one she called her son.

Breton and Silvis felt nauseous. Her son? An apology? She was being selfish? Just who the hell was Emre if he was able to gain an apology from the Goddess of Creation and also speak to her with such a tone? Idris on the other hand felt Emre had every right to be upset.

"I cannot tell you much… But the Gods need your aid to fight against the Goddess of Despair. We cannot do it ourselves per the rules we have set in stone. This is why Animor and I have granted you and dear Idris the abilities to use radiant magic and shadow magic to their full extent." She added on.

"Why did you choose me?" Emre asked. "You are well aware of my circumstances. You could have chosen a dragon that knows this world better than I do."

Tirian was quiet, but she finally glanced back up at him. Her eyes were complicated and Emre felt a tinge of panic at the sight.

"Because of who you are. Idris told you before that you likely would have fought against the Goddess of Despair even if you couldn't wield radiant magic. I also believe this to be the case. That is why I chose you." She answered softly.

Emre's eyes narrowed and he opened his mouth to respond but Tirian began again too quickly.

"Had I chosen someone else to do this on my behalf after I gave you your second chance, you and your powers still would not have changed. Choosing someone else to use radiant magic as well as you would have upset the intended balance." She stated and took in a small breath. "I cannot elaborate more. But this is why I am asking you for your help now."

"I don't understand…" Emre muttered out. "Are you meaning to say that even if you didn't choose me that I would have these powers anyway?"

Tirian hesitated. "Yes…"


"You are my son…"

"I don't—"

"I cannot elaborate." Tirian's voice sounded strained as she interrupted him. "I just need to know if you are willing to help even despite not knowing all the answers…"

Emre shut his mouth. With the way she was talking there seemed to be much more intertwined with how the hell he was her son. If he was her true son then why did he live most of his life on Earth and not here? What was going on? What couldn't she tell him?

Was he willing to help despite not knowing all the answers? Another bout of bitterness grew in him because he already knew what his answer would be even if he didn't know this.

"As you said before, I would fight against her even if I didn't have radiant magic. You gave me this second chance and I'm not about to let it go to waste to a Goddess who thinks she can take the lives of others without a care in the world." He answered with indignation.

A small smile appeared on Tirian's face once more and she leaned down toward him. He had to resist the urge to back away as her large nose tapped his forehead.

[ Skill gained, A Third Chance ]

His eyes widened in alarm and he looked at the skill straight away.

[ A Third Chance, an exclusive skill which allows the user one revival should they perish ]

"You can only use it once so do not use it for something stupid. Do take good care of yourself." Tirian stated.

"This is…" Emre was astonished.

If he died could he use this skill to come back to life? That's certainly what it seemed like. He felt like this was cheating. Was she even allowed to do this? Weren't their rules? Did this not upset the balance of the world?

"Emre." Tirian's tone became stern.

He found himself immediately standing straighter. "Yes?"

"Use it wisely."

He relaxed a bit and nodded. Even if that was all the case, she was doing it for him. He didn't know how to compute the various emotions flowing through him. He just wanted to bombard her with questions.

"The Goddess of Despair is not going to be an easy enemy to defeat. Please be cautious. You don't have much time so use every chance possible to strengthen yourselves." She added on.

"How much time do we have?"

"I cannot tell you, so please prepare both yourselves and the people who are willing to help you as soon as possible." She then took a few steps back. "Now, I have spent too long here already… I know you have more questions but I have my limits."

"When can I talk to you again?"

"I will still be able to answer some questions through dear Silvis, but I will not be able to do something like this again for a few months."

Emre reluctantly nodded. He still wanted to talk but he knew Tirian wouldn't be able to answer his current questions anyway. He just needed to do what he was told right now and work with everyone to get ready for fighting back against the Goddess of Despair.

"We'll work hard." Emre assured.

"I know you will." She responded before turning herself toward the three others in the room.

Silvis and Breton froze up, standing straight with clearly nervous faces. Only Idris looked at her with a confident face. Tirian smiled and let out a small chuckle that managed to settle their hearts a bit.

"Silvis, Breton, I made you two my High Priest and Paladin for a reason. I trust you will not let me down." She stated before turning to Idris. "I recommend that you visit Animor's Capital Temple… Otherwise, I trust you to watch Emre's back as he will watch yours."

"Of course." Idris responded with a dip of his head.

"Then, I wish you all luck."

With that her spectre faded and the room that had been lit with her glow turned dark once more with only the candlelight flickering as they burned. Emre felt troubled but also confident at the same time. They needed to get everyone ready as soon as possible.

Emre and Idris needed to strengthen themselves. They needed the other High Priests and Paladins as well as the Gaia Kingdom to work with them. They could not do this alone. Looking at Idris, Emre could tell by the look in his eyes that he was thinking the same thing.

Transforming back into his disguised human form, he looked at the orb for a moment before turning to the three.

"So you're Tirian's son?" Breton asked before he was able to say anything.

"It's… complicated, but yes." Emre answered and shook his head. "Regardless of my origins, we need to go back and see if Ragan's trip was successful."

The look in Breton's eyes wavered at his answer but he straightened back up and nodded. Looking to Silvis, Emre's expression softened.

"Your Temple has many books, is it possible to try and find information about the Goddess of Despair or about dark creatures?" He asked.

"We might have something on the Goddess of Despair… I'll have the priests look for anything relating to it. As for dark creatures, it might be best to go to the Grand Library. I can provide you with a card that will allow you access to most of the floors there."

"That would be very helpful. I can get it when we return tomorrow for the meeting. When will it be?"

"Everyone is to be arriving at noon."

"Alright, we'll return in the morning then."

"Very well." Silvis gave a small bow.

"We should return back to the manor now to speak with the rest of the party."

Everyone nodded and Silvis saw them to the front door. Despite the sheer size of the door, Silvis opened it easily to let them through. They exchanged their quick goodbyes and returned to the carriage.

Emre didn't feel too bad for the guards and carriage driver when he saw they were leisurely chatting and relaxing at the fountain. Plus, they were paid to stand around anyway.

When they noticed the three coming down from the steps they got ready right away and set off just as fast.