Chapter 13

"Tell me more about this Brian guy? How did you two meet?", Cassie asked bringing me out of my reverie.

I contemplated my answer for a little and then started telling her, "I had this account on Facebook for a while. To be honest I had even forgotten that, as I never used to log in, in it. Then one day almost a year ago I was just fiddling with my phone and opened the application accidentally and almost had a heart attack from the tons of notifications laying there. I was like 'Jesus, how much free time do people have?' Then I pressed on the message icon, just because I felt like it."

I shrugged not telling her; I was trying to see that maybe Travis would have tried to contact me on Facebook. That he didn't. "I scrolled down all the messages that either said my profile picture was very beautiful or some creepy hellos and hiis or my personal favorite, would I like to sext with them", I rolled my eyes and Cassie let out a laugh, "But stopped at this guy, whose name was Brian Hogwarts. He had a simple question that why I had kept my cover picture so dark. I felt it was a genuine question and replied to him. Then for four months, we talked on and off, talking once or twice a week or sometimes once after a couple of weeks. 'Cause, well you know me. That's why."

"But after four months I figured that he was a very sweet and nice guy. And yeah, it didn't hurt that he looked good", I said and we both laughed at that.

"Yeah", Cassie agreed, "Personally I won't advise you to believe in someone you met online. But since you've been talking to him for so long, then I'll just keep my mouth shut about that." She seemed to be thinking for a second before she asked, "So, how did the date go?"

I took the pillow kept at my side and chucked it at her face, "For god's sake, how many times do I have to tell you that it was not a date?"

"Yeah, well", she said and abruptly stood up, "I'm gonna go to my room and kick my roommate out if she is still going at it. Someone needs to put a stop to it."

She started to turn but I stopped her, "Wait. Why do you get this look on your face every time we talk about Drake?" I asked her. This has been bothering me for a while and I was trying to ignore it. But her reaction right now made it kind of impossible to do that anymore because Cassie not liking anyone is a rare thing. And even though I am lying to her tremendously, I still care about her opinions.

She looked at me funny, "Hey now, I don't get any look. You girlie, are reading more into it than it really is. I'm just prepping myself for a fight with my roommate", she said punching her palm with the fist of her other hand. "I'll see you tomorrow morning, Gracie." And before I can say anything she left the room.

I scowled at the now-closed door, completely baffled. Why the people in my life are all acting out of character today? Or is it just me, as Cassie said, reading more into things than there really is?

I pulled out my e-reader from the drawer of the nightstand and decided that I will ponder over it in the morning when I am fresh out of the shower, right now I want my daily dose of dark romance novels. I got under the covers and adjusted the e-reader in a way, so I can sleep if my eyes started drooping. And it was not long after I just did that.


I can feel him behind me sleeping soundly, his arm draped across my waist that brought a smile to my face. I snuggled closer to his warmth and his arm at my waist tightened but I know he has not woken up yet, which gave me a moment to enjoy what I have.

Trav and I have been sleeping together for two years now since the day he had saved me from the place I was working in. He had come in just in time to see Harry making me suck his penis forcefully. He had hit Harry with a baseball bat, I don't know where he found it from and he never tells me why he had come that day there.

But he saved me and announced that day, he wasn't letting me out of his sight ever. From then onwards, we always used to sleep in the small bunk in my parent's trailer. He will climb out of his window after dinner with his parents and come to my trailer from the back door. His house is only two blocks away from my trailer, where the rich people live, but Trav never minds sleeping with me in my bunk.

Last night he said he wanted us to sleep in his bed in his parent's house. At first, I refused because his mom doesn't quite like me. But at his puppy dog expression, I melted because of course, Trav is my best friend for as long as I have known and also I am in love with him. I haven't told him that yet though. I want him to tell me that first 'cause I know he loves me too. I can see that shining in his emerald eyes.

So, here we are laying in Trav's bed which is bigger than my three bunks attached. I noticed that sunlight has started entering through the windows and I need to get up before someone decides to come and check on Trav. I lifted his hand from my waist and was halfway from completely removing it when it came back with a force and squeezed my back to his very naked chest.

I almost moaned in response when he nuzzled his face in my neck. "Don't go", he said in his drowsy, gravelly voice that always sends a chill down my spine. I turned my head to answer him but right then the door to his bedroom flew open as his mom's sugary voice ringed in the room, "Honey!"

We both bolted in a sitting position at the same time. I saw as her mom's sweet smile morphed into a snarl of disgust. "What the hell is THAT girl doing here", his mom screamed pointing at me.

Travis got out of the bed lightning-fast and placed himself between his mother and me so that she can't see me anymore. But I felt it was wrong so I got out of the bed and stood by Trav's side. I was just in my sleep shorts and tank top and Trav was just in his sweats.

"Mom it's not like that. Please come out with me I will explain you", Trav said gesturing for his mother to step out. I know he is doing that for me but his mother didn't move a step and kept glaring at me.

"No, honey you're blind right now. This girl has manipulated you."

"Mom, stop talking like that about Grace", Trav said in a tight voice and stepped a little in front of me.

His mom gasped and then started shooting daggers with me. If looks could kill.

And then everything happened in a blur, she pushed Trav to the side, Trav was caught off-guard and stumbled a little, before he can catch his balance and I can see what was happening, I was being dragged out of the room. I was halfway out of the door when his mom slammed the bedroom door shut, giving my calf a strong hit. I yelped in pain but she ignored and put the deadbolt in place just a second before Trav started pounding on the door from inside.

She didn't wait for anything and started dragging me down the hall. "Mrs. Bentley, what are you doing? Please, leave me you're hurting me", I tried but was ignored. Her nails were biting in my skin where she had a death grip on my arms.

She took me down some sort of stairs that looked very creepy and as we descended it started getting darker and darker. I squinted to adjust my eyes to the dim light but suddenly I was being pushed to a very dark room. My feet get caught on the threshold so I almost face-planted to the floor, but my hands flew out at the last moment. The monotonous click of the door signaled I was locked in this dark place.

I screamed for help, screamed until my throat stopped working because I had hope that Trav will come for me. So I screamed and I cried until I was exhausted and passed out.

The last thought that came to me before passing out was, this all happened because she learned about us, if she had never known about us we wouldn't have to go through this.
