Chapter 15

I parked my car in the campus parking lot fifteen minutes before the scheduled last class. I was a woman on a mission so as soon as I was out of my car, I zipped my hoodie up to the neck and started walking towards the art building.

In all the months I had been at Bay Shore university, I never paid attention to much but one thing that I had observed was; every day half an hour before the last class, Drake and some guys, that looked like they were senior or junior at the least, cumulate behind the art building. I used to chastise myself back then for paying so much attention, but who knew that information will someday come in handy to me.

I took the last turn from the sidewalk of the art building that led to the back and heard the riot of laughter before I saw the swarm of guys.

My hands started getting clammy as my inner instincts of a social outcast kicked in, urging me to run and forget that I ever decided to come here. As another loud burst of laughter broke out and a bulgy guy took some other guy in a headlock, I almost took a step back to return to my car but I remembered the hurt in Drake's eyes and reluctantly took a step forward.

I was just a foot apart but I still was not able to see Drake. I was so busy scanning the small crowd for a familiar face while walking forward that I didn't notice a guy approaching my way until he was just a few steps shy from touching me and I instinctively took a step back.

He was the same guy who had the other guy in a headlock moments ago and fear started creeping its way up my back. His gaze maliciously leered at me from up to down and I had to will myself not to run away.

Focus on what you have come here to do for, Grace.

"You here for service?", the big guy asked drawing attention from several others and I started fidgeting, feeling completely out of place.

"Uh, I..." What the hell does service mean? "I had... actually.."

"Back off, Marcus", someone said from behind and the guy, who's name was apparently Marcus, turned to glare at him. Cross, Drake's best friend, came to stand between me and Marcus making me take another step back to create room for him.

Cross is almost half the size of Marcus, but he is still well built with perfectly defined muscles that guarantee he can easily take him out if the need comes to that. Cross murmured something just for Marcus to hear, and I saw as Marcus's eyes lit with hot red fury before he stormed out in the other direction.

Cross turned to me with a similar angry expression directed at me. Before I could ask him anything, he grabbed my upper arm and started dragging me behind him, in the same direction I had come from.

"What?", I yelled but he ignored me, instead some other students leaving from their class gave a questioning glance in our direction. I smiled sheepishly at them and wisely decided to keep my mouth shut. Not wanting to make any big of a scene than being dragged across the campus by a hot guy like Cross.

When we were at a substantial distance from the art building Cross removed his hold on my arm and turned to look at me. "Don't come back there ever again", he reprimanded and then started walking towards the art building again.

"Wait!", I shouted and he stopped to look at me over his shoulder. "I had gone back there for a reason. I wanted to see if Drake was there. I need to talk to him."

Cross turned completely but didn't reply to anything. He kept staring at me for a while before his gaze traveled up and down my body, but not in a sexual perusal kind of way, it was like he was precisely scrutinizing me. As if he was trying to figure out my strengths and weaknesses just by looking at me. And I felt thoroughly examined under his gaze.

"Drake's not here", he said curtly, "He left early today."

He started turning again. "Uh. Can I...", I said and he stopped, "Can I have his number?"

Again with the look. What is he? A damn telepath or something? Whatever he is, but he is starting to irritate me with his constant staring.

After he was satisfied that he had probably observed me enough with his eyes, he rattled off the numbers and I saved them in my phone. I looked up from my phone to thank him but he was already walking away with long strides. I scowled at his back.

Fine. Suit yourself, rude asshole.

I returned to my car in the parking lot and saw Cassie leaning against the passenger door. I tapped on the roof of the driver's side to get her attention. She jolted out from whatever daydream she was in with a jerk and looked at me startled.

"Get in", I informed her.

"You have a lot of explaining to do", she said once we were on the road. I can see from the corner of my eyes that she was crossing her arms against her chest. Her way of showing, she is in one of her no-bullshit modes.

"So do you", I replied, "Don't think that even for a second, I have forgotten about that look you had given to Drake in the cafeteria. I have let you off the hook on that one several times, but now I want an answer."

She turned to look at me but stopped for a second before she said, "Damn. I had mentally prepared a list of explanations to ask from you but I think I should just simply add some more to it. Like why are you wearing different clothes from this morning? And why in the holy hell is your hair wet? You don't do that kind of shit to your hair woman."

I didn't reply and just kept driving. I know she needs some answers but she is not going to get any of them today. She has to let me off the hook for now because I had had enough of drama for a single day. And I'm not a fool to think that it is over yet.

For the rest of the drive, we both remained silent, lost in our thoughts and listening to 'Crazier' by Taylor Swift playing softly on my radio. Outside the dorm building, we both got out at the same time and I stopped Cassie just before the entrance.

"I know you want an explanation", I said, "and believe me, I want some from you too. But I'm too tired for that today. I just want to go inside, get in between my covers and sleep for an eternity."

Okay, it was a partial truth but it was better than blatantly lying to her.

She looked at me and her eyes softened with concern. "Girl...", she groaned, "I should just kick your ass for keeping something from me. And I will, once you tell me what you're hiding but I'll just hold on to that idea for a while. And the only reason I'm letting it be for now is that I can see your bloodshot eyes almost drooping with heaviness", she let out a sigh, "Just let me know if you need anything, will you?"

I gave her a weak smile and a nod before we parted ways to go to our separate rooms. Laura was sitting in the kitchen of our dorm apartment with some guy and I chose to ignore both of them, going straight to my room.

In my room, the first thing I did was remove my phone from airplane mode and my phone started ringing immediately, scaring the crap out of me. "Jesus Christ", I muttered when I saw Brian's name on the caller id. He is relentless.

I sent his call to the voicemail again. I will deal with him but later, much later, when I am not so pissed at him. Right now, I might chew his head off, and to be honest, I don't want to that. He has been so good to me all the while and I want to sweep this one thing under the rug, but that's when I have come to terms with the present situation.

I opened Drake's number and started typing a text. After several times writing and deleting, I finally said, what I really meant.

ME - I had made a friend last night but I forgot to tell him that I enjoyed his company a lot. More than I had done with anybody else. Do you think I can get my friend back?

Just as I pressed the send button, I threw the phone on my bed and started pacing into my room. Oh my god, I did it. I did it. Now, what should I do now?

I twirled in a circle to find anything to engage myself in but there were no clothes in the hamper, already folded and kept in the drawer, and not even a stuff out of the place. I started to get frustrated with my quirk of keeping everything in order until my gaze landed on my reflection in the mirror.

Oh yeah. Found it. I need to dry my hair and for the rest of five minutes, I just did that until a ping notified the arrival of a message. I leaped from the chair in front of the dresser to my bed like a monkey out of the circus. Glad no one was there to witness it.

DRAKE - Be down in five minutes. On my way.

Oh, hell.