Chapter 17

Two weeks have passed since my falling-out with Drake and Brian at the same time, and much to my surprise everything has been going pretty fine since then.

I didn't have any more arguments with Brian, about none whatsoever. Although he had his reservations about me spending time with Brian, and he had hinted me on that several times but he never outright went and did something, as he had done a couple of weeks ago. That was a plus. He was slowly warming up to the idea of me having a guy friend.

As for Drake, things between us had been good. Real good. Drake had started sitting with Cassie and me for lunch, which Cassie made a big deal of in the starting. By giving shit to Drake, every open window she had.

We still have to have that conversation about her problems with Drake and me hiding stuff from her, but I have been putting it off. What is nagging me more, is that she is not herself so keen on talking about that, which is not a normal disposition for Cassie. And I think it has more to do with the fact that she does not want to talk about her issues with Drake. Or else, she would have been up to my ass by now.

I don't think that it has been left from anyone's notice, including Drake, that she was dead set on running him off but Drake, to my surprise, retaliated her head-on. He gave as good as he got, which was seriously hilarious most of the time. And now she has somewhat eased up to the idea of him being around and even Cross.

Yeah, Cross. Drake started bringing him along after some days which was a little uncomfortable to me but I kept that little tidbit of information to myself. What he doesn't know would not hurt Drake, right?

All the times Cross has come along with, he has this bored expression on his face that he would rather be in the eye of a tornado than sitting on our table. But what probably no one else noticed is that I have seen him glancing in Cassie's direction more than once. And for the first time, my best friend is oblivious of that. And I left her be. Because, unlike Drake, Cross has a reputation of being a player and using girls.

Right now I am at Brent's bar, mixing drinks in my black halter top that shows a little of my midriff and have a deep V-neck showing a good cleavage of my assets. The only stipulation that Brent had kept in front of me while taking this job was I have to dress sexy. Because bottom line, it's a bar. So even though it's not comfortable, I suck it up for a few hours.

Today Kevin, our bartender is on family emergency leave so Brent asked me to handle the bars for him. So here I am, mixing drinks and handing them out to the customers with Lexi is helping me. I was in the middle of mixing Smirnoff Blueberry Vodka when a voice from the other side grabbed my attention.

"Damn. I didn't know you worked here", Dane said leaning against a bar stool. He was dressed in a black shirt accentuating his blond hair and a you-can't-resist-me grin spread on his face. I had to do a double-take to make sure I was seeing right because this is not the normal place where the football crowd hangs out. I scanned the rest of the place but can't see anyone else. Dane was alone.

"I'm surprised to see you here", I said, "Wild date?"

Dane shook his head, "Nah. Just having a bad day. Wanted to be alone but still not alone. If that even makes any sense."

"It does", I chuckled, "So, what would you like to drink?"

"Something strong?"

"Uh-huh. You really having a bad day", I stated.

"Tell me about it", he said dryly.

I turned to make his drink wondering to myself that how did I came so far. From being a mute, weird girl who was a social outcast, to talking to Dane Jenkins about his day like we are year-long friends. And I have Drake to thanks that for. That thought brought a smile to my face.

I turned to see Dane checking me out, his gaze raking up and down me. You would think that working in a bar as a waitress for almost three months, I would have to get used to guys checking me out. But it's still a big fat no.

I passed Dane his drink with a small smile and move to my next customer. After I had cleared the left side of the bar I turned to see if Dane needed a refill but my eyes collided with blue ones, which I have become very familiar with in the past few weeks.

Drake was standing with Dane, talking to him while his gaze was fixated on me and a swarm of butterflies started twirling in my gut like they do every time Drake is looking at me like that. I feel guilty for feeling anything when Drake is near me and try to curb it, but it is like my senses are overly heightened whenever he is in my proximity and I can't help but get swayed to him.

I took a deep breath and reminded myself, Drake is just a friend that's it.

"Need a refill, Dane?", I asked when I reached them. "Hey", I said to Drake.

"Hey, grapes", he said and I rolled my eyes at him. He knows that his nickname annoys me a lot but still he continues to call me the same.

"Can I get angel's tits?", Dane asked, "And blow job for my man, Drake, over here."

My insides froze at his words. Butterflies in my stomach turned into a hefty stone in the pit of my gut and Dane turned to talk to Drake, as if he just didn't set me off my equilibrium with two words. Two simple words, blow job, sent me back to the time when I was helpless and exposed for the vultures to feed off me. I grabbed the counter for support and sucked in a subtle breath as I tried to keep my face stoic.

"Excuse me", I muttered and went to the backside where Lexi was taking out bottles. "Lexi can you handle in the front for a while", I asked. Lexi is a cute little Hispanic girl and she is younger than me.

"Are you okay?", she asked. Her eyes roaming over my face, "You look white than a ghost."

"Yeah", I said turning away from her, "Can you do that? I just need a moment and then I'll be out in the front for the rest of the night."

She hesitated for a moment and then said, "Yeah, sure."

As soon as I heard the closing sound of the door, I fell to my knees and braced my hands on the floor. My breath coming as ragged as I felt. I shivered in disgust when that filthy feeling of him gagging me from all those years came back like it was just yesterday. I squeezed my eyes shut like that will block the memories out and all it did was just bring tears to my eyes.

God, I hate him.

And what I hate even more is that I am still here living that nightmare every single day of my life and he is out there, being like he never destroyed my life. He is out still breathing free air and maybe.....maybe even preying on someone else, who is innocent.

Oh, god. I'm going to be sick. The thought made bile rise to my throat and I ran from the backside room to the bathroom stalls in the bar. As soon as I found an empty stall, I kneeled down to the toilet and emptied my stomach. After retching for what felt like hours, I leaned against one of the wooden walls of the stall, tears streaming down my cheeks.

I need to do something. I need to tell someone. I can't let that piece of shit prey upon some other innocent girl. Why did this thought never come to me before? Shit, am I that self-absorbed?

But who will believe me after all these years? He can easily refuse that he had ever done that and I have just my word and nothing else to prove that. Well, I have an eyewitness. But he is pretty much dead. And I guess he would rather jump in the great Bermuda triangle than ever associating him with me.

I hate you too, Travis.

I have to do something and I will, I just need to think it through properly once.