Chapter 18

After fixing my makeup and any traces of my sickness, I came to the front and was more than relieved when I can't see either Dane or Drake in the bar.

Good. I want some breathing room alone and time to think about what I am going to do about Harry Winston.

For the rest of my shift, I just focused on making drinks and passing them. Making little to no conversation and eye contact with the customers. My brain trying to come up with ideas, but none was making some sense.

Everything was coming back in circles, I need to know where he is right now and what is he doing. There is just one person I can ask that from.

When my shift ended, I went to the staff room and changed my work clothes to my normal ones. On the way out I tossed Lexi the keys and asked her to lock the door behind her. This was Kevin's job but since he was not here, Brent had given us the responsibility for that.

Outside in the parking lot, I trudged along with the black turnstiles to the staff parking section. I was almost to my car when my eyes fell on the silhouette leaning against it. Light from the street light falling on him in the way that I can easily make out his contours, he had his arms crossed on his chest with one leg resting slightly over the other and he was looking right at me, but the shadow forming on his face was hiding his identity.

I looked around the parking lot and it was completely desolated, which meant that I was completely on my own. And if this guy is a creep then I am in deep shit.

Fear started taking a hold of me as my hands went to my purse and I grabbed the pepper spray bottle before I asked, "Who are you?"

He took a step forward and his face came into the view. I groaned and chucked the spray bottle at him.

"You scared the crap out of me, Drake!", I shrieked and he started laughing.

"Yeah, I can see that on your face", he said still chuckling.

"Very funny", I muttered and went to my car. "What are you doing here at this time? The bar is closed now, you know."

"I can see that, smart-ass", he said, "I was just here to give you a ride home."

I raised my eyebrows at him, "Drake in case you didn't notice, but you were just leaning against my car. Or wait did you acquired some spontaneous night blindness for particular stuff?"

"Geez, what's up to your ass? You're so full of sarcasm today. In case YOU didn't notice it but you have a flat tire and I can just bet that you don't have a spare lying around. I was just leaving when I saw it so I stayed back to give you a ride home."

I glanced from him to the car and indeed my back tire of the driver's side was flat. And indeed I don't have any spare in my car. Crap, now I'm feeling like a bitch. I laid off the frustration of my faults on him for no reason, all the while when he was being considerate of me.

"I'm sorry", I mumbled looking at the ground.

He put his fingers under my chin and forced me to look at him, "Don't be", he said softly, "I just want you to know that if it is about what Dane said back there-"

"No, it's not", I hurried before he can say anything else. I don't want to hear those words again. "It's really not. I'm just a little stressed about work and, you know, the final report that I have to submit for the finals of National Merit Scholars. Its deadline is in a month and I am struggling with it and maybe that has made me cranky. Still, I'm sorry."

"Stop apologizing", he said in an authoritative voice, "Come, I will drop you off at the dorm."

"My car?", I asked myself eying my car.

"Give me your keys. I'll drop it off at your dorm after fixing it tomorrow in the morning."

I looked at my car and then at him. I don't know why I am feeling so emotional today but my eyes started tearing up. Again. Glad, there is not much light here so he can't see what a mess I am. "Why are you so good to me, Drake? Even when I'm being a bitch to you", I asked without even thinking.

Drake didn't look at me for a while, staring off in the distance but when he did, it was like he was looking directly into my soul, searing me with his gaze. He took a step forward and palmed my cheek with his big hands, "I guess you know the answer to that, Grapes. But you don't want me to say that."

No, I really don't. And as if he heard those words, he said, "So, I won't say", and took a step back, his hand falling to his side. For some bizarre reason, I missed the feel of his calloused fingertips on my cheek the moment they were gone.

He gestured for me to follow him and I went with him to his jeep. After we had been on the road for almost five minutes, Drake started fidgeting in his seat. Clenching and unclenching the steering, running his hands through his black mop of hair, shifting on his seat again and again.

I gave him a wry look. "What is it?"

He looked at me startled, "What? Oh, um. Nothing." He turned back to the windshield so fast that I knew he was hiding something.

"Spill the beans. Like right now."

"There is a party tomorrow night at the frat house and I was invited but I don't want to go there alone. So, I was thinking maybe you-"

"No", I didn't hesitate.

"Grace, it's just one night."

"No", I said, "Anyway I have to work tomorrow."

"Come on, Grapes. Tomorrow is Sunday."

"You know, I work on Sundays."

He threw his one hand in the air in frustration. "You can not work on one Sunday. It's just a frat party and I'm going to be with you at all times. I don't know what's the problem with that. And before you say anything, it's not a date. Happy now? Now, will you come?"

I looked out the window as I worried my bottom lip. It's not that I don't want to, it's just that I haven't been to one in years and I fear that if I go, everyone will see me as Drake's charity case. That he strung along with himself because the weird girl does not have any friends. Like they used to do back in high school. When Travis had started dragging me with him to the party of the elites.

I want to start living again but not in someone's shadow. I want to make a worth of myself.

"I don't think that's a good idea", I said honestly.

Drake didn't say anything for a while. "At least promise me, that you'll think about it."

I doubt that is going to change anything, but I said anyway, "Yeah, I will."

I already shoved the idea of going to the party out of my mind because I knew it was not going to happen. Instead, I started thinking about the call I was going to make tonight and how I was going to ask what I want to know. I need to be subtle about it because I can't leave any suspicion behind. I just hope I remain strong enough to go through with it and not chicken out.

We remained silent for the remainder of the drive. As he slowed down in front of my dorm and I started unbuckling my seat belt was when his voice stopped me.


I looked at him, "Hmm?"

"I don't want you to come with me so that you can come out of your bubble or because I think that you are not having much fun. The latter one is not a lie by the way, but that's not why I want you with me", he said, "I want you to come because I NEED you there with me. If anything, I'm being selfish by forcing you to do something out of your normal. But really, if that means you will come with me then so be it. I'm more than happy being selfish. Now, tell me you will think about it because I really want you to come with me."

I looked in his eyes for any sign that he is lying or bluffing, but sadly I could not find any. My heart soared as I replayed his words in my mind and said, "Yeah, I will."

And this time I really meant it.