Chapter 19

The last time I had talked to mom, I had a panic attack, and later I didn't even call her as I had promised. So, I can just imagine how today's conversation is going to be like. One thing I can count on is that I am going to get some serious ass-chewing from her.

Hmmm, that's going to be fun, I thought dryly.

Mom picked up after a few rings, but it was not my mother's voice that came through the ringer; it was my dad. My mood becomes sullen instantly.

"Hello, baby girl."

A slice of pain went through my chest at his words. I used to be daddy's girl through and through. But not now. Not anymore.

"Hey, dad."

"How are ya holdin' up?", he asked in his southern drawl accent, "I had heard that the last time you talked to your mother, you weren't in the best shape. Things good there?"

That's the only thing I don't like about mom. She tells everything to dad, even if it is not necessary.

"Yes, dad," I said, "I'm fine. How's your leg?"

"Your old man ain't getting any better baby girl," he said, "but still keep limping around with the good one." He laughed a hearty laugh that brought a smile to my face. "When the wind picks up, the bad one gives me a run for my money but I'm as good as I can be. Ahh, here came your momma. I'll leave y'all to talk and have some girly chit-chat."

There were some murmured voices in the background and then my mom's honeyed voice came, "Hii, sweetie."

Don't I get some scolding?

Like 'Grace Lauren Coroners, is a month is what you call a few days?'

Well, if she is letting me off the hook, who am I to complain?

"Hey, mom. How are you?"

"I'm fine, sweetie. Your dad and I are so excited about when you'll come home for Thanksgiving dinner. We were just talking about it." When I didn't say anything, she continued, "You're coming, aren't you?"

I had planned on going initially, but now I need to make sure of something first.

"Is. Um. Is Travis still there?"

My mom went quiet for a second and then she muttered under her breath so quietly that I am sure she doesn't even know that she said that out loud, "You never used to call him Travis before."

No, I didn't. He was Trav for me. My Trav. And I always chastised my mom for calling him Travis because he was Trav. But things changed.

"No, sweetie. He returned after a few weeks."

I had to mentally chain myself to keep from asking that did she know where does he lives now.

"Okay, that's good. Yeah, I'll be coming mom and I expect you to make my favorite steaks too."

She laughed at that, "Oh, honey. And I'm waiting to have some girly hours with you."

For my mom, having some girly hours meant that we were going to settle on the back porch with our coffees and she will teach me to play acoustic guitar, while we both will sing together for hours. My mom loves singing.

"Damn, I would survive that somehow," I joked and she laughed again. When a few beats passed I steeled myself to ask, what I had planned all along. "Mom?"

"Yeah, honey?"

"How're Winstons doing?" As soon as the words were out of my mouth, I slapped a hand on my forehead.

Real subtle, Grace.

"Oh, I don't know, honey. But they moved out a week ago. I think there was some major indiscretion reported against Mr. Winston. I don't know the details but he is locked up, for good, and their family moved out to live somewhere else."

"Indiscretion?" My heart started pounding. "What kind of discretion?"

Am I already late?

"I don't know honey. But it was something about him dealing drugs in his warehouse and some inappropriate substances," she said and I released a sigh of relief.

Thank god, my mom has always been oblivious and is not paying much attention to my responses, or she would have suspected that something was up. But I can't say the same about my dad. Now I just hope that she forgets about all we talked about and not tell him.

"That's sad, momma." That's freaking great.

"Yeah, baby."

"Okay, momma, I'm going to go to bed. I'll call you some other time."

"Don't take so long this time", she said in a stern voice, "Bye."

"I won't. Bye."

Feeling satisfied and like a hefty weight has been lifted off my chest, I made my way to the bathroom and started going through my regular nightly rituals.

After brushing my teeth, I looked at my reflection in the mirror for a long time. The changes in me were clear as day, my cheeks had a glow in them now, I was putting on weight and was no longer skinny like a thin layer of skin kept over the skeleton, and the ever-present fear in my eyes was replaced by eerie confidence.

I looked lively.

But there was a feeling in the back of my head, that something is out of place. I just can't pinpoint it. And I somehow knew that, that feeling was not related to me.

I shoved that thought away and went to the bed with a satisfied smile on my face.


I pulled the sheet from her and threw it on the ground.

"Wake up, sleeping beauty, it's after two in the evening!" I shouted purposely to irritate Cassie.

From the way she winced at my words and covered her ears while cursing me seven ways to hell, I can tell that she is in a shitload of a hangover.

How much did she party yesterday night?

"Lemme sleep", she whimpered.

"Oh, no. You've got to wake up, I'm going to my first party in years and I need my best girl to help me dress up," I said all too cheerfully, cause I knew that will irritate her too.

And I had my desired response when she let out a savage curse. This time I couldn't hold back my laughter.

"Grace, be gone. 'Cause I swear I'm hearing strange things, like you and a party in the same line," she grumbled.

I tweaked her cheeks and backed away before she can swat at my hand. "Uh-huh. You aren't hearing things. Sure, I said that."

Cassie opened one eye and glared at me, "You think this is the best time to joke around. 'Cause I'm seriously feeling like my head will blast like a bomb any second now."

I huffed out a frustrated breath.

"Why is it so hard to believe that I'm going to a party?"

"Because you don't go!"

"But, I'm going now!"

There was silence ringing in the room for a while.

"I need chunks of caffeine in my system for this conversation", Cassie grumbled while getting up, "And you, young lady, are going to give me every juicy detail you've in store. Starting from who the hell convinced you to go to a party?"

I giggled at the funny look on her face.


Cassie and I are sitting on the couch of her dorm apartment. I have just finished telling her about the party and going with Drake. All this time, she had been listening intently while sipping her coffee but she has yet to say a word.

After a few minutes passed, I asked scowling at her, "Does hangover makes people lose their voice?"

She looked at me like really looked at me.

"Are you dating, Drake?"

Her words caught me off-guard and I was stunned to silence for a moment.

"No. Why?"

She nodded. "That's good," she said being vague.

Not this again.

"I guess, we've been putting it off for long. But this needs to be settled now. What is your deal with, Drake?"

She was not fazed by the frustration in my voice. She said calmly, "I don't want you with him."

I threw my hands in the air. "I'm not. But why?!", I shrieked.

"I don't know, Grace," she said.

"You're lying. You know why but you're not telling me."

Cassie ran a hand through her hair and then through her face, rubbing her forehead.

"Grace, let's just leave it at that. You're not dating him. And as long as you're not dating him, I'm cool with it." When she saw that I was opening my mouth to retort she continued, "Just know that I'm just looking out for you. You've already been through enough, I don't know what, but it must have been bad if, your state when you came first to Bay Shore was any indication. I just don't want you to get hurt again."

I looked at her for a while and I saw the love shining through my best friend's green eyes.

"Drake is not a bad guy," I said in an almost whisper.

Cassie gave me a small smile, "Let's just hope that he is not."

She stood from the couch abruptly, "Okay, let's go. We have a lot of stuff to do. Starting from, let's see what can you wear tonight." Cassie rubbed her both palms with mischief in her eyes, "How about I lend you my clothes?"

Oh, hell.

"No, way"

"Way", she said wiggling her eyebrows.

And at that moment I knew that I'm screwed.