Chapter 20

I was looking hot.

Seriously fucking, bootylicious, jaw-dropping, provocatively hot. I didn't know I had it in me to look like this.

I was wearing a long-sleeved white crop top, its neck resting on the start of my midriff, with a pink lace ruffled mini skirt that showed my long thin legs, paired with black peep-toe heels with straps running up to just below my knees.

Cassie had done my makeup, which was light and just like me, while I straightened my long blonde hair and then curled them at the ends.

"Drake is gonna pee in his pants the moment he sees you," Cassie muttered from behind me. She was leaning against the bathroom door with her arms crossed at her chest as I stood in front of the mirror.

I gave her an amused look. "Am I looking that horrible?"

"You're looking like sex on a stick," she said in that 'duh' tone.

"How is that horrible? 'Cause last I checked, people peed in their pants out of horror and not because they find something attractive," I said raising my eyebrows at her through the reflection.

"Oh, they do, alright," she said, "Just the wetness is not because of urine and something else. You know, something that is sticky." She wiggled her eyebrows at me.

"Ewww, Cassie. Gross," I said making a face, "Drake is a friend. Stop grossing me out."

"Grace," she said in a tone that said, you should know better, "He is trying hard to be a friend and is waiting in the sidelines for you to throw him a bone."

I glared at Cassie, "He is not."

"Uh-huh. Whatever makes you sleep better at night," she said vacating her place at the door.

I don't want to accept that she is right. Obviously, I know it but I'm turning a blind eye to it because I have this crazed belief that if I don't acknowledge it, he will move on and we can still be friends. Because I am not ready to let go of his friendship. It makes me feel secured.

On second thought, I am not sure how seeing Drake with someone else will affect me. And the thought made me a little queasy but I froze that out.

Only time will tell.

Until then, I am happy living in the little protective shell I am, with a boyfriend and two friends that care about me a lot. And I am selfish enough to do anything that will risk jeopardizing it all.

I checked my phone kept on the countertop, Drake will be here any minute. So, I messaged Brian. He had not called me last night and I notice that just this morning.

Hey, I was wondering why you didn't call me last night. I'm going to a party. Might come late. Will call you when I come back :)

A knock on the door, just when I was keeping my phone in my purse, said that Drake was here. I checked myself in the mirror once again before leaving the bathroom.

In the living room, I saw Cassie already talking to Drake. They were murmuring in a low voice, so I was not able to make out the words but the expression on Drake's face was not very inviting. I have seen that one on his face a lot these days.

It said Drake was frustrated with a hint of anger.

"Hii," I said tentatively.

Both their heads turned to me and the anger from Drake's face dissipated as it turned to something very dark and erotic. His jaw clenched as his gaze raked up and down me.

Probably, I'm a whore. Because I am way too much thrilled to know that I am turning him on, even though I have a boyfriend.

"Hey," he said softly.

"Bye, Grace," Cassie said, "Text me when you come back."

Drake steeled at her words and the angry streaks started coming back in his baby blues.

"I will," I said to Cassie, and then she left.

"Let's go," I said to Drake.

He swallowed. "Yeah, that will be for the best."

Drake opened the door to his jeep for me as I climbed in. I can see that even though Drake was with me his mind was somewhere else if the clench in his jaw and the way he was refusing to look at me was any indication. I decided not to pry because today I was going to my first college party and I wanted to count every second of it, so I was better off without knowing whatever was bothering Drake.

Drake revved the engine and swerved it so fast that I was forced to back against the passenger side door, even with the seat belt on me.

What the hell?

The sharp squealing of screeching tires surrounded us as Drake sped down the narrow lane outside of my dorm building.

Okay, seems like my plan not to pry is not going to work.

"What's wrong with you, Drake?", I said grabbing the door handle for my dear life.

"What's wrong with me?", Drake asked in a low voice, "I think you should ask what's wrong with Cassie?"

"What the hell are you talking about?!", I screeched, "Drake, slow down."

Drake let out a cynical laugh. "Why? Don't you like it, Grace? If I remember right, you were the one doing this same thing a few weeks ago."

That was different. I had control of everything in my hands. This time I don't and it's not boding well with me. Not, at all.

"Is that what this is all about?", I asked while frantically searching the road for any other car. This is a one-lane road and if some other car came with even on a normal speed from one of the turns, we're screwed.

"No," Drake growled as he looked at me, "I'm pissed."

All the air left my lungs as I saw the fire blazing from his eyes. It was just not anger brimming to the surface, it was something very minacious filled with malice, which said even though he will know he is doing something wrong, he won't stop. As if he will enjoy doing it.

Like the ones, I had seen in my past several times. Suddenly the walls started closing in on me and the place started to look too small for me to breathe. I am suffocating, I thought as I tried to take a huge gulp of breaths. I need out.

"Stop the car," I said my voice coming out angry, "I said stop the car. Right. Now. Drake!"

He ignored me and I felt like crying and screaming at the same time. My brain was starting to engulf me in a fog.


"I SAID STOP THE CAR!", I yelled at the top of my lungs as I hit his upper arm with how much force I can muster.

Suddenly he pressed on the brakes and I threw my hands on the dashboard to keep from banging my head on it. My heart was pounding in my ears as my hands wildly tried to free myself from the seatbelt. I was fumbling and shaking but I kept trying until it was free.

"Grace..." Drake said softly as his fingers touched my upper arm.

I flinched away from his touch. "No, don't even try to touch me!", I yelled at him and opened the passenger's side door.

As soon as my feet hit the ground, I started running away from him. I didn't even bother to see which direction I was heading in. I just needed to get away. Far away from him. The cool wind of the night sky helped clear the fog in my head and I took a sharp breath.

A hand at my arm jerked me to halt as I turned to come face to face with Drake. His face was free of all the anger I had seen in his jeep, instead, regret was emanating from his eyes like a flood.

I looked away as I tried to get free from his hold. Squirming under his touch. But he was not having it.

He grabbed my other arm too and said, "Grace, stop fighting me."

"Let me go!"

"No!", he yelled, "You need to let me explain!"

What was there to explain? "You're a psycho and I'm not listening to a word you say!"

I tried to push him away but he drew me even closer to himself, our faces inches away.

"You are. You're going to listen. To every word. I. Say."

I didn't say anything and just kept squirming, which was obviously a futile effort as Drake was a lot stronger than me. His eyes boring into mine

"My father used to abuse my mother."

His words caught me off-guard and I stilled. Instantly hating his father as I know how it feels to be abused by someone you believed in. But, I was confused too.

Why was he telling me all of this right now?