Chapter 21

When I didn't reply and kept staring at him like he has lost his mind, he let out a defeated sigh.

"Cassie said something to me. Back in your dorm."

I scowled at him. "I'm sorry you've lost me. I can't make sense of anything you're saying."

"I know," he sighed again, "Come sit down, and then I'll tell you."

Oh, that's not happening. I tried to get free from his hold as I said, "No way in hell," through my clenched teeth.

And after that everything happened in a blur, One second I was standing upright and the other I was upside down on Drake's shoulder, face to face with his ass. I clenched the bottom of his white shirt in my fists for support. "What're you doing? Let me down!", I yelled.

He kept moving and then dumped me on the passenger seat of his jeep as he stood between my legs, so that neither I can move and nor kick him in his balls.

"Stop squirming," he said with a death grip on my hips, "because you're not getting anywhere until you hear me out. As it should be clear, that I'm not moving an inch until I've explained everything, so you better save your energy and mine's too."

I stilled because I had no other option and his hand at my hip was hurting. He loosened his hold on me a little then.

"My father used to abuse my mom since I was a kid. I hated him for everything he did to her and I vowed to myself that I'll never be like him. Whatever the situation will be, I'll never in my life hurt a woman. And even the thought of being like him disgusts me to the end of the world."

He swallowed hard like he was suffering from his words and I waited patiently for him to continue. It was clear that he did not want to talk about it.

"Cassie said something to me back in your dorm that insinuated, in not so many words, that I was some kind of threat to you. Like she needed to protect you from me and I..... I don't know. It triggered me and I was pissed. Not on you. On me. I was wondering what I did wrong and when did I become like my father? And more I thought about it, more it messed with my head, 'cause I would rather end my life than ever hurting you. And I mean it. I know I was acting like a lunatic but I was still cautious for your safety. Look around, Grace," he said and my eyebrows rose in suspicion.

"Look around," he said again, but this time more firmly.

I did and saw that we were in the middle of nowhere that I didn't notice before when I was running. It seemed like we were in a path built in the middle of a forest, with trees all around and no sign of habitat. And I panicked a little again.

Oh god, I have never seen this path before. What if he...?

"Relax," Drake said running a hand down my arm and bringing my attention back to him. "I purposely drove down this path 'cause I knew it will be desolated. And I needed to clear my head without giving a detour to you and me to heaven. I'd never put you in a situation in which there is any threat at you."

The panic inside me subsided at his words but I was still a little shaken.

"Cassie was just looking out for me," I said softly, feeling a need to defend my best friend and also wanting him to feel better a little.

Drake looked away. "Didn't help my case."

I can feel the agony in his voice and it broke all my inhibitions. I let my guard down as I cupped his face in both of my hands and looked straight into his pain-filled eyes.

"You're nothing like your dad," I whispered softly. "Do you hear me? You're not. And believe me, if I say, you're one of the greatest guys I've ever met. And that's saying something because I've got a very bad record. I know what worse is and you're far from that. I don't think you even have it in you to be anything like that."

I would have guessed a lot of responses to my words but what I had never in a million years imagined was, Drake's eyes starting to tear up and it took my last straw with it. I brought his head to my chest and hugged him firmly to me. His arms came around me and he enveloped my small frame with his big one.

I could hear him taking deep breaths in my neck, his back rising and descending slowly under my hands. I can feel him trembling as he was struggling to control his feelings but I didn't want him to. I rubbed his back in a soothing motion.

This man. This very strong man. Was so vulnerable in my arms right now. And I can't think what to do about that, other than letting him draw strength from me.

Drake's hold tightened on me as I felt his lips touch my shoulder and I stiffened. His one hand moved up my spine to my neck and then grabbed my hair in his fists as he murmured on my skin, "How do you do this, Grace? How you always make me feel better?"

The movement of his lips against my skin made me shiver in his arms and for some reason, I tightened my arms around his neck. He must have taken that as a go-ahead 'cause his lips started moving from my shoulder to the neck with feather light kisses as he tilted my head with the hold on my hair.

I wanted to wrap my legs around him but then he placed an open-mouth kiss just below my chin and the tremors that racked through my body from the touch of his lips, pulled me out of the daze I was in. I placed one hand on his chest and pushed him a little.

His head came up but he didn't remove his hold on me. His eyes were blazing with unabridged lust as he stared at my lips. I swallowed hard as I pushed him a little more, "Uh, Drake. I...I think...we should go now."

Drake took two steps back abruptly as if he was being burned in my close vicinity. And I stared at him confused. He ran a hand through his hair as he said, "Get in and close the door."


I swear he is going to give me a whiplash one of these days. How does he do it? Being this hot and cold in the blink of an eye? I felt a little hurt because I don't change gears this fast. But isn't that what I wanted?

Aghhh, I groaned mentally as I shifted in completely and closed the door. I placed my seat belt in place as Drake came in and started driving, and this time like a normal person without all that swerving and screeching tires.

We remained silent for the rest of the drive until Drake slowed down in front of a two-story building with a large front yard. People were scattered all over in the front yard, some sitting on the picnic bench or either.....

What the hell?

"Bonfire?", I asked, giving Drake a 'really?' look.

He chuckled at my expression. "Yeah, they like going a little overboard."

"Sure, they do," I mumbled.

I recognized some guys from my social religion class sitting around the bonfire with red solo cups in their hands.

"I used to think that people just do keg parties in high school," I asked opening my side of the door. Drake met me in the middle of his jeep.

"It's just a start," Drake said leading me to the inside of the frat house with his hand on the small of my back.

If it's just the start then I am really intrigued to see what my first college party is going to be like. Some people called Drake's name from the front yard, as we made our way to the door, and he either waved at them or just gave a nod, not stopping to have any conversation.

Inside the frat house, we went through a foyer to a large living room full of people with a makeshift dance floor in the middle. The smell of sweat mixed with perfumes hit me hard on the face as heat from the room engulfed me. It was hot in here. No doubt why most of the people are loitering in the front yard.

Drake led me to a sitting table in the corner of the room and I immediately recognized the blonde guy standing just in front of it.

"Drake, my man!", Dane yelled, pumping a fist in the air as if he was doing a cheer. And then his eyes came to me, "My, my. We've got a pretty lady here."

I smiled at Dane just as Drake's fingers flexed at my hip. I looked at him but his face was stoic, giving nothing.