Chapter 30

"You don't want me to do jack shit, huh?", he said, taking a step towards me.

My eyes narrowed at him, "What're you doing, Drake? Why did you throw that out? It had taken me a while to fix its chords. Why would you do that?"

He chuckled as he proceeded towards me. "It was just a guitar. And whatever, it was borrowed. for just a day. Mack wouldn't even care that if it is in one piece or crumbled to wires."

He stopped in front of me and I noticed that the pupils of his blue eyes were looking large. Anomalously large.

"Borrowed?", I asked.

"Yeah well," he said, resting one hand on the side of my head as he loomed over me, "I had to have something to lure you in my bedroom, right? Because that thick head of yours can't understand that I'm done playing this game with you."

I am dreaming, right? No, I guess this is some kind of sick joke he is playing. Or maybe there is some valid explanation for everything. Something. Anything. But this can't be what I am thinking it is.

"What game are you talking about?", even though the brewing anger inside me, my voice came out surprisingly calm.

"Oh, you know," he said, backing up. I took a huge gulp of breath and he smirked at that. He started walking towards the door as he said, "The game in which you want to sleep with me but trying to be the good girl, who won't cheat on her dickhead boyfriend on her own. So, you want it to go know," he said as he slammed the door close. My heart started pounding the walls of my ribcage like it desperately wanted out of it as much as I wanted out of this room.

"Like I was so in love with you and you were the damsel in distress, can't help but fall in love with me. Or some shit like that, you know. Tell me one thing. Why do you girls need to label something as love to justify your actions," laughed and I kept silent, "But babe, I'm done playing this game. I played my part for so long but now I'm fed up. I want some action and you can go outside and tell everyone that bullshit. What was that word again that chicks like to say after they fuck? Let me remember....yeah. You can tell everyone that we 'made love'"

Anger blazed through my veins like red-hot lava in my blood. I clenched my fists as I spoke through my teeth, "What did you just say?"

He laughed at that. A sick, maniacal laugh was urging me to slap him. So that he would just stop.

"Oh, come on now. Don't go pretending that you didn't know," he spread his arms as he made his way to me, "It's just us in the room, baby. You can drop the pretenses so we can get to the bed already, you know."

"Have you lost your damn mind, Drake?"

He tsked at that. "Be careful with that mouth there. I don't take insults well." There was an edge to his voice as he took one more step closer to me. I stepped back but recognized that I was plastered to the wall and there was nowhere to go for me.

My eyes frantically went to the door of the room. It was locked and my pulse started skyrocketing at the realization. I didn't bother to look at Drake as I jumped on the bed skirting Drake's hand by finger width, that came out to catch my leg.

I hopped off the bed on the other side and ran to the door with probably Drake on my heels. As soon as my hand landed on the door-nob to open it, I was flying in the air in the next nanosecond. A squeal left my mouth as I landed on the bed with a thud. Its mattress was so stiff that my back got a good hit and I yelped in pain.

Before I could roll off the bed and make another attempt to escape, Drake was over me. Pinning my body to the hard surface beneath me.

"Where do you think you're going, huh?", he said roughly on my face and I turned my head. "Not so fast, baby. First I need you to pay the fees for all the façade you made me put up for the last month and a half. And don't tell me that you didn't enjoy it. You were marveling in the attention like the little slut you are. Got a little change from that boring life with your too-good boyfriend, didn't you? Now come on, baby, give me what I've worked this hard for."

"Drake, let me up," I whimpered, still looking in the other direction. His words making bile rise to my throat. I kicked my legs and pushed at him, but nothing was working Drake was a lot stronger than me. When I tried pushing him again, he grabbed my both wrists in one of his hands and pinned them above my head. "Please, let me go. Please," I tried again. Hot tears burning in my eyes.

Rough fingers grabbed my chin as he forced me to look at him. His face a mere inches from mine, his eyes so bleak and vacant, nothing like the guy I had come to know. But then again, maybe I never really knew him.

"Is that some kind of kink?", he asked, his breath fanning across my face. "I would never have imagined that you were into role-playing. All you had to do was ask me, baby, and we could have been in this position a while ago. See all this precious time we wasted, and now you tell me all that for nothing. What a shame. Isn't it?"

I opened my mouth to shriek for help but was cut short by Drake's lips on mine. His lips were hard and bruising, roughly working on mine as I kept my lips fixed in a thin line. Refusing to participate. Why does this feels like deja vu when I've never kissed anyone before?

I tried to turn my face but his fingers on my chin dug into my cheek even hard, causing me to wince in pain and giving him an opportunity to shove his tongue down my throat. Oh god, no!

I grimaced from the feel of his tongue rubbing on mine. This is not how I had thought my first kiss to feel. Drake pushed his hips into mine and I stilled at the feel of something poking in the lower half of my stomach. Fear like I have never felt before made me freeze.

And maybe I was in a daze up until now because the realization struck me like a freight train that this is happening. Without my consent. And I can't do anything about it.

This slow apprehension of the situation ignited a flame somewhere inside me.

Two things happened at the same time. I bit Drake's tongue hard as I pulled my knee up to hit him straight in the groin. Drake let out an animalistic growl as his hold on me loosened. I took the chance to push him off me and made a mad dash for the door.

A loud thud on my back signaled that Drake fell to the ground, his loud grunts of pain echoing in the room. I didn't turn back as I opened the door and ran into the hallway. My breaths coming out raggedly.

I was almost to the door when I remembered Sophie.

Oh shit, Sophie!

I can't leave her here. She doesn't even know what kind of a person her brother is. Living with him is dangerous for her. He is a sick psychopath that doesn't give a shit about anyone.

I looked at the door. I am just a few steps away from it and it will be so easy to get out of here and leave everything behind me. But I would never be able to live with the fact that I left an innocent girl like Sophie with a maniac, who is capable of raping his sister. I can never sleep with that.

I turned back to the hallway and slammed Sophie's bedroom door open. She was talking to someone on the phone but dropped her phone when she took a better look at me.

"Grace, what happened?", her voice was filled with concern, "Why are you looking like this?"

I went to her and grabbed her wrist as she hastily stood up. "We have to go out of here right now. You can't stay here. And I can't answer you right now, why. Just come with me. Your brother is not what you think. It's not safe for you to live even a second more here."

I turned to leave with her but Sophie tugged me back. I looked at her with a surprise filling my eyes as I saw a bored look resting on her face. She slowly pulled the glasses off her nose as she said, "If the cat is out of the bag, you might as well start calling me Lisa. 'Cause, that's what my name is. Not Sophie."

My eyes widened a second before everything went black and I dropped into deep oblivion.