Chapter 31

I am walking down the trail, my favorite aster flowers on both sides. Warm rays of the sun beating down at my skin and my floral sundress. I gazed up to soak the soothing warmth on my face and my eyes fell on the various contours made by the milky clouds.

Some like Santa with a mermaid tail and the others like a barking bloodhound. So beautiful, I thought.

The sound of rustling coming from somewhere near me brought my attention back to the ground. I looked to my feet and all the blood drained from my face. Drake was standing there with a sinful grin on his face.

"Where do you think you're going?" his voice sounding like that of Lucifer's. Suddenly he raised one of his hand, that I didn't know he was holding a bucket of water from, and hurled all of its contents over me.


I woke up with a gasp at the feel of cold water on my face. My eyes burning from the sudden intake of so much water at once. I blinked my eyes several times to ease the burn a little.

"Wake up, sleepyhead," a feminine voice said.

I tried to wipe my eyes with my hand, but my hands were tied somewhere behind my back.

What the hell? Why am I tied?

There was a dull pain throbbing at the back of my skull. I opened my eyes to look at the person standing in front of me.

Black-clad, like a spawn of Satan, Sophie....or Lisa, looming over me brought me back to reality and I remembered everything. Coming to Drake's house with him and then knowing the reality of the person I used to call a 'friend'.

My eyes roamed to my surroundings slowly. I don't what they have done to me but my eyes are feeling so heavy that I can barely open them. On a slow inspection of my surroundings, I recognized that I am in Drake's room tied to a chair in the corner.

When my eyes came back to Sophie, she was smirking at me with a mixture of mockery and satisfaction in her eyes. Every limb in my body started burning with the hurt of betrayal and deception.

Just some time ago I was sitting with this girl thinking of her as my little sister. And now...… Fuck, I don't even want to think what is happening now. But still, there is one thing I can't understand is that why play this game with me?

"Why?", I hardly croaked out as a whoosh of air left me. God, why is my tongue feeling so thick? Why can't I speak?

Sophie.....Lisa chuckled at my state. "Can't speak, Barbie?", she mocked. I glared at her and let her see the tempest of anger brewing inside me.

She snorted. "I'm not the one sitting all tied up to a chair. So, you can stop with the looks."

I didn't.

"You know, I can see why you are his new obsession. Even when I've zonked you, that you should be high as a kite, you're still not looking bad," she said, looking up and down me.

I'm feeling sick. Did she just say that she has drugged me?

"I'm not in a mood of a little chit-chat with you," she said, flopping down on the bed in front of me. "But since I've to keep an eye on you for a while and I would rather not just sit there like a mute statue, I think we should go to your that one question 'Why?'. Shall we?", she said, leaning back.

"I didn't have a life like you, Barbie. My whore of a mother left me at a shagged up barn when I was three. And I sat between all that rotten hay for almost a week. Alone. Crying and hungry. Until a group of winos came and raped me one by one. Pretty, isn't it? Not like you where the worst that I have to worry about, is my nail polish being smeared. I had to worry about having a meal in two-three days. So that I won't die. Until Drake took me in, in his house, in his gang, when I was eight. And never left me to fend for myself. He takes me everywhere with him and I don't have to worry about having a meal or getting raped. The least I can do for him is help him in his obsessions. I will say that it gets pretty dirty sometimes," she shrugged, "But whatever he likes, I'll do for him."

And just like that, I was no longer angry with Lisa for anything. She must have seen the pity running on my face because she growled at me.

"Don't", she said, eyes blazing with anger and hatred, "Don't give that I'm-so-sorry-for-you bullshit looks to me. Or I wouldn't wait for Drake and snap your neck in two halves."

Just then the door to the room opened and in came Drake. "Whose neck are you snapping?"

Lisa looked terrified as she looked at him and then back at me. "No one," she said, in a meek voice that was so unlike the girl talking to me moments ago.

Drake nodded. "That's what I thought," he said, "Leave."

Lisa stood up but didn't budge. "Drake?", she said, still in that mouse-like voice, "I've already drugged her. Please don't do it anymore or she will OD."

In an instant, Drake was over her. Grabbing her chin and pinning her to the wall, I gasped as I tried to free myself but I was stuck.

"You don't tell me what I can or cannot do. Am I clear?", he spat right in front of her face. Lisa's eyes were as wide as saucers as she looked up at him. She nodded and his grip on her loosened. As soon as she was free, she slipped out of the room. Leaving me with the psychotic man and my ill-fate, that no one can save me now from what is going to happen.

I refused to look at him as he paced around the room, after the door closed, doing god-knows-what.

"You know, I had intended to keep it a short and one-time deal for you. Because somewhere in between our game, I had started to think that I like you. But no. You had to go and show me that how much of an ungrateful little shit you are and don't appreciate the efforts I had made for you."

Since I can't speak, I just glared at him. The bastard smirked at that as he sat on the same spot, Lisa was a few minutes ago.

"Still with that ego, huh, I see," he said and I cringed. "Like that first day. When you saw me and I smiled at you, to be the nice guy, and you just went on like you never saw me."

That's because I didn't!

"What did you think you were, huh? That day I had decided that I will bring you down to your knees and make you do all sorts of things you had never even imagined. But then when you started coming to classes, I thought you were mute and was starting to drop the idea 'cause what fun will it be if I can't hear you beg for my mercy, right? Lucky you, you weren't. I learned that the day you became the temporary celebrity of the class."

I'm cursed. There is no other explanation as to why this is happening to me when I did nothing wrong to him or anybody else.

"You know, you were easy. Too easy for my taste. The only problem was the whole good-girl act you had going on. So I dig up about you and knew everything there was to know. It was a nice little experience I must say."

All the blood drained from my face.

"You were already in the business of cock-sucking," he laughed, and I felt bile rising to my throat. I want to puke all over him but I reined that thought in.

"Anyways," he said, "Only thing that I didn't know about was your hidden boyfriend. But the jerk was so half-assed that he revealed himself on his own. He wasn't hard to eliminate, you know. Just took you to a party, mixed some medicines in your drink, swapped your phone from your purse, and let the fucker hear me having sex with some bimbo. And bam! He was out," he chuckled as I bleed from my ears. I never cheated on Brian.

He stood up from his seat and went to the nightstand on the other side of the bed. He picked an injection out and I knew what was going to happen. I didn't fight it. I can't. I was already tied and I had nothing left in me to fight for.

He can take whatever he wants and throw me then. I pray that I just didn't come out alive from it.

He filled it with some liquid and then came to me. "Time to take a high trip, baby. After all the stories I've made up for you. You can do this much for me."

He pierced the needle in my veins and I didn't even try to wiggle in protest. Pain shot straight to my spine and started rising it. I winced as I arched my back to ease the pain but nothing worked.

The ropes around me disappear as I was lifted to the air. Why am I not passing out? Why I can feel the pain and everything that happen to me? I landed on a hard surface before a weight settled on me.

It is so heavy, I can't breathe. Cool sweat broke out all over me. Please just die already. No more. I can't take anymore. Why am I still feeling all the pain?

Cool air hit my legs as the weight on me increased. All the world cease to exist around me as I pictured just one face in front of my eyes.


But instantly I was interrupted by a commotion somewhere. I couldn't see anything but I can hear loud voices disturbing my view of Travis. The weight from over me disappeared.

Why can I breathe again? I don't want to.

"Grace! Hang up, Grace. Don't.....Don't leave!"

A voice very similar to Cross said. But why is he here?

I hope he has not come here to save me.