I opened two large vortexes to mobilize two thousand five hundred legions to the Paris Ostrander Mansion. Alexander quickly got to Grenoble after Ourinko's helped open the vortex based on the approximate distance and direction.

And now that I have no problem opening the giant vortex, my power has grown many times over.

"Lord Valerie is safe in Grenoble. We will finish this coup. I want this to end with the least amount of bloodshed." Six legion commanders gathered beside Alexander, who gave orders on what to do. Meanwhile, Ourinko and I listened as well.

The strategy briefing is over, and all the legions are hiding inside the mansion and places around the Mansion. And Ourinko used mind magic to control Leonard, who got several calls from the Greene and Vasiliev clans. The Clan Chiefs of the two powers led the troops themselves.