Lord Valerie, Joanna, Alex and I sat together in a large conference room in the Ostrander Mansion, and the Clan Chiefs of the entire world were present at the midnight trial.

The trial decided the fate of the central rebel family before us. The recording of the incident played onto a large screen. The clan chiefs spoke to each other, commenting on the recording that had just finished playing. Many eyes were on me.

"The footage of the incident has been played in front of you so that you already know what happened, and thousands of witnesses have witnessed the actual incident. Ostrander has also given each of your husbands a chance to defend themselves in a fair fight with Alexander. And the death of your main daughter was for challenging Alexa Aegis, the main Ostrander family and interrupting the fight of honor by trying to shoot Alexander." Lord Valerie spoke in front of the four prominent families of the Greene and Vasiliev clans.