"That is reasonable and something that we can do. I will go up with Pelleta, and we will find Serria, and then we can go and get things organized for this. I think I heard something about that little adorable pink-haired girl making a portable Hex-Comb, so we will look into that for a temporary shelter for the people," Beezli explained, and Nala nodded but then looked at Beezli.
"Am I able to come up there with you two? I would like to see what that weird ship looks like from the inside. From the ground, it looks like a massive flower, but I can see that it is floating with some kind of airbag in the center," Nala asked and explained herself; Pelleta nodded with a smile.
"Yes, of course, you can come with us, and we will show you around the ship as we run some errands if you don't mind," Pelleta explained as she walked over to take one of Nala's arms in here.