That's The Spirit!

Tag, Sig, and the four MechaBee Drones stood in the middle of the canyon. They were far away from the village, but they could see some people gathering near the edge of their town.

"Tag and I will go together, and I suggest that you women do the same. Make sure that you are mixing attack ranges; you don't want to have two ranged fighters on the same team," Tag explained, and the four Drones nodded their heads.

"I will take Miku in HydroBee with me, and you can take Xani in TerraBee with you," Miasma called out from her TeslaBee.

"Good, do we know how deep these tunnels go? Or any maps?" Messia asked from her CharBee Drone.

"No, I talked with Nala, and she said that they just knew the ways, so we are on our own, but all the MechaBee have scanners. So we will be mapping the way as we go, and we will be moving fast. Maybe it would be better for you two to team up with one of us?" Xani asked, but the boys both smiled.