On the crest of a hill stood an 8-year-old boy with a half red half white ball in his hand as the wind blew in his face but he stood firm as he overlooked a town just as the sun went down and the sky bled red. The boy's blood-red eyes shined with determination and his face morphed into a small smile as he turned on his heel and walked into the wilderness.
Beginner's Guide to Pokémon ranks
Pokémon, creatures of the mysteries, beasts of the wilderness and godlike existences had been around since the dawn of time itself and possibly even further before, their origins unknown, some are weak but others strong. They are the greatest mystery this world has to offer and I have set out to quench my thirst.
Pokémon can be divided into many different types of stages, some by age, some by evolutions, some by breeding habits but above all they are divided by their strength. The tiers of a Pokémon are-
1. Normal Pokémon- these Pokémon are normal, they don't stand out, they can be weak as a caterpillar or strong enough to destroy a town but they do not meet the qualifications for the next stage.
2. Advanced Pokémon- These Pokémon have crossed a threshold called the elemental barrier and can use their elements to augment themselves or even create auras of their own where they control their elements. The transition to an advanced Pokémon is slow, sometimes taking years, some are stuck between forever. The only way of knowing if a Pokémon has crossed the elemental barrier is that they can manifest an aura, Either an elemental or a physical aura.
3. Elite Pokémon - A threshold that not even 0.0001% of Pokémon can even hope of reaching let alone breaching. An elite Pokémon can form a domain where they are the masters of the world, they can manipulate their elements to do anything they want as they are the masters of themselves and their energy. However, unlike the elemental barrier, this barrier is broken in a single stroke, often causing massive physical changes similar to evolution but instead of changing the pokemon, this change enhances everything about a pokemon, and due to this sudden increase in strength the requirements of crossing this threshold are massive and there is no known way of breaking this threshold besides years, sometimes decades of training or multiple life or death situations.
4. Champions- Requirements unknown, Barriers unknown, Abilities granted unknown, Power level unknown, Pokémon reached this rank unknown. Existence of rank confirmed.
5. Legendary-?
Trainers are also similarly divided into different categories and cannot command a pokèmon that is above their rank. The trainer ranks and requirements are-
Trainers- also called beginners, these trainers make up 99% of all Pokémon trainers and number around 1-5 million per region depending on region size. They have a team composed of normal Pokémon and sometimes Pokémon transitioning between normal and advanced and are stationed at every village and given a monthly stipend that is equal to the wage of a minimum wage worker but with league privileges such as free rooms in Pokémon center for 10 days a month and ability to purchase high-level goods.
Advanced trainers- Advanced trainers number in the low Ten thousand however their strength is multiple times that of any normal trainer even if they have only 1 advanced pokémon. They have at least 1 advanced Pokémon to qualify for this rank. They are stationed at every minor town (minimum population of 2,000) and earn a stipend equal to a high ranked officer or upwards of 10 times that of a normal trainer and earn many privileges such as the permission to fly on any registered Pokémon in the wild, free housing, invites to certain events and many more.
Elite trainers- Elite trainers number in the tens and each elite trainer is strong enough to defeat a group of 1,000 normal trainers at once. They need to have at least 1 Elite pokemon to qualify for this rank. They have a classified stipend and classified privileges, some known ones include the ability to challenge the elite 4 at any, qualifications to become a gym leader and every major town has one elite trainer excluding the gym?
Major Cities>minor cities>major town->minor town>large village>village
By-Alexander Creed
The boy sighed as he looked towards the clock and saw that the time was 5 AM and if he waited for another hour the sun might rise but he had no intentions of staying awake any longer as he closed the book he was working on. The title read "Everything you need to know before you start your own pokemon adventure"
The boy jumped into his bed, his eyes immediately drawn to a half-red,half-white ball that rested on his table. He closed his eyes as he remembered everything that had happened up until now. How he had started nothing and here he stood with his trusted partner and his entire journey ahead of him.
Even though he was drained, his mind wandered to how he had started, in a tiny orphanage
It was a stormy night as thunder crackled, revealing a small building just for a second, before dispersing into the wind. However on the steps of this building laid a basket and in this basket was a little boy, sleeping soundly despite the howling thunder and flashing lightning.
The door of the small dingy building opened and a nun walked out and picked up the basket that carried the sleeping toddler before walking back into the building. Lightning crackled in the sky just long enough to illuminate the board which had written in bold "Orphanage".