Chapter 10

2 months later.

Here we can see a young boy who looks to be around 9 years old, wandering through a dense jungle. The boy was covered in mud and had multiple bandages, as well as a weird-looking bipedal reptile, walking by his side and a strange yellow being that floated just a few feet above the ground as rocks orbited around it. The boy was wearing shorts that looked to be torn-up pants that were riddled with holes and cuts and the boy's jacket looked more like a torn-up cloak than a jacket while his undershirt showed more skin than fabric.

This is, of course, Alex and his Charmander as well as a surprise new member. They were on alert and each step was taken with deliberation consideration as they were currently in the territory of a group of Ursaring. He doesn't quite know the strength of the Ursaring leader but the fact that he knew of Ursaring's nest was a miracle since he hadn't been in civilization for two months.

He was quite close to reaching Celadon city and his strength had increased tremendously, His Charmander had grown immensely in the past month, becoming much stronger as it could now fire off multiple(read 3) dragon breaths before having to stop.

Alex felt a small little voice in his head, it felt weird having a different person's voice in his head but its texture was unique enough for Alex to make out the difference between the voice and his thoughts.

'Daddy, I'm hungry.' the voice was monotone yet conveyed a sense of childishness.

Even with the creepiness of the little pokemon words, Alex couldn't help but smile at its happiness as it slowly consumed an Oran berry and then another. Alex watched the rocks orbiting around Abra fall to the ground as its connection to Alex turned dormant.

The Little Pokemon floated down nearly touching the ground before being engulfed in white light as it was recalled back into its Pokeball. Alex patted the Pokeball as he pulled out a little notepad and wrote down '5 hours 46 minutes' just below another entry which read '5 hours 30 mins there were multiple entries on the writing pad going all the way to the top of the page.

Alex's mind wandered to when he first found Abra and how much the little furry creature had changed since then

1 Month Ago

Just as Alex was thinking about how his fight in celadon would go, Alex was broken out of his thoughts as he felt the hairs on the back of his neck rising. He instantly jumped to the side, barely avoiding a wooden spear that cut through the spot he was at just a second ago. Before he could even take a breath, a few boulders near him were launched at him but this time Charmander caught them as his claws turned a metallic silver and grew a few inches in length.

Alex instantly traced the origin of the wooden spear to a small clearing where he caught a flash of yellow before it disappeared.

Alex's back was hit by multiple leaves that were covered in some sort of energy but Alex barely felt them as he ran up to the clearing. He found a little abra floating in the middle, who looked like it was in extreme concentration. It instant felt Alex and tried to blast him away but Alex got onto the ground and grabbed the earth firmly.

As the blast hit him, Alex felt like he was claiming a sheer cliff while being under 2X gravity. Alex only had to hold on for a few seconds but the pain made time slow down as seconds passed slower than hours. But Alex's perseverance paid off as after a few seconds, Charmander came barrelling in with a dragon breath in his maw.

The abra couldn't handle holding both Alex and Charmander away as its eyes glazed over for a second before it let out a wave of energy that made a crater 1 foot wide and multiple inches deep below it. The wave felt like a cry for help to Alex's mind and when he looked, he found a fainted abra In the middle of the crater.

Alex tossed a Pokeball at the fainted abra. As the Pokeball successfully caught Abra, Alex's Pokedex lighted up for a second and Alex smiled, it took him 2 weeks of tracking but he finally got his second family member, now all he has to do is to train it up to become the best.

Flashback End

As it turned out Abra was born with a major "defect". The "defect" being it was too strong psychically, usually, Abras can handle the extra energy by deeply meditating for the majority of the day to contain its powers, but Alex's Abra in particular was born monstrously strong by a genetic fluke. Because his parents weren't that strong and he didn't have a strong bloodline or a strong body, his powers were simply too much for his young body. Even if he meditated for the entire day, his powers would start to leak and cause massive bursts of damage.

After only 2 weeks of Abras's life, he was thrown out by his parents and started roaming wildly for a few weeks before he first met Alex, who proceeded to hunt him down to the better part of the entire month. A tragic life so far.

Alex managed to figure out a way for Abra to get rid of this "defect", which was to train for multiple hours every day and spend all that excess energy in as many ways as possible like sparring with Charmander and fighting wild Pokemon. With all this activity, Abra managed to control a small amount of energy, around 30% of his total power, any more, and his control would slip like it had when fighting and create a blast or explosion of power but as he trained, he could control more and more of his innate power and started to see his curse as more of a blessing.

Over time abra could remain awake for longer and longer periods and gain more control over the energy it had access to

As Abra started opening up to Alex, he asked Alex what the purpose of human names was. After learning about it and having an in-depth discussion about names, Abra started wondering what he could do to earn a name.

Alex had also 'connected' with Abra to help it control its amplified emotions. He felt Abra's resentment towards his parents, his anger for being treated like a cursed being, and its overwhelming drive to not just control the totality of his power but to go beyond it and to stand at the very top. to be in control. And at the end of the day, Alex could respect the dedication, now only if he could get Abra to stop calling him daddy.