The Grand Fleet

With the new fleets Jake has been producing they have been top notch never seen before ships, attracting the attention of many others throughout the galaxy. These ships are small and compact yet have better warp technology than the newest cargo ships with the best warp drives. With the attention they have been getting Jake decided it was about time he step into the industry of ship production, so he makes a trip back to earth. With his newly upgraded ship it take him only 30 minutes to get back to earth from his station making his ship the fastest ship in the galaxy currently that humanity and the other 20 races know.

Jake decides to make a trip back for one main reason, and that reason is to sell off his city. Jake and Cody decided they won't need to be on earth any longer as they will not visit it most likely ever again. With the new dangers they are facing they also don't want to attract any alien super powers from other galaxies or solar systems near the earth. Jake ends up selling his city to Japan and letting them have everything in it including the level 4 protection shield. Jake ends up making one last visit to his relatives before forever taking off from earth.

With Jakes new fleet forming as he is on earth he has many new plans for developing ships fast enough to make the travel from the station to xerth in only 1 week instead of 1 year. To do this though he decides to look in a new production machine he got called the "FTL Drive Assembly Line". He looks in on the information and it states it produces FTL Drives that are 20x faster than light, he needed ships that could go 150x faster than light. He thought he could achieve this, but then he looked at the price for one of these assembly lines. Jake though to himself "TEN THOUSAND CREDITS, HOLY SHIT HOW WILL I EVER AFFORD THAT!?".With him being able to buy only two he bought them and started producing although they were ten thousand credits they were necessary thinks Jake later on. Luckily, I can produce 4 every single day so one ship can be able to get upgraded in just one day with both of them. Within one month of mass producing these day and night he was able to get a fleet of 15 motherships to head out for xerth.

Before he had left he prepared the station with upgrades a level 12 shield he spent fortunes on along with leaving some military there. He took 4 million navy personnel and 15 million army and STING units. With that they set off in their ships while on their way they also took 2 other races there with them, as they had been the first 2 to ever help him with country affairs and matters. He valued the two other races greatly and had even gotten them to join his empire. On the way to xerth, Jake and Cody had been planning the layout for awhile. They would make sure they were the only ones there. Jake had prepared a super ring with 500,000 Mid-Class Droids and Advanced-Class Droids which had costed him a fortune he planned to immediately disperse them when they got their spreading out through the mega continent the size of the pacific ocean along with 50,000 mother droids were deployed.

With the new plans Jake and Cody were set for landing when they got to the planet xerth. With the help of the two other races they would be able to conquer this galaxy and possibly spread their empire through out the universe. While this was happening Ray would be sending constant data to STING units clearing the area of any dangers. Jake and Cody would be getting countless updates on the surrounding area, along with any oceans nearby. While they planned to use this as their they knew that they wouldn't have nearly enough energy to run an entire city full of people with the technology they were implementing. Luckily this solar system had 3 suns instead of one and the two others near the middle of the solar system. Jake had planned to construct a dysons sphere around 2 of the sun suns in the future for enough power to let him create whatever he desired. How a dysons sphere works is it harvests the energy of the sun allowing the people of this planet to have an insane amount of energy that could last them hundreds of years without ever needing any other power plants. The plans to do this would be far in the future though, for now Jake was just focusing on making sure everything was set up for landing. Throughout the next 4 days he countlessly spent hours meeting with officials and preparing everyone for landing. They had figured they would need more ships to send millions here so they started creating plans for that when all of a sudden Jake got a quest and this was the last quest till he got to lvl 12.

[New Quest:]

[Set up the capital on Xerth]


[100,000 Credits]

[10,000 advanced stealth suits]

[1x dysons sphere blueprint]

[Supreme Resource Harvester]

[4x Large Transport Ships]

[1x Space Elevator Blueprint]

[1x Destroyer Blueprint]