
With the Jake and his crew arriving very shortly onto planet Xerth he gathers all of the drones in his bay to launch immediately. With his 4 ships now descending through the atmosphere of xerth he decides to run test while coming through on the overall life support on this planet. 10 minutes later, he found that there are every species on earth including some new species that have never been seen before. Little did Jake know though that the people of Xerth weren't nearly as advanced as the people of Earth, so they had no way of finding out if people were there. When the people of Xerth saw 4 big ships but what looked to them like foreign objects appear out of no where from space, they all were put into a panic. Jake and Cody had no idea about these people and kept heading towards the super continent that the Xerthians had no clue about. When Jake landed the droid had started their work right away. With the outer walls being underway, and the inner city being built and a total of 500,000 droids working they could have their walls set up around the entire continent in just 4 days. While the inner city was being built, countless Xerthians had started their journey of following the path straight ahead where Jakes crew had headed, little did they know Jake and his team spoke the exact same language that Xerthians spoke, what they knew as Xerthian and what the people of Earth knew as English.

Eventually the Xerthians had come to the outer walls of the empire and decided to enter through a unoccupied area where no drones were to be seen. While they made their way through a huge 200 story building was being built, that would serve as Jakes house, the top 3 floors reserved for just him and his family. His family meaning his younger brother, all of first personnel as he considers them family, and Cody. The building would be massive and the width of 3 pentagons soaring 400 feet into the air. When the Xerthians arrived, everyone was caught off guard to see such people dressed like people back in the 1800's, nearly 1,000 years ago. The people however did not have any technology, no guns, no armor, and no carriages. When Jake saw the people of Xerth he immediately went to great them he spoke to them in English even though he assumed they had no idea what he was saying, they spoke back. The Xerthians didn't seem mad but very confused, "Who are you people and what are these things?", at that moment Jake knew they were still far behind technology wise. He explained to them that they came from another planet called earth a far away place in the middle of the galaxy. He explained to them what his ships were and introduced them to technology. After a long questioning from the Xerthians Jake invited them to join his empire and he would offer them great things like clothing, knowledge, food, and even jobs. To Jakes luck he had recently unlocked a machine that lets him implant chips into people letting them gain knowledge extremely fast.

After hearing what Jake could do for them they decided to join his empire and head there with their families. Currently the only people with the brain chips implanted were Jake, Cody, and Kai as they didn't want this technology falling into other races. He saw that they were going to move everything over by hand, so Jake helped them move their things with his ship. It was the Xerthians first time being in a vehicle so they were excited. When they had landed inside the small village the people had going everyone was confused at what it was. The town leader explained to them everything Jake had told them with that under way Jake produced 100 chips for the whole people joining his empire to have. Once these were implanted their personalities seemed to almost change, going from not knowing anything to acting like normal people from Jakes day plus an extra knowledge so back on earth they would be considered geniuses.

With them still having old fashioned clothes Jake purchased some clothes for them from a local merchant that he had brought along on the journey with him and with that they were now apart of the Grand Empire.