Unwanted Child

"…the serial killer has once again begun to act! Last time, the police sealed off the Recreational Park in City A for the weekend. Main investigator Detective Jin Renguang said that he would give further notice in the future. However, four months has passed and now, there's another victim in the Capital! The modus operandi is still the same, the victim was dismembered and the body was thrown into a public garbage can in the apartment district no. 12. People were protesting what exactly the police had been doing all these times and now, we are here to witness Detective Jin's press conference on 9 am, 24th September that's held in the conference hall of City A's Police Bureau."

The screen changed from the female reporter to the official hall in the police station. Jin Renguang stepped onto the stage clad in a dark blue police uniform which hugged his powerful figure. Blinding lights flashed ceaselessly but the man's expression didn't change a bit.