Please Let Me Go...

It was said that workaholics were hereditary in the Xander Family. Sir and Madam Xander were busy all year around and the amount of time they got together was only enough for themselves. They conceived a child five years after their marriage and gave birth to Xu Binchen's sister, Tiffany Xander.

After that, they dumped Little Tiffany to the nanny and threw themselves into work again.

Madam Xander felt like one child was enough. She was busy enough already and originally, she wasn't really fond of children. It was only because Graham was the only child of Xander Family did her heart finally soften to give him a child.

Who knew that Madam Xander would get pregnant once again when Tiffany was already six years old?

Thus, it wasn't unreasonable to say that Xu Binchen was truly an unwanted child conceived out of accident. Thus, he received less care than what his sister did.