A Huge Conspiracy

"Are you the serial killer that the police have been searching for?" Jia Ming'en waited for the answer with bated breath. He didn't withdraw his gaze and stared straight into Si Zhening's calm ones.

There were no fluctuations or any sign of surprise. He stood there, calm and composed as he always was. It made Jia Ming'en feel ridiculous for reacting excessively. Also, he began to doubt himself. Had he gotten the wrong person? Wouldn't someone who was charged with that kind of question feel a tad of panic or even surprise? 

Yet, he could find none in Si Zhening's eyes.

The suspicion was certainly a bit far-fetched. 

Even though Si Zhening was coldblooded, Jia Ming'en knew he wasn't the kind of person who would do something without any reason.

As he expected, Si Zhening let out a tired sigh. "What kind of question is that? I am the serial killer? If I am, do you think Boss will let me remain by his side?"