Always Call Me Xiao Chun, Okay?

"I'm sorry…" Shi Nian grimaced, apologetic. "My mother has been called in for urgent work otherwise she would prefer to come with us." 

"What are you apologizing for?" Nan Xukun laughed lightly. "It's me who should be thankful. After all, we are only neighbors and it's been a long time. You're willing to visit her grave with me. It's already enough."

The corner of Shi Nian's lips curled up slightly. The youth in front of her was as energetic and cheerful as usual. Last time, he had brown curls adorning his head with huge, cross piercing on his ear. However, today he was unusually neat and solemn. His hair was dyed black again and combed backward, showing his clean and smooth forehead. 

It seemed like, no matter how long time had passed, a child would always want to present their best sides to parents.