I Know I'm Wrong

"What did the doctor say about his condition?" Ru Meiqi asked all the while handcuffing Jin Renguang's wrist to the bedrail otherwise the man would take every chance to get back to work, disregarding how his injuries hadn't even dried properly yet. 

The members in the room pretended they saw nothing. Except Qin Weizhe who wouldn't pass up the opportunity to snicker at Jin Renguang in schadenfreude. The latter tried to lift his arm halfway only to get stuck by the handcuff. In the end, he sighed in defeat and continued to lie down obediently.

"He should be waking up soon." Ke Shao said. "After all, his wounds aren't even as severe as Jiang Jinyan. The other man woke up a few days ago, so there isn't any reason for him not to. He doesn't get a concussion anyway."

Wang Chengbing munched on potato chips and gave Ke Shao a glance. "Aren't you too harsh?"

Ke Shao scoffed. "What? You want me to be buddy buddy with him? He's a serial killer, for God's sake!"