You Have No Right

Qin Weizhe leaned against the wall as he observed the youth who was hugging his knees on the bed. Nan Xukun had stayed in the same position since he woke up. He was clearly very shaken up. It seemed like Ru Meiqi was right. Even though Nan Xukun had no recollection of the crime the serial killer had done, at least he was aware that there's something wrong with him otherwise he wouldn't have reacted so strongly like this.

He also said that he would only talk if he could meet Shi Nian. Perhaps he wanted some answers from her or perhaps he wanted to assure himself that everything was just a nightmare.

Qin Weizhe had kicked Xu Binchen out of the room, especially when the nurse found the latter missing yet again, leaving only him and Nan Xukun.