Please Don't Hate Me

Without them realizing, two hours had already passed. After venting all of the things he couldn't say all these years, Nan Xukun looked a lot lighter and also...drained. It was as if he had expended the last bit of his strength to deliver the words.

Silence reigned over the room. Qin Weizhe, Ru Meiqi, Wang Chengbing and Jin Renguang, all of them had no idea where to start. For years, Nan Cheng had been building his good image in public and Nan Xukun's statement just shattered their image of him. It felt so unreal as if the person he was talking about wasn't Nan Cheng.

"There are two things I want to ask." Jin Renguang suddenly broke the silence.

"What now?! Nan Xukun glared furiously. "I am a patient who has just woken up, for God's sake! You have already tortured me for hours!"

Jin Renguang ignored his remarks and proceeded to ask. "Last year, you used Yu Chuan and got him to bait Shi Nian out. Why did you hang up on him at the last minute?"