What's On The Report?

As soon as Jin Renguang returned to his hospital room, he asked Qin Weizhe. "Has the antipsychotic medication Nan Xukun consumed been tested in the lab?"

Although he didn't understand what Jin Renguang meant, Qin Weizhe still answered. "We have just confirmed the authenticity of Si Zhening's statement so my people are on their way to secure the evidence. It might be done by night at the latest. Why do you ask?"

"I know it's a pain in the ass." Jin Renguang stated seriously. "But I want all the pills tested, not only the sample."

Qin Weizhe's eyes widened. "Do you suspect—"

Jin Renguang massaged his brows. "Nothing is certain yet. I can only confirm it after I get Shi Nian and Si Zhening's statements in my hands." 

In a timely manner, Ru Meiqi returned and handed him the thick reports. Two labels were stuck on it, one by the name of Shi Nian and the other Si Zhening.