Observing the small man wield his blade in anger, but there was something strange about his hood. I notice it has a “C” on it. I don’t understand who it could be. He swings on me, but I don’t really worry because of the basic attack, but I wanted to know about the symbol. Usually, it would make no difference, but this is the second attempt on us. I grab the blade, getting the same tingling feeling, but non the less I take the blade from him. Doing so hit me with a sharp pain in my hand, and I grab him up off the ground.
“Who sent you?” I demand from him.
Through the panic and tears, he stammers out.
“I don’t know who they are; no names were given, just this simple and a document.” He exclaims, showing me the paper with just a target name and the symbol.
I set him down calmly.
“Runaway and don’t ever retake another contract. If you do, I will find you, and it won't end well. But, you not a part of this problem.” I present this proposal to him with no alternative.
He panics, throwing the clothes away and running off. I look at the note and wonder who it could be. I then drop the blade to reveal to my surprise that it had cut my hand. It wasn’t bad, but it was more than I expected, but with it all over, I tap on the carriage. Lady Elaina walks out to see what has happened. She looks around to see the wrecked wheel, and I see a look of concern on her face.
“How are we going to get there now?” She asks in a slight panic.
“It’s alright. I brought a spare.” I say as I lift the carriage and bring the people over to put on a new one.
Elaina’s breathing calms, and she notices the bloody handprint on the bottom of the carriage and looks at me.
“Are you ok?” She asks, concerned.
I look down at my hand, noticing the wound had already started to close. I shrug and show it to her.
“You have nothing to worry about; however, the fact that I can break the spell and it cuts me is surprising. One more thing while I have you.” I try to calm her, and I decide to bring up the note.
She looks it over, and she seems to recognize the symbol.
“Yes, I know this one; it’s Claymore. I should have told you that they try to take out the competition when these things happen. Not to mention your all the buzz; I mean, I have to tell the others who I picked.” She informs me.
This comes as a surprise to me, but even more so than she expected it.
“Then why didn't we bring more people?” I ask, confused.
“Because of you.” She tells me as she gets back into the carriage.
I step over, bewildered at this revelation but mostly ready to get back off. I get in, and we leave. We head deeper into the woods until we break the trees, and we are treated to the immaculate architecture of the capital city. Beautiful stone gaits and houses, with wonderfully crafted windows and doors. I look over at Elaina and ask.
“What do you think of all of this? Isn’t it wonderful?” I ask, a bit awestruck.
She smiles and laughs a bit.
“Have you never been here?” She asks me.
“No, well, not since its first construction, but once all the people came, I decided to stay away,” I tell her, kind of saddened.
I see a look of confusion on her face.
“How old are you,” she asks, surprise.
I laugh as we head into the marketplace just before the palace.
“10,001 countings this year. Been around since the dawn of civilization, but I seem to have stopped aging in my prime, though.” I tell her funnily.
Though it was kind of funny to me, she looked astonished, with a little bit of fear.
“Damn.” She exclaimed softly.
Before we could talk any further, we are entrapped but a sudden stop. The door is opened, and the royal court greets us. We step out alongside the other three families to be greeted by the King and Queen. They walk out in the royal ruby garbs. The King is a small elderly fellow with a long grey beard and colorless white eyes. His queen was the beauty of the royal line with her striking red eyes that seemed to light up a room. The King stepped for them and spoke.
“Thank you all for coming today; we gather to start, once again, the tournament of suiters. They will compete for the fair hand of miss Elaina. May the tournament begin.” He exclaims happily for all.
The crowd cheers, the servants take our bags, and we are lead to our rooms we will be staying in as we're walking down the beautiful hallways, with lovely carpeting and excellent portraits. I look at Elaina, but before I can say anything, I'm stopped by a small man in robes.
“I will have to separate you, don’t worry, everything will be taken care of.” He tells us as he hurries me down another way.
I go with him, but I can’t help but feel strange, seeing as this is the first night I won't have to watch and listen for her. It’s odd how I’ve felt something I thought I would never feel again in these past few years. But, I got to the room and sat on the bed; the first night in sixteen years, I haven’t been on watch. I don’t think I want to sleep tonight; I do not need to dream, for tomorrow I fight my first round.