Lets fight

His first attack was surprisingly well-timed and even more so that he could break my skin so easily, but I can't go all out and risk showing my true power. Nevertheless, I have to use some of it because right after his first move, he spun on his heels, launching at me again. I go on the defensive, just dodging his advances, but he’s just as fast as I am, and he loves his strike and retreat. He keeps himself at a distance even though he doesn’t seem to have a long-range attack. This either means he’s not got a lot of defenses of strength, either way, that’s my best strategy right now. He flies at me again, and I throw a timed punch at his head, figuring he couldn’t avoid me mid-strike.

But I only grazed the side of his head when he seemingly side-stepped me in mid-air. He adjusted again and leaped into the air, landing on thin air. He looks down at me with his ear bleeding.

“You didn’t really think it would be that easy; we nobles are more than meets the eye. The only reason my family is so low is that our power only benefits us.” I scoff at myself.

Hearing him angers me, and this makes my muscles swell as my power runs through them.

“How selfish of me then because I've been holding back of you. I should give you a taste of what I can do.” I tell the arrogant man.

He starts his next attack, forward lung as the others; I move aside and grab the back of his neck. I see the look of fear run across his fac3e as I fling his across the area, bashing him into the wall. He bounces off and slowly approaches him. I don’t want to kill him, and if I'm not careful, I will accidentally. I see him pull himself off the ground and spit up blood; I also notice him trying to think of a way to get the upper hand back. It's strange, my chest wound has healed, and that doesn't seem to be what he’s focusing on. It’s almost like he knows he can hurt me, but I don’t know what he’s going to do.

He dashes at me, but he’s not aiming his claws like before. It seems he is just trying to get close to me. He swipes at me, and I move away when he brings his foot up to cut my shoulder. He lands the flip behind me, clawing my back. It seems he wants to use his small size to move around me. The thing is that he isn’t doing that much damage, but when he slides under my led si scoop him up with my leg, throwing him in the air and slapping him across the face. I chose to slap him to keep from doing too much, but I can still feel my blood starting to boil when I hear him cough.

“You can’t be series a slap.” He laughs.

I snap and go to grab him, but this seems to be what he wants. He jumps up between my arms and unleashes a howl. It was a sizeable concussive sound attack. I wasn’t ready for it, and it threw me off my feet. I bounced off the ground and slid on my stomach a few feet. Now I can’t take it anymore. I see his face in shock that I survived his attack; I admit my nose is bleeding and am covered in cuts, but I am ready to end this fight. I look back over my shoulder to see Elaina on the edge of her seat. Seeing her worried about me, for whatever reason, bothers me greatly.

I turn back to him and begin to walk over to him to end the fight. I want to do it peacefully, but I can see he won't make it easy. He takes a deep breath to unleash another howl, so I prepare to be hit by it. He exhales, and I clap to unleash a thundering shockwave. It cancels out, and as a bounce, it raddles him. I dash in front of him, pushing him in the chest. He flies back, bouncing a few times. I rush him down before he can get his barrens, and I try to stomp him, but he rolls out of the way. He pops up, throwing his arms to try and do something—however, this time, I'm not letting him land a single blow.

His fatigue finally catches him, and he stumbles. I then take the opportunity to snatch him up, and I just hold him in the air by his neck. As I'm holding him in the air, he reverts to his human form; he simply didn’t have the strength to hold the for anymore.

“Now that I have your attention, do you accept mercy,” I ask him in a dead tone voice?

He looks down at me with sad eyes.

“If I do, my family will have nothing to do with me; you might as well kill me now.” He tells me as a tear rolls down his face.

I set him down and take my hand back. I exhale, shrinking down to my average large size.

“Then you shall be a part of mine.” I offer him as I hold out my hand.

He accepts it graciously, thanking me for his life. I look out into the crowd to see a warm smile on Elaina’s face, but I can’t help but notice the look of disappointment on his father's face. Seeing his face reminds me of the very reason why I chose to be left alone, but now it’s over, and I'm one step closer to having the love of my life. I then see the King stand up, and we both turn to hear what he has to say about this exciting round of the tournament.