
Theo's not sure what to think anymore, he's stressed from handling their company he can't even do racing anymore. He's busy with Work and Clarissa and then this?

Again. He leaned back on the sofa, then slowly shooked his head. He rolled up both of his sleeves until it reaches his elbow. He put his elbows and his place both of his hands on his palms, he sighed.

"Just get laid tonight, brother. There are so many girls out there. Tell me, when was the last time you had sex? 7 years ago? Man, you haven't gone to the second base for the past 7 years!"

"Buster, I respect her, okay? You're pissing me off, stop it! She's just not some random girl out there who's looking for someone to take away the itch! She's my girlfriend!" His friend rolled his eyes.

"Yeah right! See, what love did to you?"

He looked at his friend. "Know what, when you fall inlove? I'll be the first to laugh at you. And I tell you, Bust. You'll beg for your love!"

"Tch, as if it'll happen. I won't fall in love if I'm going to be a dog following her all the time like you did." Theo glared at him, but his friend just laughed.

"Stop laughing, you idiot. One day, love will get back at you, karma is a bitch my friend. And you're one hell of a womanizer, you changed women like how you changed clothes every day. ” His friend only shrugged his shoulders.

“And a little reminder, Bust. When you met her, you’ll be seeing halo.” Buster only laughed at him like something is funny about what he just said.

“Clarissa, You ready to go?” Othello immediately said after opening the door for him.

She smiled sadly, “Yeah, just let me finish getting my other things and then we’ll go.” She went back inside, Othello's behind her and he's the one who closed the door.

“Make yourself comfortable.” Before she even turns her back on him, he grabbed her hand. “If you don’t wanna go, don’t force yourself. No one is forcing you to go. I’m sorry I told that, because I thought he knew. And I’m just too excited to see Johnson. We haven’t seen each other for 7 months. Please forgive me.” Yes, Othello is gay, and Johnson is his lover.

Clarissa sighed and smiled. Remove all sadness and negativity, remove all sadness and negativity. “I’m not mad, okay? And I’m going.” She gave him a reassuring smile.

Othello 'tsk'-ed. “What about Theo? I thought you two are going to talk about this.” His forehead knotted while asking.

“I told him, I’ll go for it. He broke up with me.” Othello looked shocked at what she said and put both hands on his lips, he looked at her apologetically. “Oh my god! I’m sorry!” She sighed and pat his shoulders.

“I told you, it’s not your fault okay? I was at fault here. I love him, I do. But I’m not just ready to settle down yet. It’s hard to turn his proposal down but I love my dream. And I won’t let anyone or anything get in the way.” Disappointment is written on his face, he used his hand and made a fan out of it.

“What about the two of you? That's it? You'll end your relationship there?” He said historically.

“Yes, but when the time comes, I hope there's still a chance for the both of us, I hope that when I come back, I won't come back for nothing. It's just three years. I promise, that will be the last.”

I’m sorry, Love. I'll hold on to every little hope I have when I come back. I just wish that it's still me.

“What you’re doing is risky, your chance of having him back is 50:50. He may already have a family when you come back or none. It’s up to you Clarissa, me? I just told you the pros and cons of you leaving him, I already talked to you about this okay? I’m giving you 30 minutes to think about it again.” Othello stood up, ”I’ll look for something to eat in your kitchen.”

She sat on the sofa, she wants to call Theo, even before leaving. Sho won't let anything or anyone get in her way, this is what she wants. Her dream. Her passion. The reason why her family is living a better life. She can’t just let go of it, especially she doesn't enough savings and a business that she'll handle when she stopped modeling. She doesn't want to leave it all to Theo when they're married. She just don’t undertand why he can’t see that.

A part of her wants to explain, but what for? He ended it between them already. She's scared that if she called, he might dropped the call or he won'y answer it.

She sighed, shut her eyes tightly. She dialed his phone number, and waited.

“please pick up.” She’s losing hope already.

The call was dropped.

The second time she dialed, a woman’s voice was on the other line.

“Hello, who are you?”

Her eyes widened and she immediately dropped the call.

Why is that a woman answered the call and not him? So fast, Theo. You didn't even let a day pass or you didn't even let me leave.

He stomped her feet, stood up, not minding the tears strolling down her cheeks. He went to the kitchen only to find out Othello is opening every door of the cabinet. “Hey, found something to eat?”

He scratched the back of his head “I didn't, I took an energy bar at the kitchen counter, that's all I saw.” She chuckled.

“Come let’s go, I'll treat you at the drive thru we'll be ate on our flight.” His face lit up, like a child given a candy, but then his face frown.

“You didn’t call him? Or bid goodbye thru text?”

Her eyes watered again, “I called him. He dropped the first call and then the second a woman’s voice answered.” His lips formed an ‘oh’ and he immediately took his keys on the counter table.

“Okay, not talking. Let’s go! We’ll be late on our flight.”

She scrunched her nose and looked at the screen, it says ‘My fiancé <3’, she thought that she could give the cellphone back to its owner, she got this on the floor at the bar last night. “Eh? Why'd drop the call? I'm just tryin' to be one hell of a good samaritan, I wanna give this phone back to, er, "your fiance". If you don't want to then, fine! Ugh, why am I making this a big problem?" She put the phone inside her bag, maybe I'll just give this to the lost and found.