
Tim and I have been together for 1 year and 11 months now. Next month will be our anniversary. I was browsing on my cellphone looking for a good gift to buy for him. I know he got it all, he already has everything. But I want to give something to him that will make him remember me, that I'm the only person in the world he'll only remember when he'll look at that thing.

It's so hard to think of it, he's just so rich. He could even afford to buy someone if he wants to. Well, I'm just one lucky fangirl that caught his attention and all that. I'm not even expecting that my feelings will be reciprocated with just that one night of walking side by side, in that cold windy night.

I dropped my phone on the table and started reminiscing about the important events in my life starting last year the day when I was waiting for an empty jeepney because it's rush hour so it's already hard to find one. Luckily, I saw one and it stops right in front of me but I remember I wasn't the only person who's going home that day that's why I joined myself in the pool of many others who's trying to force themselves inside the jeepney. I sat on the edge part, where people are coming in, I hugged my backpack tighter. "Gosh, I'm never going to wait for those pokers ever again," I said then I put my earphones in my ears. I listened to my favorite song of the day which is Black pink's, Pretty Savage. I closed my eyes and moved my head up and down with the beat.

As I felt that the jeepney starts moving there's this person beside me, a woman particularly, that is acting like a worm. She's giggling like an idiot, I didn't mind her at first because she's just maybe like that but minutes later, I'm starting to eat her hair. This time I looked at her irritatedly, to see what she's been giggling about, in front of me is a person who is wearing an all-black attire. Black shirt. Black pants. Black shoes. Blackcap, Black jacket. Is he an assassin? Stupid, Atyst. Why would an assassin be in here?

I wasn't able to see his face because of the cap and mask. What's so good at looking at this man? I intentionally pushed my hands so she'd stop what she was doing but still no changes from what she was doing earlier. While my forehead is knotted, I looked at the man in front of me, then he raised his head a bit, and for a moment and I was dumbfounded. I couldn't utter a word. But my mouth is hanging opened. Now I understand why is she being like that, for a reason, I too, started to become a worm, I couldn't contain myself from sitting I want to shout and run to him like what a fangirl would always do, but I'm not that thick faced to do that.

Sitting right in front of me is none other than the person whom I want to spend my life with, Timothy Mcisko. I'm a huge fan! From posters, albums, T-shirts, Jackets, Lightsticks. Name it! I have it all! God, what I sight to behold. I hugged my bag tighter, I could feel my sweat dripping down on the side of my face. I consciously wiped it. when I lift my head up, his tantalizing grayish eyes bore to mine. I smiled a little, the corner of his lips lift and butterflies in my stomach just started swirling, I gulped three times. The way he stares is very sexy, what the hell is happening to me? I could feel the connection between us, I know it. He likes me too. I know it's too early to conclude, but hey! There's nothing wrong with that right?

But that connection was cut by this girl sitting beside me. She just continued being an ass and interfering with our momentum. She squeezed herself on her seat and of course, with the jeepney that has room for 20 persons the driver let 25 people in. Cool right? Please note the sarcasm. She continued wiggling her butt, I'm starting to get irritated. I opened my legs a little wider so she won't be able to go in, this is war! I put my left hand behind my bag and with her having long hair I carefully put the strand on the zipper so when she moved it will accidentally pull her hair, but that's the only accident part because I put it intentionally.

And it did, I was right she felt that her hair is tangled up. I looked in another way I pulled my bag to face the left part where the entrance is, and the girl said to her 'ouch'. My insides are laughing, I bit my lip to control my laughter. I felt her touched my shoulder and I turn to her. Her face is distorted when she does that expression. "Oh, I'm sorry. Maybe you're too wriggly, you move a lot that's why." I smiled sweetly. I heard a chuckle in front of me. Oh god! How could I forget? I saw him shook his head while smiling. Freak! You're so handsome! Ugh! This is embarrassing.

I closed my eyes, to hide my embarrassment. Then when I opened my eyes, I saw the store I used to go to when I run out of load. Oh! I'm here already? I felt sad. I may not be able to see him again, I'll take my one last look before shouting. I saw him looking at me confused, maybe he's wondering why am I sad. I gave him a weak smile.

"Kuya, para po!" I shout the driver didn't hear me.

"Kuya, paraaa!" My forehead ceased still no response.

"Kuya, I said para!!" The jeep suddenly had its force stop and I almost kiss the ground of the jeep if it weren't for those two strong arms who helped me stand up, people would see me kissing the floor. As soon as I got up, I shot a deadly glare at the driver and took a breath out.

I turned to Timothy, "Thank you." And then I stoop down of the jeep. I cursed at the jeepney driver when I saw I had to walk one street away from my street. "Great! Just great!" I started walking, I noticed that it's dark and few people will be seen some are in the lamp smoking, err. Thay can't be trusted,

I felt someone walking beside me, Oh god! don't want to use my pepper spray on you! I felt he put his two hands on both sides of my shoulders. I closed my eyes and stop walking then I started calling Jesus.

"Hey, you okay?" I almost jumped when I heard that soothing voice!

"T-tim-othy..." I stutter, this is giving me too much shock. I don't know how to keep my happiness to myself, but what the hell is he doing here?

"W-hy are you here? D-do you live here?" The fact that he lives here, gosh! I'll go to his house everyday and peek through his windows hehe.

"I'm planning to." he slightly pushed my shoulder telling me to walk forward. "Where do you live?" I'm starting to get confused,

"Well, inside that street," but I answered him anyway.

He nodded. Okay he's weird and but I find it cute.

"So, why are you here again? This very odd for you, I mean what the hell are you doing inside of that jeepney and now you're walking me home. This is like our first date, ehe." I whispered the last sentence but I guess he heard it because he chuckled. "I'll answer your question alright."

"I got bored. That's why I rome around and I used to ride jeepneys, because when I was younger my mom used to drive that, and I'm here walking with you, because I don't want to leave a girl walking alone in this dark place with people you can't trust. My conscience is going to eat me. So, yeah. Let me walk you home." I bit my lower lip to hide my smile, Isn't he the sweetest?

I woke up from daydreaming when my phone rang. Oh, It's my baby. I giggled, i cleared my throat before answering. "Hi, babe..."

"Hey, where are you?" No, 'Hi babe too'?

I looked at my phone, is this my baby talking?

"Well, I'm still at my condo. waiting for you to pick me up."

"I'm sorry, can you go first? I need to run some emergency. I'll be a little late." My smile faded. This isn't the first time, I don't know he's been acting like this for the past 3 weeks and I'm starting to get annoyed.

"Why? What happened?" I heard a woman's voice, 'Hey, where not done yet.'

Who's that?

"Who's that, babe?" He didn't answer. "Babe?" 'Go back to bed.' Why the hell is he in bed with that girl?!

"Tim, what bed?"

"Oh babe, that was just... that was Cristine, she has a cold so her voice changed." I stopped for about 2 minutes to sense if he's lying.

"Okay, I'll go."

"Okay, bye. See you."

"Bye, I lov- ---" He ended the call? That's not so you, Tim. What the hell is happening to you?