Homecoming part 1

Jonathan's POV.

Left alone in the car, i decided to catch up on some work related phone calls, mails and voicemail while waiting for their return. 

After making and receiving several calls and voicemail, one of which was from my sister i was finally ready to put my phone down and call it a day. Although, something about Emily's voicemail is still bugging me.

I must have been really out of it while thinking about Emily's message, because when i came to it Lance was helping Mrs Cooper put some luggage into the trunk of the car.

As i stepped out of the car i heard my driver laughing out loudly. And Mrs Cooper wasn't talking, so i will assume the young lady beside her shrugging off what seems to a backpack must be responsible for Lance's laughter.

I'm guessing she is the sister then? She's dressed in a pair of something similar to a pajamas but much more stylish, a high knee boots and a Bennie covering her thick Burnett hair. Hmmm, Africa's weather must be really kind to the skin then?

My heart started beating weirdly at the sight of her almost covered hair. Raising my hand without realizing what i was doing, i caressed my chest trying to wipe the strange feeling off.

"Hope we didn't take too long Mr Snow?" Mrs Cooper's voice brought me out of my little dilemma.

"You guys are back already?" I muttered stupidly as they both laugh, even Lance is trying not to laugh as he hides it with a smile...what is wrong with me today?

"Isabella meet my boss, Mr Snow. He offered to come get you from the airport." She lifted her right arm towards me with a smile as i returned the handshake.

"Its a pleasure to finally meet you in person Mr Snow, and thank you for the ride. Her smooth friendly voice is like music to my ears, as she grips my palm in a warm handshake.

"I should be thanking your sister really, she does put up with me everyday and please call me Jonathan." Both sisters laughs again before the younger woman turns to her sister and say.

"You were right about him sis. He's as good as they come, even though he doesn't know it." I raised my brows at both of them curiously and the younger woman laughs before saying.

"All good things i promise." I sigh in relief while she laughs at my expression. The sound of her voice though...please don't stop laughing i thought, somebody kill me please!

I was still stuck in my thoughts when Mrs Cooper said she needed to use the ladies room before we 

begin the trip back home and i sigh in relief for the interruptions.

Lance had disappeared into the car like always, and the young woman is comfortably leaning on the hood of the car with a thoughtful look.

Without second guessing my thought, my legs carried me to where she is standing as i stop just by her side with both hands in my pockets, and she smiles at me before saying.

"How does a man in his late twenties windup with a multimillion dollar 

company? Not to mention one of the leading clothing brands?" If there's one thing I've learned about this woman, its the fact that she's straight forward with words. So i can't really say i'm surprised that she would asks such a question, if anything i'm intrigued. 

"Why do you wanna know?" I asks as she faces me fully with a calculated smile before saying. "Let's just say...i'm curious." Curious? That's another way of putting it i guess?

"Tell you what? I'll tell you how i windup with a multimillion company, if you tell me how a young woman in her mid twenties has managed to travel more than half of the world." She raised her brows in amusement as if to say...really? But then sighs loudly when she realized i wasn't kidding before muttering quietly. "Mercy." But it was loud enough for me to hear. Huh? Mercy? What's that? 

"Is that like an airline that takes people places for free?" She looks at me for the longest time as if I'd just spurted another pair of head before smiling warmly and says.

"I'm talking about God's mercy. The one that is sufficient for you, i and everyone else who is created by him. The mercy that has kept and sustained us, you. The mercy that makes the blind to see, the lame to walk and a barren woman to have a child even at the age of fifty. That mercy...is what I'm talking about." She ends her speech with a smile while i stare at her trying to comprehend everything she has just said.

But before i could say anything, we heard Mrs Cooper's voice saying. "I'm sorry for keeping you guys waiting, the line at the ladies room was too long." Tearing my gaze form the younger woman, i told Mrs Cooper not to worry about it.

I took my sit at the passenger's side upfront with Lance so that, the sisters can have enough space for themselves at the back as we started our trip back to Mrs Cooper's home.

Thirty minutes long drive with both women talking animatedly about everything they could possibly think of, i started scrolling mindlessly on my phone when i remembered i hadn't listened to the voicemail left earlier by Emily. 

I decided to listen to it as i click on her contact and waited for her usual lively voice to penetrate my ears but i was met with a gloomy sound of a teenager's voice that sounded like she might have been crying. 

--30 minutes later-- 

"Woah!!! This is where you live? I mean...yeah! I've seen it on the news, and people have been talking about it like nonstop on social media. But this is like...wow! Wait till i tell everyone at school about it, they're gonna flip a cow!" Yeah, that's more like the Emily i remember, the one that talks nonstop. She could go on like forever if you let her.

I had Lance drive me to her school after listing to her voicemail. I thought i should bring her to a place where she'd be more comfortable enough to talk, which is why i brought her to my home and now she won't stop talking. (Sighs) And i thought the awkward silence we had in the car moments ago was bad.

"Em, Emily? You said something was wrong and you wanted to talk?" Yikes! The swollen look from when i picked her up from school earlier is back on her face as she says.

"Look! I'm really sorry i called you out of the blue like that, but i was desperate and i didn't know who else to call okay? Our parents have been fighting, like a lot! I know you will say they're adults and can handle their own problems. But PJ doesn't understand that, he thinks they're gonna get divorced and he's freaking out." She says while fumbling with her hands as she stares at her feet.

I noticed how she said 'our parents' instead of her mom and my father when she was talking. She would always refer to Jennie as our mother too when we were kids, i thought that would change once she's big enough to understand things. I guess some things never change then?

She's right about one thing though, i could really tell her to go home and let the adults handle their problems. But that won't be fair to her and PJ, because the adults problems became theirs the moment those two so called adults allowed their kids to have knowledge of their fights. (Sighs) I can't believe Bishop Snow would allow such acts in front of his children's. 

I might not be in good terms with my family right now, but Emily came to me because she's scared and needs my help. I don't wanna turn my back on her like father did to me. So as much as it kills me to do this, I'm gonna have to talk to my father after hearing her side of the story.

"Why don't you settle down and have something to eat, while i quickly change into something comfortable before we talk." I thought it might be better for her to get food in her stomach first, while i go change into something homey seeing as i'm still in my office wears and she'd just left school. She smiles in relief as i lead her to the kitchen area before going upstairs.

Thirty minutes later, Emily has finished devouring a delicious plate of lasagne, a tub of ice cream and some Orios cookies. It never ceased to amaze me how someone this tiny can eat so much at once.

"You can't really blame me for eating everything, i stress eat. Plus, you have an amazing cook." She says while stuffing the last piece of Orios into her mouth. She must have noticed me staring at her while she was eating then? Mrs Billson my cook is really as good as they come. She's literally the only reason i haven't starved from hunger all these years, because i can't cook to save my life and i hate eating out. Something about open spaces just seems to irk me.

"I guess i should tell you why I'm here right?" Emily says bringing me out of my thoughts and i nodded before saying. 

"It will help to know how to assist you if i know what the problem is first ." She took a deep breath as she started her story. 

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Jennie kim as Emily Snow❄

Cooper Lunde as Parker Jason 

Snow❄. (AKA PJ)